Time Travel

Do you believe time travel is possible?  

181 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe time travel is possible?

    • No - not at all
    • Yes - To the past only
    • Yes - To the future only
    • Yes - Both to the past and to the future
    • I have no earthly idea.

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" who said all that?"

I gleaned snippets (stuff in quotes) as I read the thread from the beginning.

I'm new to this forum thing - I don't even have an avatar...

But not new to the topic.

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Time is really an illusion.

so true. what is time? how can we define time? because time is not minutes, hours, days...etc time is just a product of human imagination. i prefer to think "time" as a constant flow in the universe.

and yes i think time travel is possible.

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If it was possible to travel through time.. someone from the "future" would have visited us by now :ninja:

Maybe they have, but in the future they have time officers that patrol and fix up the past if anyone tries to shizzle it up, lol. So if they go back before whoever goofed and messed an event up, we wouldn't remember it anyways since the changes would be reflected in the timeline.

lol, maybe we shouldn't think of time as linear,... like in Star Trek :happy: The Q don't ;)

Besides, I think in time someone will pop up to disprove or improve on all these laws and theories or whatever. I don't believe that going faster than light is as hard or impossible as scientists say. To me its the same as saying there's a cap on infinite. Only time will tell. I'm waiting for that day.

The only thing I don't 100% believe in is that there's an infinit number of universe for every possibility and outcome. Well I believe in there being an infinit number of universes, just not for ever possibility. lol, if that were true then there must be a universe where I'm God :woot: Or how about another me poping up in my room as I finish this sentence from an alternate universe. lol, kinda like on Sliders.

Edited by unimatrixzer0
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lest we cast aside own understanding no the universe as we see it now, I don't think that there can be anything like 'time travel'

however with enough energy, I dont think anything is impossible, I do think that it would be possible to create a material object in time and space, time and space of your choosing that is, there for while 'you' as the set of atoms with a history that cant be destroyed, I think it would be possible theoretically to create matter in a form, say of a human in a place and time.

The kind of energy involved is quite a lot though, a very tiny amount of matter is destroyed which causes the huge release involved in a nuclear bomb reaction, and just to create the matter of a human you?d need hundreds of thousands of nuclear weapons, and then through some method have this energy move to the point you want and be forced to stay confined enough for it to be forced to turn into matter, and in the right way too.

im not going to speculate on the quandaries involved with travel back in time, but moving forward and staying the same you would be entirely possible, and is easy enough just by going fast enough you can experience less time than stationary matter

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"Time is an illusion, Lunchtime doubly so." - Ford Prefict.

My physics teacher in HS (long time ago) explained all this amazing stuff about past and future light cones and all of these things, and he said it was possible to see into the past, but not go and go into the future but not see. Something maddening like that. Future travel is easiest to achieve by going really fast. Astronauts are 2 seconds "younger" than theyb would be if they stayed on earth after they return due to the speed of their rockets. I forget all the theory and everything my teacher said but he was ex government and very very smart, so I'd go look around at light cones, or time cones, or something like that for info. You might find some really neat stuff.

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Let's make this simple. Travel to, what we call "the past" or events that have happened in our lives and/or the lives prior to ours is impossible. Period.

Consider what is called the Grandfather Paradox. If I was to go back in time and kill my grandfather, then my father could not be born, therefor *I* could not be born, therefor I could not go back in time to kill my grandfather in the firstplace... therefor he would not have been killed (repeat sentence until brain hurts)

The only option (and when I say only I mean *ONLY*) is if the idea of a single universe is incorrect and there are infinite universe's where each transaction we have within our lives plays out. So you would not so much be going back in time as you would be switching your universe.

In any case... the probabilities of us being able to comrehend this issue are excessively slim.

as for jma's statement, we have proven that the faster you travel the slow time goes RELATIVE to others. Meaning if you had two exacting watches, put one on the space shuttle (which has a measly speed of 17,580 mph) and left the other here on earth. Becuase of the speed of the craft time would slow down COMPARED to that of the time on earth. See Einsteins THEORY of relativity for more details, and / or read Carl Sagen's old book Cosmos.



First, there a few workarounds to the Grandfather Paradox.

One is that there is only one time path, so if you do eventually go back in time, the past has already taken that into effect, because it already happened. And since you exist, you obviously didn't manage to kill your grandfather when you went back. Perhaps you got stuck in traffic, or your conscience got the better of you. Whatever happened, you didn't kill him, for the simple reason that you in fact exist.

The other solution, you already mentioned. When you go back and kill your grandfather, you create a completely separate timeline in which you're not born, but your timeline of origin is not affected. This was the solution used in the 'Back to the Future' series.

So, for one...don't say 'PERIOD' because it makes the assumption that you know everything...and no one knows everything. Second, the 'ONLY' option you put forth is NOT the only option...so yeah...there's that too.

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If it was possible to travel through time.. someone from the "future" would have visited us by now :ninja:

Not exactly.

