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Having problems understanding how Dictionary is working in this program


The Form has 4 classes Card, Deck , Player and Game, game being the class that runs everything

The form has 3 TextBox named textName, textBooks and textProgress , ListBox named listHand, 2 buttons named buttonStart and buttonAsk



class Card
        public Values Value { get; set; }
        public Suits Suit {get; set;}

    public Card (Suits suit, Values value)
        this.Suit = suit;
        this.Value = value;
    public string Name
        get { return Value.ToString() + " of " + Suit.ToString(); }
    public override string ToString()
        return Name;
            public static string Plural(Values value)
                if (value == Values.Six)
                    return "Sixes";
                    return value.ToString() + "s";

    enum Suits
    enum Values
        Ace = 1,
        Two = 2,
        Three = 3,
        Four = 4,
        Five = 5,
        Six = 6,
        Seven = 7,
        Eight = 8,
        Nine = 9,
        Ten = 10,
        Jack = 11,
        Queen = 12,
        King = 13,



 class Deck
        private List<Card> cards;
        private Random random = new Random();

        public Deck()
            cards = new List<Card>();
            for (int suit = 0; suit <= 3; suit++)
                for (int value = 1; value <= 13; value++)
                    cards.Add(new Card((Suits)suit, (Values)value));

        public Deck(IEnumerable<Card> initialCards)
            cards = new List<Card>(initialCards);
        public int Count { get { return cards.Count; } }
        public void Add(Card cardToAdd)

        public Card Deal(int index)
            Card CardToDeal = cards[index];
            return CardToDeal;
        public void Shuffle()
            List<Card> NewCards = new List<Card>();
            while(cards.Count > 0)
                int CardToMove = random.Next(cards.Count);
            cards = NewCards;
        public IEnumerable<string> GetCardNames()
            string[] CardNames = new string[cards.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < cards.Count; i++)
                CardNames[i] = cards[i].Name;
            return CardNames;
        public void Sort()
            cards.Sort(new CardComparer_bySuit());
        public Card Peek(int cardNumber)
            return cards[cardNumber];
        public Card Deal()
            return Deal(0);
        public bool ContainsValue(Values value)
            foreach (Card card in cards)
                if (card.Value == value)
                    return true;
            return false;
        public Deck PullOutValues(Values value)
            Deck deckToReturn = new Deck(new Card[] { });
            for (int i = cards.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (cards[i].Value == value)
            return deckToReturn;
        public bool HasBook(Values value)
            int NumberOfCards = 0;
            foreach (Card card in cards)
                if (card.Value == value)
            if (NumberOfCards == 4)
                return true;
                return false;

        public void SortByValue()
            cards.Sort(new CardComparer_byValue());


    class CardComparer_bySuit : IComparer<Card>
        public int Compare(Card x, Card y)
            if (x.Suit > y.Suit)
                return 1;
            if (x.Suit < y.Suit)
                return -1;
            if (x.Value > y.Value)
                return 1;
            if (x.Value < y.Value)
                return -1;
            return 0;

    class CardComparer_byValue : IComparer<Card>
        public int Compare(Card x, Card y)
            if (x.Value < y.Value)
                return -1;
            if (x.Value > y.Value)
                return 1;
            if (x.Suit < y.Suit)
                return -1;
            if (x.Suit > y.Suit)
                return 1;
            return 0;


 class Player
        private string name;
        public string Name { get { return name; } }
        private Random random;
        private Deck cards;
        private TextBox textBoxOnForm;
        public Player(String name, Random random, TextBox textBoxOnForm)
            this.name = name;
            this.random = random;
            this.textBoxOnForm = textBoxOnForm;
            this.cards =new Deck(new Card[]{ });
            textBoxOnForm.Text += name + "has joined the game" + Environment.NewLine; 
        public IEnumerable<Values> PullOutBooks()
            List<Values> books = new List<Values>();
            for (int i = 1; i<= 13; i++)
                Values value = (Values)i;
                int howMany = 0;
                for (int card = 0; card < cards.Count; card++)
                    if (cards.Peek(card).Value == value)
                if(howMany == 4)
                    for (int card = cards.Count - 1; card >= 0; card--)
            return books;

        public Values GetRandomValue()
            Card randomCard = cards.Peek(random.Next(cards.Count));
            return randomCard.Value;

        public Deck DoYouHaveAny(Values value)
            Deck cardsIHave = cards.PullOutValues(value);
            textBoxOnForm.Text += Name + "has" + cardsIHave.Count + "" + Card.Plural(value) + Environment.NewLine;
            return cardsIHave;

        public void AskForACard(List<Player> players, int myIndex,Deck stock)
            Values randomValue = GetRandomValue();
            AskForACard(players, myIndex, stock, randomValue);

        public void AskForACard(List<Player>players, int myIndex, Deck stock, Values value)
            textBoxOnForm.Text += Name + "asks if anyone has a " + value + Environment.NewLine;
            int totalCardsGiven = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i<players.Count; i++)
                if(i != myIndex)
                    Player player = players[i];
                    Deck CardsGiven = player.DoYouHaveAny(value);
                    totalCardsGiven += CardsGiven.Count;
                    while (CardsGiven.Count > 0)
            if(totalCardsGiven == 0)
                textBoxOnForm.Text += Name + "must draw from teh stock." + Environment.NewLine;
        public int CardCount { get { return cards.Count; } }
        public void TakeCard(Card card) { cards.Add(card); }
        public IEnumerable<string> GetCardNames() { return cards.GetCardNames(); }
        public Card Peek(int cardNumber) { return cards.Peek(cardNumber); }
        public void SortHand() { cards.SortByValue(); }



