Cannabis, Poll your Views


432 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever used Cannabis?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Will you use Cannabis? again?

    • Yes
    • I am not Opposed
    • Not Sure
    • No
  3. 3. Do You Support Legalization / Decriminalization of Cannabis?

    • Legalize Cannabis
    • Decriminalize Cannabis
    • Keep Cannabis Illegal

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Pot would lead to other drugs, just as cigs or alcohol would as well..... so using that argument is stupid, and now thrown out.

Pot brings on paranoia and causes people to act weirdly.... i guess its the pot, not the laws that can have you thrown into jail for very long times... seriously, the reason people hide and smoke, seem paranoid about it, and may act funny, is usually a side effect of the laws against the drug. If they didnt have to worry about having their lives ruined because of smoking it, im sure they would only be even more happy and at peace.

Pot is laced with other drugs.... maybe if you buy from a shady dealer who is trying to kill his customers.... legalize it, have government regulations, and you have nothing to worry about. Hell, if i bought cigs or alcohol from some dude off the street, i would have the same worries... correct?

Pot makes you lazy and un-motivates you... Again, when you put the fear that someone high will go to jail, they are more likely to not being going about town or trying things while high. Thus, due to the laws against the drug, it forces those to stay inside and do what they can, instead of maybe actually using it with what motivates them. Odd how many musicians, artist, writers, and other sort of awesome talents, people say that pot has actually helped them in thinking those things out. People who smoke weed are stuck in the bottom, not because of the weed, but because of the laws around it. Companies drug test for it, so you cant get a good job if you smoke; Even when it wouldnt hinder your performance any. ( not saying go to work stoned, just saying that a user who does it only while at home, and doesnt go to work high, will not have his job performance affected by it. )

In the end, EVERYONE MUST REMEMBER, EVERYTHING ISNT FOR EVERYONE! Just like a drivers license, some people just shouldnt have it. There are those who cant smoke cigs because they cant handle it. Those who drink alcohol and go crazy, so they shouldnt. As for weed, if it makes you do something that you dont like, or that is actually harmful to yourself or others, then it obviously isnt for you. To deprive someone of doing something, that has no effect on your life, your liberty, your peace, is just selfish and inconsiderate of others freedoms. If you dont like the smell, you know what, there are plenty of smells people dont like, ask them to move or walk some feet to the right or something. Sometimes we have to realize, we (me, you, ourself) are not the most important thing, and that really all of us, as a community, is what really matters. We should try to accommodate to everyone that we can, as long as it isnt destroying the community.

ps. To judge and base a decision on nothing but hearsay is pure ignorance. If you have never smoked it, you really have no say as to why its bad. You can complain that you dont like how it looks and smells, but without any other tidbit of knowledge on what it actually does, you cant defend any anti or pro drug argument. Research about it, thoroughly, and even test it; then you may discuss why you think its bad. But really in the long run, you have more to fear and worry about cigs.

thank the Lord for this bit of sense :)

now the Sunday roast can have its Sage and Rosamary without fear !


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I still think people are missing the social responsibility side of things. Maybe it isn't as bad in the states, but over here irresponsible consumption of alcohol is, IMO, a huge problem. People just go out and get ****ed for the sake of getting ****ed - that isn't responsible. Responsible would be a glass of wine with a meal or one pint/can of beer a night. I can't imagine things getting any better if Cannabis was legalised here.

I don't totally buy the reduction in money spent on fighting drug crime either. Sure, the amount of effort that goes into dealers and users reduces, but then the amount of effort spent on crimes like DUI goes up. It could potentially go to a level higher than now, as those who wouldn't have previously taken it would start taking it, increasing the number of related crimes. Unless of course you treat it the same as alcohol related crimes and simply don't give a toss. 3 Month sentences for drunk-driver-kid-road-kill FTW!

I'm not bothered about the health side. As with alcohol and smoking - it's your body and if you want to trash it, good for you! But when it starts effecting others, it has to stop! My Mum, sister and I were on the receiving end of a violent, alcoholic, husband/father, which is something that is becoming all too common in society now, if what we were told by those who eventually helped is true.

A lot of people seem to forget that alcohol/drug consumption doesn't just effect the user, but those around them, which frustrates me hugely. People get so annoyed about the Iraq war, China/Tibet, etc because it hurts people, but don't look at the effect of things going on in their own back garden.

To sum it up - as people can't consume alcohol sensibly and responsibly, and remember that they aren't the only human being on the planet, then they are certainly not capable of handling drugs in a sensible and responsible manner.

And no, I don't drink, I have no desire to and I don't have a problem with those who do it, providing they drink in a responsible manner, even though there is no valid reason why they should drink in the first place. I don't need to drink, or take cannabis, to see the effects it has on those other than the user.


Edited by Fourjays
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^ Interesting, but most people who smoke Cannabis don't bother others.

People here go out the bars, get drunk and go home.

