Running Scared

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I know it's been out for quite a while already but I never had the interest to watch this movie until I saw that it has a strong 7.5 rating at IMDb, so I thought hey might as well check it out.

This is a very visceral, kinetic movie. There is almost non-stop movement and action from the go... think of Crank on crack with less humour and added adrenaline. The story is pretty straightforward, almost like from a Guy Ritchie film (with Guy Ritchie-type charcters and all), but there are bizarre scenes and a certain surrealism to it. The ending feels rushed and isnt very good but in the context of the movie it's still okay. It's just an action thriller so dont expect a mindblowing ending like Fight Club or something.

Speaking of Fight Club... damn this movie looks a lot like it. In fact the directing and camerawork by Wayne Kramer owes a damn lot to David Fincher, not that it's a bad thing actually because there are some really nice and cool shots throughout the movie ala Fincher style. There is even one scene almost directly from Fight Club where the camera flips so that we see everything upside down. The cinematography and colours and lighting look straight out of Fight Club too. Visually a very nice movie.

The film also takes inspiration from Tony Scott, with all those super quick cuts and blurred/distorted shots... something that I'm not fond of. Thankfully they are used so much less here and it doenst become a pain in the ass like in Tony Scott's Domino, Man on Fire etc.

In the end this is a very entertaining, very fun ride with lots of swearing (supposedly 328 F's) and violence that thrills from beginning to end. The opening and end credits are fantastic as well. And whats more Paul Walker aint actually bad in this one. :laugh:

I give this a 8.5/10 because its stylish and so much fun.

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well he doesn't have much to act, because everything happens in such a frenetic pace, hej ust... behaves and responds. :laugh: Not much acting needed here.

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A surprisingly great Paul Walker film (sounds like a contradiction I know).

Definitely give this one a shot.

A buddy of mind recommended it to me, and while I wrote it off at first (I mean come on, Paul Walker), I was throughly impressed when I finally got around to watching it.

(The hockey puck and pedophile scenes were brilliant)

8.5/10 as well!

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  • 5 months later...

I rented the dvd today for the first time on my 42" LCD and new home theater system, it was great.

I give it a 9/10 , it was fascinating and surreal and surreal scores big for me, I love all the little associations with fairy tales and stories like Alice in Wonderland, Brother's Grimm etc.

I watch the graphics just before the end credits over and over, it reminded me alot of first time I played the pc games of Clive Barker's Undying and American Mcgee's Alice (still can't belive Wizard of Oz canceled) .

The scene with the pedophiles was at first unrelated but it was just a story in a mix of many stories in one plot, it was to me one of the horrifying and heartaching scenes ever and I was feeling sad pleasue when the pair was shot, the bitter taste of revenge.

Good strong movie.... a must see.

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bottom line = Running Scared was a great movie it deserves it's rating on ... me personally i gave it a 10/10 cause i went in not knowing much about it and it was much better then i was expecting.

and one of the big reasons i did give it a 10/10 was cause it got my heart pumping and thats rare for me anymore to have that happen (i watch alot of movies to) .... best movie of 2006 without breaking a sweat if you ask me.... as for heart pumping the last movie before this one that did it was "Open Range" (2003) ... this was much slower paced than running scared, but it built up the end shootout very well and you got excitement out of it just cause of it building up to it etc.

it's still a good movie even for more than a couple watches and even though after a few watches it aint as good as my initial watch it's still pretty good ;)

also i dont get why everyone seems to hate Paul Walker.... this movie (running scared) was easily his best. although i thought he was decent in the fast and the furious movies and i just watched that "The Death & Life Of Bobby Z" not long ago and it was decent... and even that "Into The Blue" i thought was fairly good nothing great but good.

p.s. @ Rob2687 ... 5/10? ... u gotta be kidding me... it's a 7/10 without breaking a sweat i dont understand how ANYONE could go less than this as it kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the movie etc.

p.s.s. my best movie of 2005 was "Lord Of War" ... which i also gave a 10/10 (not heart pumping at all, just a good movie) ... although this is one of those movies that got better with age as when i first seen it i think i gave it along the lines of 7-8/10 but after seeing it a few more times (or more) it grew on me and now i give it a 10/10 (p.s. i dont give out 10's often either)

also i just thought i would mention if you aint seen "The Professional" (1994) ( ) then you gotta see that to 10/10 movie..... and one of my very best movies in general.... just get the 133min version as the original realease USA version has stuff cut from it.

Edited by ThaCrip
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I LOVED this movie. If you love gore, a good story and a little twist action film, this is for you.

They use CG for the shooting scenes (shooting in the head. Looked very real, not that I would know what getting shot in the head would look like. :p)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I LOVED this movie. If you love gore, a good story and a little twist action film, this is for you.

They use CG for the shooting scenes (shooting in the head. Looked very real, not that I would know what getting shot in the head would look like. :p)

It's bloody.

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