Human Running Speeds of 35 to 40 Mph May Be Biologically Possible

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And the OP article also isn't talking about Average Joe either.??It's saying that it's potentially possible for top runners to go faster than now.??Meaning people genetically favoured for running, not Average Joe.

Which turns us in a circle ending up at the beginning of my insightful brilliant posts were i exactly put this point forward and discuss how the current crop of toprunners are already not average joe and shaving off 4 seconds when they're counting in shaving milliseconds is just way to impossible without genetic engineering.

Often i notice that you agree with me but don't know it yet.? :rofl:

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Introduction to Lower Back Pain and Running

Runners ultimately put enormous stress on the lower back. The constant pounding of the feet causing shock waves to be vibrated to the spine and hips.

General Causes of Lower Back Pain

Conditions such as flat feet can cause a mechanical imbalance which can ultimately result in back pain. A limb length discrepancy or even a pelvic imbalance can result in lower back pain. Other conditions such as spinal curvature and a degenerative disc between the vertebrae can lead to back pain.

From the horse smouth:

Ouch. I've overlooked quite a few other obstacles to running a 1000 mph:



The answer to this question is really a lot simpler than it seems, but still so many runners are plagued with various knee injuries. Today we answer this question for you, hoping that you will benefit right away and continue running with pleasure instead of pain. So, how to avoid knee problems in running? First, you have to understand the correct role of the knee in running and, second, use the proper running technique. Just think, if you don't know how to use something and don't understand the intended way of using it, there is a strong chance that you... [Continue reading...]


It is quite a frequent injury in runners, and not only the beginners, or amateurs, but in elite, as well. It happens during running on an uneven surface, on trails full of rocks, roots, hidden holes and at a sudden change of surface. Most often ankle sprain goes laterally – outside, damaging ligaments and tendons of the foot, which could take a runner out of activity for quite a long time. In severe cases it could last a month or longer. But the most bizarre thing about ligament and tendons is that they keep this memory for a very... [Continue reading...]


"I have not been able to run for almost three months now with the ball of foot pain, sort of like a neuroma. I went to a physio and the thoughts were that it is not a neuroma and not a stress fracture. It remains a medical mystery. I had severe pain under the second metatarsal joint and paralysis of that toe. The whole thing started with a lot of arch pain and then settled into that extreme metatarsal pain. I have minimal arches to start with. The fifth metatarsal is also a bit sore, but not nearly as extreme."(Lynn)... [Continue reading...]


Running injury know by the name "runner's knee" is an injury with the pain located on the tendon below knee cap. This tendon attached to the knee cap and to the knee extensor muscles - quads. This injury has highest rate in running community and goes up to 35 % of all injuries among runners. Originally this kind of injury was associated with high jumpers and called "high jumpers knee", but because runners over numbered with occurring of it "priority" with the name was given to them. What is the essence of this injury? Mostly it is the pain in... [Continue reading...]


According to the dictionary (1), shin splints is a term used loosely to describe an "over-use injury characterized by dull aching pain, associated with exercise, felt along the shins, either to the inside or outside of the main shin-bone ("tibia"). Shin splints in medical terms are called: "posterior and anterior tibial bone strain and fibular bone strain"(2). With some sense of humor T. Noakes in his book "Running Injuries"(2) wrote:" In the 1900s, before the running revolution, there was really one running injury. As long as you were a runner, and you hurt somewhere between the big toes and the... [Continue reading...]


First of all, I would like to state that pain in low abdominals is a very unusual thing in running, if it is not related to something like flexing the body by lifting your legs or the trunk. I think that pain is the result of some improper movement, which means that a specific muscle group was involved in improper activity, which could have been wrong timing or a response to the request of more activity than they could handle. To continue with this line of logic, we should think of why could the abdominal muscles be involved in any... [Continue reading...]


Q: I am interested in trying your technique. I have been bothered by neuromas in my feet . Does your technique work if you have neuromas? It appears that your technique would put more pressure on the forefoot? Thanks for your help. John A: A neuroma is a swelling of a part of a nerve caused when the nerve gets pinched. In the foot it is called a Morton's neuroma, an interdigital neuroma, or a plantar neuroma. It usually affects the nerve between the third and fourth toes or, less often, the second and third toes. The swelling, or neuroma,... [Continue reading...]


