Half Life 2 Gone Gold?

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It's not gone gold because......

A freind of mine (yes he is a real person) works for Vivendi UK (through Centresoft), now it's his job to shift HL2 out of the door. Vivendi UK have not been given a REAL date yet, and the pre-sales have not started. So it's 2 months MIN (that's how long the pre-sales run) until it hits the UK streets for sure.

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Guess What Folks!!

Oldest Trick in the Books just happened. A Half-Life 2 Claim that it went Gold is only a joke and the deal with CompUsa charging a cc for hL2 when it's not even out yet is "Normal".

Valve have always Stated this: 30 to 90 Days prior to HL2's release they will make an announcement on HL2's availability and Gold Status Date.

Until that happens treat everything as a "PURE" Rumor.


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It most likely is a April Fool's Day Joke....

But why would CompUSA charge his credit card...:rolleyes:s:

yeah, in march:rolleyes:s:

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Far Cry isn't anywhere near the level of HL2.

and how do you know that? I mean, Im a very big HL series fan, but you cant say anything till you get both games

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,Mar 31 2004, 22:04] and how do you know that? I mean, Im a very big HL series fan, but you cant say anything till you get both games


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,Apr 1 2004, 16:04] ...Im a very big HL series fan....

/cue dramatic music

Sure, I was once like you....but that was a long time ago.... :(

/end music

I'll play it too, I'm not an idiot who is going to say "VALVE ****** NVIDIA over, I'm not going to play that game, I'm going to play Doom and S.T.A.L.K.E.R instead!!!!".

My biggest fear is that all of HL2's groundbreaking features are now already by and large not new features.

In game bump mapping..................done (DX2, BF: V, etc.)

Realistic water shading....................done (Breed, Far Cry, Morrowind, etc)

In game Physics engine...................done (Max Payne 2, DX2, etc)

Uber-high poly character meshes.....done (Far Cry)

I fear that all this game will offer us will be a good storyline and moddability.... great, but not what it once was.

Sure, I may be wrong (wouldn't be the first time).... but also I fear as well that hype will ruing this game.

I'm placing my bets on S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow Of Chernobyl for two reasons: 1) All the hype has been over Dx8 media, we are yet to see Dx9 effects 2) I gotta admit a deep love for the Russian culture

But hey, I still wish luck to Valve, and hope they can deliver what they promise and more.

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I fear that all this game will offer us will be a good storyline and moddability....

hey, give me the ugliest game ever but put in it the ebst story line ever and I will take it over any modren game, and believe me, HL2 promises an awesome sotryline, maybe not the best, but I have faith in the writer

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,Mar 31 2004, 22:50] hey, give me the ugliest game ever but put in it the ebst story line ever and I will take it over any modren game, and believe me, HL2 promises an awesome sotryline, maybe not the best, but I have faith in the writer

faith...that's where it's at

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also, you showed features from five diff games, but no one game can match it.

Well, Far Cry covered all of my above categories....

The only thing it lacks which HL2 claims to have is:

Backwards compatibility (aka, no 1337 graphic cards required)


Arguably, a good story.

[saint dark], I gotta ask, did you like Deus Ex 2 or not? Just curious.... :shifty:

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I decided to give Far Cry a chance and I must say the game really is great. I based my original opinions on the demo (which I had nothing but problems with and didn't find all too appealing) but the final build is much better. I take back everything I've said about it. Graphics are fantastic, the story is pretty interesting and it's really fun; it has a Doom 3 quality to it. My only complaint is the constant accessing of the hard drive which causes stuttering. The game greatly benefits from a gig or more of ram.

Having said that I still think HL2 will offer a better storyline and graphics. Far Cry does have many of the features of HL2 but it's textures aren't quite on the same level. One feature HL2 has that Far Cry doesn't (as far as I'm aware) is high dynamic range which creates some pretty interesting effects. HL2's characters are also much more detailed and the facial animations are quite impressive (if you remember back to the video of the G-Man, I don't think there are any other games using that level of realism yet). Other small details like shattering glass, realistic explosions/fire and heavy usage of the Havok engine are also something to behold. It's probably the most moddable game on the planet as well.

But I digress, that's just my opinion.

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Woo hoo! Finally, Half Life 2 has gone gold! Everyone is waiting in anticipation for the next installment in one of the most popular PC games EVER! Gabe Newell promises leaps and bounds!

Wait, hold... That was another hacker. Game delayed again :rolleyes:

Game wasn't really delayed because of the hacker.

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