The Usual Suspects (1995)

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Great film and plot twist, Spacey rock(Y)Y)


Monumentally good film.

In my top 5 of all time, definately.



10(Y) (Y)

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Finally got around to watching this last night. (following might contain spoilers to Seven)

The best ending in a film ever............. MY ASS!

IMO more like one of the most overrated movies of all time.

The performances are okay (only Spacey shines) and almost zero character development and background, I simply did not care for any of the characters except for Verbal Kint. Pretty much the only thing going for this movie is the supposedly excellent script... which isn't anywhere that excellent anyway. For almost the entire length of the film we the audience are fed lies, and the ending was simply "hey guess what what you just saw didnt happen! The End.". The filmmakers had a laugh alright, fooling the audience like that. And they must be happy seeing so many worship this near-junk.

What's more, from the start I already had a feeling Verbal Kint was Keyser Soze, probably because he was the most unknown of the bunch... and gimps always make good killers. Plus I saw Seven first, and Spacey had identical roles in both films.

You want a brilliant thriller with a great ending and a great script, watch Seven again. Everything in Seven trumps this.


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