 class Game
        private List<Player> players;
        private Dictionary<Values, Player> books;
        private Deck stock;
        private TextBox textBoxOnForm;
        public Game(string playerName, IEnumerable<string> opponentNames, TextBox textBoxOnForm)
            Random random = new Random();
            this.textBoxOnForm = textBoxOnForm;
            players = new List<Player>();
            players.Add(new Player(playerName, random, textBoxOnForm));
            foreach (string player in opponentNames)
                players.Add(new Player(player, random, textBoxOnForm));
            books = new Dictionary<Values, Player>();
            stock = new Deck();
        private void Deal()
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                foreach (Player player in players)
            foreach (Player player in players)
        public bool PlayOneRound(int selectedPlayerCard)
            Values cardToAskFor = players[0].Peek(selectedPlayerCard).Value;
            for(int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    players[0].AskForACard(players, 0, stock, cardToAskFor);
                    players[i].AskForACard(players, i, stock);
                if (PullOutBooks(players[i]))
                    textBoxOnForm.Text += players[i].Name + "drew a new hand" + Environment.NewLine;
                    int card = 1;
                    while(card <=5 && stock.Count > 0)
                if(stock.Count == 0)
                    textBoxOnForm.Text = "The stock is out of cards.Game over!" + Environment.NewLine;
                    return true;
            return false;

        public bool PullOutBooks(Player player)
            IEnumerable<Values> booksPulled = player.PullOutBooks();
            foreach (Values value in booksPulled)
                books.Add(value, player);
            if (player.CardCount == 0)
                return true;
            return false;

        public string DescribeBooks()
            string whoHasWhichBooks = "";
            foreach (Values value in books.Keys)
                whoHasWhichBooks += books[value].Name + "has a book of" + Card.Plural(value) + Environment.NewLine;
            return whoHasWhichBooks;

        public string GetWinnerName()
            Dictionary<string, int> winners = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            foreach (Values value in books.Keys)
                string name = books[value].Name;
                if (winners.ContainsKey(name))
                    winners.Add(name, 1);
            int mostBooks = 0;
            foreach (string name in winners.Keys)
                if (winners[name] > mostBooks)
                    mostBooks = winners[name];
            bool tie = false;
            string winnerList ="";
                foreach(string name in winners.Keys)
                if(winners[name]== mostBooks)
                        winnerList += "and";
                        tie = true;
                    winnerList += name;
            winnerList += "with" + mostBooks + "books";
            if (tie)
                return "A tie between" + winnerList;
                return winnerList;

        public IEnumerable<string> GetPlayerCardNames()
            return players[0].GetCardNames();

        public string DescribePlayerHands()
            string description = "";
                for (int i= 0; i < players.Count; i++)
                description += players[i].Name + "hase" + players[i].CardCount;
                if (players[i].CardCount == 1)
                    description += "card." + Environment.NewLine;
                    description += "cards." + Environment.NewLine;
            description += "The stock has" + stock.Count + "cards left.";
            return description;

The Program

 public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private Game game;

        private void buttonStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textName.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter your name", " Can't start the game yet");
            game = new Game(textName.Text, new List<string> { "Joe", "Bob" }, textProgress);
            buttonStart.Enabled = false;
            textName.Enabled = false;
            buttonAsk.Enabled = true;

        private void UpdateForm()
            foreach (String cardName in game.GetPlayerCardNames())
            textBooks.Text = game.DescribeBooks();
            textProgress.Text += game.DescribePlayerHands();
            textProgress.SelectionStart = textProgress.Text.Length;

        private void buttonAsk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            textProgress.Text = "";
            if(listHand.SelectedIndex < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a card");
            if (game.PlayOneRound(listHand.SelectedIndex))
                textProgress.Text += "The winner is..." + game.GetWinnerName();
                textBooks.Text = game.DescribeBooks();
                buttonAsk.Enabled = false;

The Game runs fine, but my question here is , I can't understand how the method GetWinnerName( ) in the class Game is working


In this loop

 foreach (Values value in books.Keys)
                string name = books[value].Name; 
                if (winners.ContainsKey(name)) //What is ContainsKey ?
                    winners[name]++; // What is happening here ?
                    winners.Add(name, 1); // What is happening here ?



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A System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary is a Hash table. It can be seen as a collection of keys each mapping to a particular value, allowing for fast (usually O(1)) retrieval of the associated value given the key, using a hash of the key (hence why every object in .NET has a GetHashCode() method).


As the name suggests, ContainsKey is a method that returns true if the Dictionary contains the specified key and false otherwise.


On this line,


The value associated with the key name is retrieved and then incremented by one.


And here:

winners.Add(name, 1); 

The key-value pair [name, 1] is added to the collection. So now if you access it at name, you get 1 back.

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On 4/23/2017 at 6:54 AM, Andre S. said:

A System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary is a Hash table. It can be seen as a collection of keys each mapping to a particular value, allowing for fast (usually O(1)) retrieval of the associated value given the key, using a hash of the key (hence why every object in .NET has a GetHashCode() method).


As the name suggests, ContainsKey is a method that returns true if the Dictionary contains the specified key and false otherwise.


On this line,


The value associated with the key name is retrieved and then incremented by one.


And here:

winners.Add(name, 1); 

The key-value pair [name, 1] is added to the collection. So now if you access it at name, you get 1 back.

Thank you

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