[OFFICIAL] Windows 10 Insider Program

Windows Technical Preview  

1,031 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being worst, 5 being best. What do you think of Windows 10 from the leaks so far?

    • 5.Great, best OS ever
    • 4. Pretty Good, needs a lot of minor tweaks
    • 3. OK, Needs a few major improvements, some minor ones
    • 2. Fine, Needs a lot of major improvements
    • 1.Poor, Needs too many improvements, all hope is lost, never going to use it
  2. 2. Based on the recent leaks by Neowin and Winfuture.de, my next OS upgrade will be?

    • Windows 10
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 7
    • Sticking with XP
    • OSX Yosemite
    • Linux
    • Sticking with OSX Mavericks
  3. 3. Should Microsoft give away Windows 10 for free?

    • Yes for Windows 8.1 Users
    • Yes for Windows 7 and above users
    • Yes for Vista and above users
    • Yes for XP and above users
    • Yes for all Windows users
    • No

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That's what they're going to call it in the end, just "Settings". This will match it with how it's always been called on the phone so we have the consistency there.  This should also mean the messy settings page in WP will finally get organized into the same categories we see in the screenshots.


The only thing left is for MS to have a API so that things can be added to Settings like they can be to the control panel.  There are hints of maybe having a specific area that can hold things from the OEMs or hardware makers, we'll see how it goes.

That's what I'm hoping for. Apple lets third parties add things into the System Preferences, I'd like Windows to do the same. I really don't like having a million and one options written by third parties.

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Being depreciated! Hooray!



Curious how it's been deprecated, and still present in the build. Also, I wonder if that syntax is present in all Control Panel windows.

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they need to get the title bars unified... I don't like how "metro" apps have one and normal programs have another... and ontop of that the normal program min/max/close buttons need redone... it they make them look like in the last few screen shots with the black title bar it would look great... the off center with a red box ones look hidious

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they need to get the title bars unified... I don't like how "metro" apps have one and normal programs have another... and ontop of that the normal program min/max/close buttons need redone... it they make them look like in the last few screen shots with the black title bar it would look great... the off center with a red box ones look hideous


Maybe they're keeping them different so that users don't expect win32 and 'modern' applications to behave the same as to avoid end users being angry at not getting the same results on both? Maybe the other option is that Microsoft is going to make all of Windows built in applications have the same look and feel but win32 applications that are added default back to the traditional title bar etc.

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Maybe they're keeping them different so that users don't expect win32 and 'modern' applications to behave the same as to avoid end users being angry at not getting the same results on both? Maybe the other option is that Microsoft is going to make all of Windows built in applications have the same look and feel but win32 applications that are added default back to the traditional title bar etc.

I think it is more likely that they are still determining what the final UI will look like - testing bits with the modern app window frames which would be easier to test and work with, then bring that design over to the classic desktop UI when they overhaul everything

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I think it is more likely that they are still determining what the final UI will look like - testing bits with the modern app window frames which would be easier to test and work with, then bring that design over to the classic desktop UI when they overhaul everything


Sounds about right - if the big presentation is January to show off the look and feel then I wouldn't be surprised if they're holding things back with the main focus so far being on nailing down the fundamental underpinnings before anything else.


Just having a look at the new Settings page and I love it - it seems that Nadella and the management team has finally understood the idea of fit and finish - rather than the disjointed nature of how Windows has been for quite some time.

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Looks like they haven't taken off for the holidays yet, build 9901 isn't that old. Buildfeed has the newest version as being 9909, compiled on the 12th.  Could be the newest build we see till after the holidays unless they go back to work tomorrow.

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Build 9901 is a big one. A lot has been changed.


  • Searchbar in taskbar by default
  • Taskbar is no longer transparent
  • Cortana enabled
  • A lot of apps have been revamped completely, including the Store, Settings, Alarms, Calculator, Camera, Help, Sound recorder, etc. you get the idea
  • New Modern UI apps, including Remind me
  • New backgrounds
  • The settings charm is gone, the Charms bar only has 4 buttons left
  • IE has, for some reason, been downgraded to version 11.0.9800 (from 11.0.9879)

For the apps: photos, maps and help seems to get a UI similar to Xbox Music and Xbox Video and Calculator has been extended to show more functions by default. Store and Settings have got an update that's hard to explain.



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They removed the settings charm and it also looks like the settings fly out doesn't cover the right side of the screen fully like in 8 but will now open on the right side of the app window itself, inside the app.


I like where they're headed with the updated apps so far, by default they're now showing controls on screen instead of having them hidden inside the top bar or bottom menu bar like in 8. No need to hide them really, specially when the apps are full screen.

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Needs more hamburgers:




Also interesting to see Microsoft moving to thinner icons like iOS 7 does.


i like the middle 3rd of the screen it looks quite good for these modern flat-only styles. however the 1st 3rd is a no go. monochrome all the way, no color, no deepness that's just too much i'm afraid. 

shocking ennough, one of these very old 16colors only graphic cards (isa) would be probably ennough to display this  :cry:

not ms only, but these modern styles in general - i never was a fan and i think recent developments like this are way too much.

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Unable to install it on VMWare Player. Pss!!!


"Virtual CPU fault error"... Something like this.


ISO MD5, CRC32 and SHA1 Values matched with shared by Faikee.


EDIT: Jan's method worked.

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Apparently, round avatars are the new thing in Windows. After I installed it as an upgrade to a Windows 8.1 installation, I got a giant "Hi there, welcome back!" message with my avatar in a cirle and my name next to it. :) The initialisation looks very good. :)

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Also, the Modern apps going into forced standby mode whenever they were getting minimized or switched away to a different virtual desktop has been also fixed! This issue has appeared on the latest Technical Preview release (regarding Xbox Music and Skype, although it affected practically all Modern apps).

I'm liking the new "instantly switch to fullscreen" button! :D Also it appears to be a quite hard to reveal/unhide the taskbar when in fullscreen mode. Definitely fixes the issue where it gets invoked just simply reaching the bottom side of the screen without much effort.

Edited by PotatoAlchemist
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This is what I got when I opened Windows Update right after startup. It now shows the updates that are beeing installed, you can also view more details, and from the looks of it, Microsoft want to add a meaningfull description to updates in the future.

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The notification center seems to store the notification for older events too. They do not get cleared out just because you log off, shut down, restart or well, in unfortunate cases get a BSOD. :rofl:

However, at least in my case, the notification toasters are back in the Windows 8 type position, rather than above the taskbar like in the Technical Previews. (right upper side, rather than right lower side).

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