Most theories that would make time travel possible include the catch that you can only travel in time back to the point at which your method for time travel was invented. If you took a time travel machine back to a time before it existed, it would then exist in that time, because you just put it there. It's a circular thing.

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the future has not happened yet, so you cannot travel to it. May work in theory, but not in reality.

Actually, it works quite well in reality.

It's proven fact that time moves slower for an object moving at a higher velocity. If you were to travel to the sun and back on a fast space ship, you would be younger than your identical twin (if you had one).

Granted, we don't have the technology to gain more than a few fractions of a second, but that doesn't mean one cannot travel into the future at a faster rate than you would by just sitting in a chair.

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argh...... You don't travel into the future per se.... you just slow time down for yourself, by traveling close to the speed of light, or by being in the vicinity of a massive object. While Time has not slowed for everyone else, once you return to 'normal time', it seems as though you have traveled into the future.

Uh, what's the difference?

Let's say you travel into space and back at a sufficient speed to have only aged 1 year while the rest of the universe aged 100 years.

When you return to earth, you are one year older, but you are now 100 years into the future from when you started.

How exactly is that not traveling into the future?

If that's not time travel into the future, what is?

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Arrrgh! Bad physics attack!

Time travel to your own future isn't possible (i.e. so that you could see yourself as an old man/woman/bearded gibbon). You can travel to the 'future' of the things you left behind (e.g. planet if you flew away in a rocket) but lets not ignore the fact that to go very close to the speed of light would require more energy than there is estimated to be in the universe. Mass increases as you get faster until becoming infinite at the speed of light. Hence you need infinite energy to go that fast. Light, having no mass, neatly avoids this problem. Lets hope for hyperspace shall we.

lets not forget quantom thery.... no to identical things can exist...... u need to destroy the first to recreate it somewhere else... now... that must be out of lights control....

Thats just wrong. Take bosons for example, they actually prefer to exist in a state in which they are completely identical. So yes, lets not forget quantum theory, especially correct quantum theory.

However I would never say anything is impossible, except liking realplayer. But if you're going to do any time travel its not going to involve flying round the sun fast or rocket (even antimatter) power.

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Ok, a quick summary of the physics principles for all you NON-believers out there :p

Firstly, travelling at faster than the speed of light... (assuming einstein's equations which govern the way we think today are correct) is by definition impossible, as the speed of light is a limit. All equations are based on a scale of C, and hence using his equation for mass accelerating to near light speed... any body with mass travelling at light speed would have infinite mass.... and thus infinite gravity... and we wouldn't be here. So obviously that makes travelling into the past by going faster than the speed of light very hard.

Now, as been put here by so many others.. time also becomes shorter as you move faster relative to a stationary body. Hence travel to the future is very possible, as the future is defined by any individual relative to themselves (unless of course you're very silly). Thus, by effectively slowing time down for yourself, you are (as much as can be done), travelling to the future. The only problem with this method would be that even though the time passed when compared to that of a stationary object on earth is negligable, to the person on board, the time seems of an equivalent length (so they may kill themselves from boredom :p).

Travelling to the past... to events that have already occured would be impossible (WAIT!!!!) BASED on current scientific methods. Using einstein's equations, time is equivalent to space. Hence to return to a previous time would be to undo everything on a spatial level, which is at the easiest.. very difficult.

just my 2 cents!

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Maybe, were all part of a computer program and the machines are using our energy as a big battery! lol

But on a serious note, Anything is possible we just haven't discovered it yet. At least not to the general public! I heard somewhere that maybe we only see time as a continuous thing.. we have a past, present and future.. and we see it like that cus thats the only way we can accept it. but maybe this could also been seeing in a different order.. i,e future, past, then present? we just dont know how.. maybe we are not evolved enough, or maybe we just haven't found the methods or technology.

We thought an atom was the smallest thing ever, then we found sub atomic particles.. we thought the earth was flat, then we discovered otherwise. I think anything is possible, just the question is when! pardon the pun! .

:rolleyes: :cool: :rofl:

Anyone agree? disagree?

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As the Borg Queen once said "You think in such 3-dimensional terms, how small you've become"

If it was possible to travel through time.. someone from the "future" would have visited us by now

Someone has, his name is John Titor and he describes how he done it and how it is possible. http://www.johntitor.com

Also, with this whole speed of light thing, you don't need SPEED to achieve time travel. You need ACCELERATION; Or, GRAVITY. Like someone said an atomic clock that is orbiting in space is going slower - astronauts are 2 seconds younger. Not because the shuttle is moving, but because there is no gravity. Now 2 seconds a year of time travel (or whatever it is) is not that much, thats because the earth's gravity is only 9.8ms^2. But if you were to stand on top of something denser like say.... a black hole which is ALOTms^2 then you will notice a difference. But of course you will then get crushed by the black hole's singularity and die a horrible death.