I've done it, nothing wrong with it. I wasn't hurting anyone and I'm not saying that others don't but most people handle themselves.

Edited by Zab
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^ Interesting, but most people who smoke Cannabis don't bother others.

As already pointed out (as a pro-legalisation remark regards cannabis users not working), it's because if they did they would get busted.

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i think it's not responsibility issue. it's just that some people like to get ****ed up. i like it too.

some of us just have it in our genes (as we're not the first generation ****ing ourselves up) -- you either do it or battle with it

if you find yourself a ****ing waster .. why not start smoking buds instead. maybe someday your head comes back home and your decide to live a normal life at least your body wont be completely ****ed. it also wont make you beat up your whole family and then showing how much of a man you are @ drunkdriving, like alcohol could. how much people get killed by someone whos drunk ? how much get killed by someone stoned?

after some time of hardcore drinking you get a delerium (or something like that, dunno how it spells) -- do potheads have something like that?

oversmoking psychosis? i dont think so

i know some sad examples of people really hooked on pot (stuff like that can happen if you have an addictive personality, but well -- with that you can get hooked on pretty much anything else) -- but well, what really happens when they are out of pot? well, they wanna smoke up, and mostly that's it. but an alcoholic can die on a hardcore hangover. and you can die from overdosing alcohol aswell

heck, why should we even discuss which one to legalize, which one to outlaw, it's obvious

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i think it's not responsibility issue. it's just that some people like to get ****ed up. i like it too.

some of us just have it in our genes (as we're not the first generation ****ing ourselves up) -- you either do it or battle with it

if you find yourself a ****ing waster .. why not start smoking buds instead. maybe someday your head comes back home and your decide to live a normal life at least your body wont be completely ****ed. it also wont make you beat up your whole family and then showing how much of a man you are @ drunkdriving, like alcohol could. how much people get killed by someone whos drunk ? how much get killed by someone stoned?

after some time of hardcore drinking you get a delerium (or something like that, dunno how it spells) -- do potheads have something like that?

oversmoking psychosis? i dont think so

i know some sad examples of people really hooked on pot (stuff like that can happen if you have an addictive personality, but well -- with that you can get hooked on pretty much anything else) -- but well, what really happens when they are out of pot? well, they wanna smoke up, and mostly that's it. but an alcoholic can die on a hardcore hangover. and you can die from overdosing alcohol aswell

heck, why should we even discuss which one to legalize, which one to outlaw, it's obvious


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I've seen what drugs do to people. I can't support something that ruins lives, IMO. And it's not like weed is even pure anymore. It's loaded with chemicals.

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^ very uneducated on it.

Most Cannabis you buy will be exactly Cannabis. Grown from soils with no more chemicals in them than the very vegetables you eat.

The very smoking of Cannabis by itself doesn't hurt anybody unless these people are already unstable / possibly if unmotivated / have a mental disability / addictive personality, in which case they should stay away from any drug besides Aspirin and Prescriptions.

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i think it's not responsibility issue. it's just that some people like to get ****ed up. i like it too.

some of us just have it in our genes (as we're not the first generation ****ing ourselves up) -- you either do it or battle with it

if you find yourself a ****ing waster .. why not start smoking buds instead. maybe someday your head comes back home and your decide to live a normal life at least your body wont be completely ****ed. it also wont make you beat up your whole family and then showing how much of a man you are @ drunkdriving, like alcohol could. how much people get killed by someone whos drunk ? how much get killed by someone stoned?

after some time of hardcore drinking you get a delerium (or something like that, dunno how it spells) -- do potheads have something like that?

oversmoking psychosis? i dont think so

i know some sad examples of people really hooked on pot (stuff like that can happen if you have an addictive personality, but well -- with that you can get hooked on pretty much anything else) -- but well, what really happens when they are out of pot? well, they wanna smoke up, and mostly that's it. but an alcoholic can die on a hardcore hangover. and you can die from overdosing alcohol aswell

heck, why should we even discuss which one to legalize, which one to outlaw, it's obvious

You are quite right and I have to concede that alcohol is the "greater evil" of the two.

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The problem is Cannabis sets your mind free, Alcohol imprisons it.

Which one do you think the Government wants you to consume?

