My Galaxy S8 is coming apart

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Just as an update to this, confirmed a bloated battery, so they had to order a new replacement battery, which they will get on monday, and if the repair goes well, I could have it back by the end of the week I guess.


I decided to upgrade to a Pixel 3 (same company) an "as new" model (means there are no traces of earlier use) cost me €454. I hope to get €150-200 back for my S8 (which I have to first receive back, and then send to them again). The Pixel 3 won't arrive till early next week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, final update. I had heard nothing back since the last time I posted here so I emailed them on Monday to ask what was going on, and I got a reply the same day that the person "would look into it" I didn't hear anything so I called them by phone yesterday and after a bit of back and forth with her colleagues and being put on hold she said they were having difficulty securing a replacement battery and instead offered a reimbursement which I took, and this morning the entire amount that I paid for the phone in August 2017 (€493.95) was refunded into my bank account!


The replacement Pixel 3 was cheaper at €453.95 (also bought at so I feel quite lucky at their great customer service. I suspect they will probably take up the issue with Samsung though, but that is just guessing on my part.

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