[Boxing] De La Hoya vs. Mayweather

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Just thought I would make an official thread for tonight's big fight. What do you guys think will be the outcome? Also, what time is it coming on?

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On my way to my friends house to watch it. I really want DeLaHoya to win, I just have a ton of respect for him as he has never ducked anyone (and for the record I used to hate him when I was younger), and Mayweather just lacks any kind of respect for him, which maybe I am getting old but as a result I just feel he is a young punk with a big mouth.

With that said, Mayweather is without a doubt the real deal, and I just believe Mayweather is going to prove to be to much for Oscar.

Still torn, as I do think Oscar can do pull it out perhaps, but whomever wins, I honestly cannot see this fight going the distance. I really cannot see it going past 6 rounds actually.

Cannot get here soon enough.

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On my way to my friends house to watch it. I really want DeLaHoya to win, I just have a ton of respect for him as he has never ducked anyone (and for the record I used to hate him when I was younger), and Mayweather just lacks any kind of respect for him, which maybe I am getting old but as a result I just feel he is a young punk with a big mouth.

With that said, Mayweather is without a doubt the real deal, and I just believe Mayweather is going to prove to be to much for Oscar.

Still torn, as I do think Oscar can do pull it out perhaps, but whomever wins, I honestly cannot see this fight going the distance. I really cannot see it going past 6 rounds actually.

Cannot get here soon enough.

Yeah man I have a lot of respect for De La Hoya too. I'm always with him except when he fought Trinidad (hehe one of my fav fighters and he is Puerto Rican so I wasn't going against him hehe). But same here, I really want De La Hoya to win. I kinda hate fighters like Mayweather.

*Going now to my friends house* :D

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Wow what a fight! I have to say it was exciting. I totally understand why people hate mayweather, his attitude isnt really the best but as a boxer he was simply amazing. Speed, agility and style mayweather has been trained very well and has perfect genetics for the sport.

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i watched the fight just cuz i do like boxing. didnt root for either one. i thought the fight was rather boring myself. the spats by de la hoya were ok. but he didnt really do any hitting. and mayweather did some hitting, just not a lot of it. could have gone either way to me.

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Yeah, there were some flashes of something that could've been exciting, but, de la Hoya's flurries did no real damage, and Mayweather, while quick and precise, did no damage either. So, in the end the match started out like it would be really good, but got pretty boring after round 6.

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i watched the fight just cuz i do like boxing. didnt root for either one. i thought the fight was rather boring myself. the spats by de la hoya were ok. but he didnt really do any hitting. and mayweather did some hitting, just not a lot of it. could have gone either way to me.
Yeah, there were some flashes of something that could've been exciting, but, de la Hoya's flurries did no real damage, and Mayweather, while quick and precise, did no damage either. So, in the end the match started out like it would be really good, but got pretty boring after round 6.

Gotta Say, I agree with you both and you are equally pretty much spot on.

DL's Barely In-Depth Analysis of The Pretty & Golden Boy's Extremely Hyped Fight :laugh:

Written By: Dirty Larry

May 06, 1:47 AM

While The Eve Of Cinco De Mayo had many boxing fans expected the fight to end all fights, all we received was the end of a fight, and a not a very impressive end one at that. It was a good end. Actually, it was just an end, decent at best. It is safe to say it was not the end I, along with many other boxing fans I am guessing, would say that anyone truly expected and/or wanted.

First off, Mayweather coming out dressed in the Mexican gear was just downright despicable. I will leave it at that.

Onto the fight itself...

I give Oscar credit for pushing it like he did and being the aggressor, especially in the first half of the bout.

Now I also absolutely must give a ton of credit to Mayweather for his persistent precision punching throughout the entire fight, although he could have applied more pressure with his precision, especially earlier in the fight.

However, while each had some glimpses of greatness, neither ever took the position of absolute dominator.

So although Floyd overall executed his strategy with more effectiveness, and he did wind up technically "out-boxing" DeLa Hoya, Floyd's strategy was nowhere near the "massacre" he claimed it would be. Oscar definitely held his own better than any of the so called analysts predicted him doing so. Then again, boxing analysts nearly ever predict things correctly. Wether that is because of the unpredictable results that are part of two men punching each other, or the the unpredictable results of the judges scores card, is always up for debate.

In the simplest of words, this was just not the fight of the year, nevermind one of the best fights in the past few years, that it was hyped up to be.

With all of that said, without knowing if it is definitely true or not, the last thing I will say is about the state of Boxing itself. I just cannot dismiss the strong possibility that Boxing has some very, very shady politics, especially with the promoters, and extremely questionable business practices associated with it's name. So just considering the fight that had a reality show tied to it and the most marketing I have seen for a fight in awhile, tonight very well possibly was just all about about the payday and the spectacle of the event more than the fight itself.

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Mayweather just made his punches count...finished the match with hit percentage of around 43%. I definitely though Mayweather was going to have an easier fight though...did anyone listen to the interview during the fight right before the main event with Floyd Sr.? Guy definitely lost more than a few of his brain cells during his career, probably in more ways than one.

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Mayweather got clean punches in, and he just attacked more than De La Hoya, which is ultimately why he was the winner of the split-decision. Perhaps this will kickstart the sport alive again?

As for me, I'm going to train for MMA. :p

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I think the judges gave it to Mayweather because De La Hoya went a bit queit in the later rounds after a pacey start. Personally I wanted to see De La Hoya win so that someone would shut that trash talking motor mouth that Mayweather just can't control.

It was a bit of a queit fight, but I think the hype made out that we would see an early knockout. However, it was a much better fight than we've had to watch lately. It might revive the sport for a while, but until the World Organisations get their acts together and give the fans what they want, that is Champion vs. Champion in the weight divisions, boxing will just go down the pan again, because frankly it's just not as entertaining these days.

I'm gonna stick with MMA, much more entertaining, much more skill, much better fighters, and most importantly the fans tend to get the fights they want! :D

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I was gonna stay up and watch this but thought against it in the end because I just felt Mayweather would win...and I was right oh well Hoya can now go away with a nice massive paycheck and his head held up high and retire or maybe theres a rematch in the golden boy? :D

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I'm gonna stick with MMA, much more entertaining, much more skill, much better fighters, and most importantly the fans tend to get the fights they want![/quote]


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