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I've seen what drugs do to people. I can't support something that ruins lives, IMO. And it's not like weed is even pure anymore. It's loaded with chemicals.

it's not drugs, it's people themselves. it's not like anyone's actually pushing you to do alcohol/drugs -- all you can blame is yourself for wanting it. after all -- you can always change your ways, whatever your hooked on. but only if you REALLY want it. get ready to put in some effort. & for some people, it's still just a way to get help from others -- show them the hard **** your going trough, eh. well if it is it that hard, then stop going trough it and do something useful instead. abusing stubstances is all about having fun, and nothing more. if you actually start not having fun, it's whack.

no offense, i might aswell say this to myself.

and the only weed which isnt pure -- that's **** weed, which otherwise wouldnt get you high at all. and it wont even when tuned, as it's some whack chemical high (which is quite likely to make your head hurt), not natural.

i know the strains i smoke. i know what they look like, what they smell like and what they get me high like. heck, i even know how fast it drains out when i either leave it on my table or put it in the fridge. if i would smell something that shouldn't be, i would go right back to the guy for a refund, as i've gotten something i didn't wanted. it's either really good weed or no weed for me.

cannabis won't magically set your mind free, tho. i've seen some people who manage to imprison theirs very well with the help of our sacred herb -- their fault, anyways -- make it a lesson for yourself. what it will do, it will make things look different to you, and therefore make you think about them from an other side. when you look @ what's your government saying from another side (other than blindly focusing on the "clever" words) there is nothing much left but crap. sure it doesn't go out to all countries, but surely to the one i'm living in :] sometimes it will just hurt you to see how shallow other people are, but you shouldnt. after all this is one big animal kingdom -- and you should thrive to be the fastest, the strongest, the best, in terms of a healthy body and mind. so if you find some **** pulling you back, you just know you have to quit it. automatically.

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Smoking cannabis should be banned.

simple really ;)

No not simple.

Do your research and come back when you are ready..

Thank you

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The laws anti-tobacco are not criminalizing smokers, as you are trying to pose.

They don't say to (private) companies "smokers can't smoke here", they state "make conditions for smokers, or else no smokie". The same can't be said about state spaces for obvious reasons. Smokers are given an option to quit or gtfo, when they shouldn't get one.

If you want to talk about hypocrisy, talk about our prime minister smoking with his buddies on the flights, same with the presidential staff.

If you want to talk about hypocrisy, talk about the good things about tobacco.

Your issues in Ireland occur here as well (except for the kids asking for booze and the prices rises in tobacco or booze; bumping gasoline/diesel prices are their deal, 17 rises since the beginning of the year).

So I'll have to say I agree (up to an extension) with urbaneve's post but all the drugs that she listed are prescription drugs here.

And to that guy with the "set your mind free" crap... Seriously. Shut up.

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smoking ciggies is just whack

i don't see how it is enjoyable, nor any point to do so (tobacco does not reduce stress, it just limits your bloodflow, which causes headache and well alotof bad things), as they mostly have so many additives that you actually feel intoxication after smoking one

it wasn't that bad when i started smoking tho. now all the ciggies i get to buy are produced in lihtuania/poland, which could be the cause (it's not that i say they're bad countries -- it's just that large tobacco companies tend to save money on the production goin on there).

even if it doesn't make you sick right after smoking, it's bad.

it reduces lung capacity, contains lots of poisons, makes your body basically weaker (as you poison it a little bit all the time), reduces apetite blahblah, could go on and on, but i'm smoking rolling tobacco myself daily :rolleyes:

it should be banned -- as people are clearly ignorant and just smoke for the hell of it

come on, we all know it: tobacco causes cancer, it's a 50/50 that you'll get it if you spend your life smoking

what is it? we love tobacco companies more than we love ourselves? basically you're giving your health and money to them, just cause it's easier to smoke than to quit. how pathetic.

And to that guy with the "set your mind free" crap... Seriously. Shut up.

well it can help you set your mind free. anything can, if you believe so.

thing is in believing tho

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  • 2 weeks later...
unstable / possibly if unmotivated / have a mental disability / addictive personality...

So, most people.

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Now that provinces like Alberta are starting to make polluting public air illegal, I think we're in a good position to legalize pot. I can sympathize with people who want to go to a restaurant with their family and not inhale a pack of ciggrettes.

On the flip side, alcohol and nicotene are far more damaging. In my experience, the short-term effects of pot lasts approximately 3 days on myself. The main buzz will wear off after a few hours but I'll typically remain a bit more sluggish for the next 3 days after smoking.

I fly planes, and if I do choose to smoke pot, I will make sure I'm not flying a plane for atleast the next 72 hours. Technically, I should probably allow it to clear my blood to avoid any legal complications, but that can take between 2 weeks to 2 months. And I guarantee you, pot is not slowing me up anymore after a week of being sober. As well I should note: I would rather fly with a pilot who is as high as kite than with one who is hungover.

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Tried it... wasn't that all impressed. Haven't done it since and doubt I'd do it again.

I do think it should be legalized with the same penalties that drinking has... no under 21... no driving... etc...

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As well I should note: I would rather fly with a pilot who is as high as kite than with one who is hungover.

All those buttons would be a buzz kill. (course pilots do know what they mean / do so haha)

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Tried it... wasn't that all impressed. Haven't done it since and doubt I'd do it again.

I do think it should be legalized with the same penalties that drinking has... no under 21... no driving... etc...

no one gets high on the first puff.

I wasn't impressed either the first time I tried it, but after a few tries I saw its potential.

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