Google/Android - Logo was Copied?

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the Android logo used by Google to develop and distribute their mobile and tablet operating system is more or less a copy of an original character (also named Android!) from an old 1990′s Atari game called Gauntlet: The Third Encounter. Google could be in big trouble here with copyright issues and claims, and it will be interesting to see what they say in regards to this blatant copy of their world-renowned Android logo. Now, Google could argue that their Android logo, despite being similar in appearance and with the same name as the 1990′s game logo, is completely redesigned and unique. However, looking closely, one must wonder, what were the developers at Google thinking when they pulled a stunt like this?

Source: Here (with image as proof!)

Ooh man, Google really got themselves in a pickle this time.. I am an Android user personally and I absolutely love the OS, but this could be a big issue to google if the developers of the original logo decide to file a lawsuit.. I wonder what would happen then.. Stay tuned, i guess?

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Also looks like r2d2.. and many other trashcan based robots.... I could see them getting in hot water over this, but I don't believe they should. 20 year copywrite on a game that is not even made or distributed anymore as well... how is this hurting or keeping gauntlet back? lol

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Also looks like r2d2.. and many other trashcan based robots.... I could see them getting in hot water over this, but I don't believe they should. 20 year copywrite on a game that is not even made or distributed anymore as well... how is this hurting or keeping gauntlet back? lol

Methinks tis a joke. :)

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Firstly, an Android is defined as follows:

An android is a robot or synthetic organism designed to look and act like a human.

Android as a name is not copyright.

Secondly, the original drawing and the current Android logo are pretty standard as far as robots go. The antennae and somewhat round figure are the only distinguishing features that could be argued.

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