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"oh no ive gone crosseyed".. sorry.. austin powers

lol.. and i like the whole "ALOTms^2"

and i think everything i needed to say has already been said by someone else. i think time travel is entirely possible.. and not only that, but we will (or already have) the technology to make it possible. although i agree with einstien in saying that going the speed of light/faster than is impossible, i aslo say that there are ways around this (gravity, acceleration, quantum singluarities etc) and that going into the past, per se, is not as hard as you all may think. bleh..

dont know if that came out right.. prolly just me ramblin :D

and oh.. read steven hawkings "the theory of everything" or "the universe in a nutshell".. good stuff

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Not because the shuttle is moving, but because there is no gravity.

Outstanding crap.

There's plenty of gravity out where the shuttle is, else it wouldn't orbit at all.

If you want to learn about dimensions, read 'Flatland'. It describes what living in 2D and 1D might be like to better help understand how 4D etc. might seem to us.

Quite right about blackhole stuff though, but again its not quite 'time travel' as films depict it. You can't travel forward and see your descendants (unless you had kids before you left) or yourself. Still no travelling backwards either, even near black holes.

I also like the comment by someone a few pages back suggesting we can't define time. We can't? Sh*t that sure as hell means most modern technology must be working by luck as opposed to our understanding then. My watch defines time by the fixed frequency vibrations of quartz. I'm happy to accept it.

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of course we can time travel, even "busted" have...

...remember the song "year 3000" everyone lives underwater and chicks have 3 titties.


there is SOLID proof it is possible, and we didnt need some whacky scientist to think of it, there teenage neighbour thought of it.

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If you want to learn about dimensions, read 'Flatland'. It describes what living in 2D and 1D might be like to better help understand how 4D etc. might seem to us.

The 4th dimension in the universe is time. If there was no time then everything would be stuck on pause. On earth time moves at a constant velocity along a string that twirls around and around like a slinky, we move through this slinky at a constant velocity. Each revolution of the slinky is called a timecycle, and the amount of gravity we are subjected to, defines the radius of the time cycle. If the gravity is greater than that of earth, the radius of the timecycle will decrease, meaning that you will make one revolution much quicker than that of someone thats had less gravity. Time travel in this case is possible but you will still remain in your timeline. But if you were half way up in the slinky, it might be possible to cheat, and jump from one step of the slinky to the other, instead of going all the way round. The distance is much shorter, but, by jumping from your timeline in that fashion, may cause you to jump not only to a different time, but a different timeline/universe altogether. :)

Hehe beer makes me think

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Ok, a quick summary of the physics principles for all you NON-believers out there :p

Firstly, travelling at faster than the speed of light... (assuming einstein's equations which govern the way we think today are correct) is by definition impossible, as the speed of light is a limit.

I'll use this post as an example, but I want to put something out there that is commonly taken to be true, but is in fact only a "half-truth".

We all know that as you travel faster and faster, you become shorter and shorter while becoming more and more dense. At the speed of light, you becoming infinitely dense, which gives rise to a singularity, and nobody likes a singularity. Unfortunately, this usually gives rise to the notion that it is impossible to travel faster than light.

Traveling faster than light IS possible, by Einstein's equations

Accelerating past the speed of light IS IMPOSSIBLE

The speed of light is not a limit...it's a boundary.

Einstein's equations work equally well on both sides of the light-speed 'wall', as it were. Basically, if you're already going slower than light, it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate you past the light-speed boundary. However, if you're created going faster than light, it would take an infinite amount of energy to slow you down to a speed less than light. Weird, but true.

The funny thing is, when you do Einstein's equation with speeds faster than light, time goes backwards.


In fact, there are scientists who have done studies that show the probability that particles exist that travel faster than photons. These particles are created by a process in which a regular particle, say an electron 'explodes' (for lack of a better word) and creates a photon and this new particle. The photon shoots off at the speed of light, going forward in time, and this new particle shoots off going backwards in time, travelling faster than light.

Now you physics guys may know already what I'm getting at.

Anyone have an idea of what I'm talking about?



Anti-matter! That's right folks. There are a number of theories that strongly support the theory that anit-matter is in fact regular matter travelling faster than light, and hence backwards through time.

Think about it. An anti-matter matter collision results in the decimation of both particles and the creation of a photon. But think about it the way I just stated above. To an observer, they see the same thing. Two particles traveling towards each other, colliding, disappearing, and a photon shoots off. In essence, we're seeing this faster-than-light particle travelling backwards, because the particle itself is going backwards through time. We're watching the particle as it backtracks towards the point of its creation.

And to back this up, if you take an equation that describes a particle and flip the direction of time, the equation still works, but the charge for said particle is also flipped, just like anti-matter.

Just something to think about.

I wish I had sources, but I learned all this while doing a report on time travel a few years back, and the sources are now hidden in a box somewhere.

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Some of you wrote here that it is possible to travel in time. So let's supose that we traveled for one minute in the past, will we see the same thing that hapened the minute before????

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