Bush, Kerry, or Nader ?

Bush, Kerry, or Nader ???  

176 members have voted

  1. 1. Bush, Kerry, or Nader ???

    • Bush
    • Kerry
    • Nader

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funny because i got tax rebates and i make under $20,000....my parents got rebates and they together make under 75,000


ummm...bushes tax plans for the middle class haven't even been approved yet and wont until '06 at latest. Right now the only applied breaks were to several corporations and government-connected employees. thanks Bush Sr. and Clinton for your tax rebates.

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I'm voting for Bush. I really like how some Kerry supporters implied that those people who vote for Bush are stupid. Voting is a personal choice and just because someone doesn't think the same way you do doesn't mean they're stupid.

Although Kerry delivered his lines better during the debates -- and why shouldn't he, he's been giving two minute speeches in the Senate for two decades -- Bush comes across as more genuine. (Not to mention two of the moderators were from PBS and CBS, not the most unbiased sources for moderators.) I don't care how slick of a speaker the president is, I am looking for someone who will stick to a plan regardless of what polls and popular opinion say. Often times the right thing to do is not the popular thing. Kerry was fiercely pro-war before Dean took the lead in the democratic primaries. From what I have seen, Kerry will change his position to please whatever crowd he's speaking to.

More importantly than my opinion, go out and do a good bit of research on the candidates, compare their voting records and stands on issues to your own ideals, then vote accordingly.

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thats because i'm an army brat and all of those effect me...and the military protects your sorry ass so you should also be thankful for those since the miltary should have nice housing, pay and everything since they do put their lives on the line to protect you


you're out of control.

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I choose neither...

I'm about to start work on a research essay titled "Why political parties are the fall of democracy". Its sad that we as a "Democracy" lack the ability for average people to run their country, we lack the power to have the final say in the presidential election, and a host of other problems.

I think we should be fighting for a democracy (no America is NOT a democracy) more so then picking which idiot will run the country. Since we only have Bush or Kerry to choose from (both being idiots); Nader dosent count since many states arent even placing him on the ballets.

I agree the Electorial College is stupid and shows how far behind a true democracy we really are.


VERY good points. As Washington said, I agree that we should stay AWAY from these politial parties.

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Kerry, as in my opinion, Bush has simply dodged every legitimate question that's come his way. Kerry simply makes sense.

And let's say that Nader even had a chance of winning, I wouldn't vote for him because I don't think he's fit, at all, to be president. (Though I do agree with him on some things.

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Remember how Hitler won, and how Clinton was elected. A little drop here, an increase there, and they exploited it. Look at what Kerry's doing.

Could anyone here consider Kerry the next Hitler? Because 63% of Americans have not been voting for him in the polls, please keep your minds focused. We need reasons, not words.

Post real world issues also, we've got all night.


it almost seems like you're pro-Bush and everytime someone says a fact that supports kerry you turn around and say that people aren't getting the facts right. hmm.

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ummm...bushes tax plans for the middle class haven't even been approved yet and wont until '06 at latest. Right now the only applied breaks were to several corporations and government-connected employees. thanks Bush Sr. and Clinton for your tax rebates.


That's just wrong. Bush's tax cuts for all taxpayers have begun to kick in, they won't fully kick in till '06.

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I actually don't want any of them as my president.

There was an interesting article in last months Wired mag about a different way to vote, where you have like, 6 people running for president, and you rank them in your top-favs. After the 1st count, if no one has over 50% of the votes, than the lowest person is removed and his count go towards your top person. Wash-rinse-repeat until someone has 50% of the votes.

This way, at the end, you may not end up with your #1 choice, but you have a good chance of getting someone in your top three.

Oh, also do away with the electoral college. It is an outdated system. Time for popular vote to win..

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I actually don't want any of them as my president.

There was an interesting article in last months Wired mag about a different way to vote, where you have like, 6 people running for president, and you rank them in your top-favs. After the 1st count, if no one has over 50% of the votes, than the lowest person is removed and his count go towards your top person. Wash-rinse-repeat until someone has 50% of the votes.

This way, at the end, you may not end up with your #1 choice, but you have a good chance of getting someone in your top three.

Oh, also do away with the electoral college. It is an outdated system. Time for popular vote to win..

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Dude, thats called communism.


No, it's not. He was elected president. If you didn't agree with his policies you didn't vote for him. Same thing this time around. Presidents are voted in or out of office by the people. There is no self-appointed dictator or czar in the USA and before you start, no lame "Bush = Hitler" or "Bush stole the election" lines. He was voted in and if you don't like him go to the polls in November and vote him out.

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They are dying for their country, and thats more honorable than anything you can do. They are protecting America, and our elected officials. Our children, our parents, our friends and family. Everything around us is here because of the military and people dying for freedom, the freedom you take away so graciously by goving for Kerry.

Remember, Kuck Ferry.



You started this pole, and now you have become rude and inappropriate. This is no behavior that any Neowinian shoud be exposed to. What would a first-time poster say if he were in this thread? Grow up. Seriously.