Hamstring injuries happen mostly in short running distances and sprints. Nevertheless it is a common injury for long distance runners as well. Anatomically the hamstring muscles are representing a group of muscles of the posterior thigh, consisting of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. Hamstrings are major extensors of the hip and strong flexes of the knee. Biceps femoris is the most lateral of the three hamstring muscles. It has a two-headed muscle with the origin of its long head on the ischial tuberosity, and the origin of its short head on the linea aspera and distal part of the... [Continue reading...]


This topic quite often appears on the Pose Tech forum. Pain in this area appears to be a byproduct of learning the Pose Method. Runners complain about this discomfort attributing it to the new technique. The situation is quite the opposite - this pain comes because of deviation from the proper Pose technique. What lies at the bottom of this problem? First of all, this is the part of the foot which was never before used in such a manner. So, obviously the load on the balls of the feet is increased significantly. It would be OK, if the load... [Continue reading...]


Chuang Tzu defines pain as "the penalty for violating the principle of nature". And what is the main goal in nature? - Survival. How does it apply to biological systems? It works through fear and pain, where soreness is an early warning, helping the body to recognize danger, necessary to avoid in order to survive. Pain is confirmation of our fear, it signals us that we are doing something wrong and need to stop and change something. Certainly, fear could appear even without any pain, just in anticipation of getting it, and prevent us from any activity in this direction.... [Continue reading...]


Is one of the most frequent injuries in the running field and probably most uncomfortable, because of its location. The plantar surface of the foot sole is very vulnerable for different kinds of impacts during support time in running. The nature of impacts is overloading by one's own body weight or gravity, which the body weight represents. The mechanics of overloading is very simple. In some cases, it is resisting to the body weight going downward to the ground during support, when plantar muscles and tendons perform as a part of the chain of resistance. It means that the ankle... [Continue reading...]


Calf soreness very often appears at the beginning of the learning process in the Pose Method and bothers the runner around 2-3 weeks while he is adapting to the new neuro-muscular coordination and to the regime of muscle loading. Is it possible to avoid these negative consequences? This is a constant question I am getting from our website's running forum and standard clinics. The fact of having muscle strain is the first indication of getting DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) syndrome, which appears 12 to 48 hours after exercising and is characterized by tenderness and stiffness of muscles. The... [Continue reading...]


When I say at Pose Tech running clinics that my students do not have this problem, I usually get something like: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep talking". It is really difficult to get people to accept the fact that this is not fatal - to run and to not have any negative consequences. As I see on our website's Running Forum, ITB syndrome is a hot topic, which means that lots of runners went and may still be going through this unpleasant experience. And I really want to help these people who were deprived of running. As probably most of the... [Continue reading...]


This a common problem for many runners and very often with no solution except for the unlikable one - to get off of running to get healed. But your solution is inside running itself: you have to run proper. What exactly does it mean? First and foremost: do not work against gravity. Do not pound the ground with your heels Do not push the ground off with your legs The next important point is the body position in relation to support. If your body is not aligned along the straight line going through the shoulders, hips, and forefoot on support,... [Continue reading...]


QUESTION: Help! I am signed up to run my first marathon (thanks to Pose) in 2 weeks and I've injured my foot. I woke up early yesterday morning to do my last 20+ mile run before the race. I was running in the dark and I stepped on a stick in the trail. The stick had a broken branch leaving a nice stub pointing upwards. The point went into the bottom of my NB 230s (thin sole) and poked me REALLY hard just behind the ball of my foot. I went on for another mile to see if I could... [Continue reading...]

ACHILLES TENDINITIS: what is the problem?

Our Running Forum again raised the hot topic of “Achilles Tendinitis”, a common injury of lots of people, especially runners, which deprivates them not only of pleasure of running, but also influences their entire life. They spend a lot of money, time and efforts to cure themselves from this painful injury to be able to continue doing what they love to do, and what saves them from stress and helps them to keep their healthy lifestyle. But in many cases traditional medicine fails to help them and even after costly surgery they are still not able to resume running. Many... [Continue reading...]

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