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Saw the 3 debates,and frankly i'm with kerry,because i see he is strong in his belives and ideas, very confident when he talks,coherent,by the other hand,bush got paused speeches,thinks to much what he is going to say.He seemed wired lol

BUSH IS FAKE,too many mistakes being president,life costs of americans has almost doubled,oil prices are on the sky,america's reputation is very damaged,8000 immigrants passing everyday,it's a record in U.S History,he has lost 1.6 million jobs,HE has lost more JOBs than any other president in U.S history,Chinese imports had almost doubled,taking america jobs to asia.conflicts with european countries,boicotts over american products all over the world.Terrorism at peak just looking how to enter U.S and bomb it.the Healthcare program isn't working,Social Security Funds are Drying. TAX was reduced to the most richest to the country "1%" Cut.By the other side he Increased Taxes to America's Middle Class.U.S Deficit reached 400 billion dollars,how could we pay that?

he doesen't ban Assault weapons,the consequences " shooting on schools,students with AK-47's"


JUDGE FOR YOURSELF, does bush still deserves to be again president?

i don't think so

KERRY isn't offering miracles,HE?S OFFERING TO GET THINGS STRAIGHT OUT,for all bush supporters,leave apart your ego,think with the heart,we are not voting here for a man,we are voting here for a whole country.Bush is making so much damage to america that u can't ever imagine.

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dont even explain dude. Typical republicans... always trying to change the topic. Just like their little president.


Stereotyping a bit? I have several republican friends who stay on topic.

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No, it's not.  He was elected president.  If you didn't agree with his policies you didn't vote for him.  Same thing this time around.  Presidents are voted in or out of office by the people.  There is no self-appointed dictator or czar in the USA and before you start, no lame "Bush = Hitler" or "Bush stole the election" lines.  He was voted in and if you don't like him go to the polls in November and vote him out.


w00t! I agree. That and I also believe that if you don't vote you can't complain. It's like complaining that free software sucks. You get what you pay for/ vote for and if you don't pay/vote then you can't complain. :cool:

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I am voting for bush if you did not notice. I am voting for him because of my catholic faith. John Kerry has been one of the most pro-abortion sentors every to be in the senate. He even voted against the partial birth abortion ban. No practicing catholic can even remotely separate his faith from his public life.

And tell me that Bush is pro-death penalty because that is not important. The unborn are more impotant then criminals on death row, who have been convicted of a crime worthy of death. Now I do believe that the death penalty should be rare.

Why would you want a person that separates his faith from every thing he does to be in office. Would not this person be saying that his faith does not matter. Joh Kerry says that he can't impose his morals on others, so does that mean that he really does not believe.

The Electoral College is the most perfect system to protect our government which is a republic. If you have been told that it is a democracy you have been lied to. The founders feared and believed a democracy would kill it self so they gave us a republic.

Oh and the people who vote just because the music stars and people on tv say they should are not voting for the right reasons. They should be voting as a duty as a citizen of this great land.

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First off, when the people don't have the best leader in the office of President, the American people will slap a sticked on their soul for anyone who comes up to bat against the president in question.

Secondly, he studied to be a lawyer, and I think most of us have seen Changing Lanes, thats the real face of the law.

Third, lets not even dig into the question of what Kerry has voted for, we all know he's changed, give him a break, he can't help that he gets new bosses and has to suck up to them, and sell his soul for the next vote.

Next, we have him throwing war vetrans out to the crowds, so to say, and telling what he did in Vietman. That was between him and God, and he broke his allegance with his fellow man to talk about what he and others did. Thats what also has helped him loose trust.

He talks family, and then bashes Cheney's daughter. I hope Bush talks about Kerry saying he was gay before he joined the war, that'd be real funny too.

We move on to Kerry endorsing Edwards, who is extremely disliked in his homestate of NC. I don't like him and neither does Kerry, but he has some more votes tagged to his soul, why not make him a running mate.

For some reason, Kerry thinks his $1000 haircuts and him being a Democrat will throw him into office. The democrats were right, the'll just pick out of a hat and see who comes out, that was a crappy hat.

I will not be of age to vote this go around, but seeing my neighborhood fight over who to vote for is not what being American is about. So I solved the problem, I showed them the facts on an x and y chart, and they did a silent ballot for who they thought was Bush and who they thought was Kerry.

No one voted for Kerry, and after they were shown who they voted for, they came to the comclusion that they were wrong to crawl in the sand for a better leader, whatever kind of person they are.

So, we're all friends here, and all voting for Bush. As are my parents, my father being a pastor and my mother as a mid-level SSA worker.

You might not notice it because your older, but I'm still in school, a senior at my high school, and it's alot better there and around the area because of Bush.

We owe him our gratitude for his services as President. We can find bad things about all the presidents, JFK had affairs, Democrat, Nixon lied, Republican, Clinton had an affair and lied about it.

LOL, it's the white house, they have everything bugged and videotaped, thats why the white house said they had no comment, they can't incriminate their president in office, and Clinton took the poo when the economy had a slight inflation, they ached for the best person to fill that, whoever they were. Just the first person to be represented by the opposite team, and they slapped their souls to that person and got tattoo's of their name and running mate before they knew what was going on and what thay person stood for.

Clinton was an economical choice, and his morals and life was bad. Don't make the same mistake with Kerry.

Vote for Bush, 4 more years to see what happeneds and if he can do what he says, because he has offered unwaivering faith and work twords the US people. Electing a new president during a time of war is below what you people stand for, make the right decision, and think for a second before you throw your soul to Kerry.

Thanks for reading, and I'm sorry for any spelling misstakes.

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The Electoral College is the most perfect system to protect our government which is a republic. If you have been told that it is a democracy you have been lied to. The founders feared and believed a democracy would kill it self so they gave us a republic.


I agree with that it isn't a democracy. It is a republic IMO. I can explain if you like.

Oh and the people who vote just because the music stars and people on tv say they should are not voting for the right reasons. They should be voting as a duty as a citizen of this great land.


I agree witht hat too.

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