XBOX 360 Specs fully leaked!

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Um..We can play DVD's on PS2/Xbox  :unsure:


I mean rom's etc

Jeez Neowin needs the trashy members kicked out (N)

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actually thats wrong.. it should be 2 instructions per core.. Normal CPU can perform 4-6 instructions at once but this CPU will be able to do 2.. its because it will reserve power and for console you dont need that many instruction since you are only playing a game.. I read on Anandtech that CELL processor is also going to have 2 instruction at once.



hmm ... i taught a processor can execute one instruction at a time (dual core execute two) - they can have more in their cache.

Guess i didn't understand something during my CPU architecture lectures :-D

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actually thats wrong.. it should be 2 instructions per core.. Normal CPU can perform 4-6 instructions at once but this CPU will be able to do 2.. its because it will reserve power and for console you dont need that many instruction since you are only playing a game.. I read on Anandtech that CELL processor is also going to have 2 instruction at once.


No no no.

Most CPUs can work on one thread at a time. Intel's HyperThreading CPUs can, in theory, work on two at once. However, most of the time (since it's a single core still) it can't do much with the second thread - it depends on what the first thread is doing.

IBM has a similar technology in the Power5 (upon which the Xbox 360 chip is supposedly based). They call it Symetrical MultiThreading (SMT), and it's nothing new. It's the same idea as HyperThreading.

IPC (Instructions Per Cycle) is completely unrelated to the number of threads that the CPU can be working on. That is what you're talking about, and it varies by CPU and architecture.

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I mean rom's etc

Jeez Neowin needs the trashy members kicked out (N)


But thats not what you said :rolleyes:

I have a question, because it will be able to play dvd's, does that mean we can install pc games  :unsure: ?


Take some time to chill (Y)

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But thats not what you said :rolleyes:

Take some time to chill (Y)


Considering it's pretty well known ps2 and xbox can play dvd's already, I didn't think I would need to specify WHICH dvd's :sleep:

ANYWAY, will it be able to do it?

Simple yes or no please.

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A typo. N is next to H on your keyboard.


More like an spell/autochecker gone wrong! ;) The error appears more than once, and there is no other m"H"z.. in the post from what I saw.

As for the specs on the 360, I don't doubt it. Seeing as E3 is coming up, legit snaps of it have surfaced, and there is a lot of hype around it. I could see it being leaked. Friend of a friend of a friend who knows too much.. ;) Ya never know..

Those stats look nice so far, but damn.. I can't wait to see what Sony has in store. Hopefully it'll blow everything else out of the water! :woot:

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AS i said long time ago when I posted a 360 pic months before the supposed leak. I will say it again now . sony Who !

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anyone know if this thing will play HD DVDS? or heard of it playing them?

MS and toshiba are in talks.. i would think they could make a Nice

DVD player out of this gaming consoul...

i for one.. would like to chunk my progressive dvd player for

a all in 1 unit...

2ndly i hope it recorded TV shows like a Tivo

3rd i wonder what the price will be remember ms took a loss at making the xbox

i wonder now things will pan out for the xbox 360 will they charge more because for 1 it will be out first (skimming the market) or will they go right at cost and hit everyone will added features to make profit?

4th who wants to bet how long it takes someone to hack these puppys..

took 1.5 months for the PSP... i dont remember about the original xbox

5th im sad they didnt include 1080P games that would be TRUE HD


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Erm .... I think 9.6 GHz is the maximum.

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The fact that my liv subscription will carry over makes me pretty much set on getting this over the ps3 then.


Why not just buy all the next-gen consoles rather than deprive yourself of the great games that come to each individual platform? Besides, the PS3 and revolution are coming a year after the 360, so you don't really have to choose one over the other :). I didn't choose the dreamcast over a PS2, or a PS2 over a gamecube (sadly I didn't buy an xbox because I chose the gamecube over it [which I still don't really regret because I can't survive without nintendo games] and when I finally was going to it wasn't worth it since the 360 is coming out this year anyways). This time I plan on getting all three because I recogize all the great gameplay I missed out on by not buying an xbox aswell. Only kids without jobs or people without the time to play them all should have to choose one over the other, heh.

The specs on the xbox 360 are very impressive. I wonder if sony and nintendo will reveal the specs behind their consoles at E3 so that we can have a clearer picture of the technological difference between the consoles. I hate waiting.

Edited by SonComet
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20gb? what gives?

At the price of the IDE hard drives today, 20gb seems ridiculous.

The xbox would still fully work if you replaced it with a 120 wouldn't it? Logically speaking... Unless it's some sort of proprietary adapter that won't let u connect standard ide drives. :rofl:

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Why not just buy all the next-gen consoles rather than deprive yourself of the great games that come to each individual platform?


"Let them eat cake"

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Only kids without jobs or people without the time to play them all should have to choose one over the other, heh.


Another cheap shot? :rolleyes:

I do most of my gaming on my PC, so Xbox made all the sense to me (even though I didnt buy it). With the speculated "TiVo" capabilities or the possibility to mod it makes the Xbox 360 a logical console to me. I dont have close $1000 bucks just to put down on my gaming needs nor do I think others do.

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I'll believe all this when I see it for real. Everything sounds fantastic so far, but can it REALLY be this good? I mean we are talking about Microsoft here! Speaking of M$, I am guessing, seriously, that this puppy will hit $400 easy.

I'll give it to the X360 so far though. Sony isn't putting out poop regarding the PS3 and I'm starting to get a little nervous.

Maybe E3 will set us all straight!

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Now if that doesn't make you wanna save your pennies for a system

I don't know what will!

This system will decimate All

I'd like to see the PS3 do that

So long PS3 hello X360

Wonder what the Price tag will be for the whole unit? $299 $399

with or w/o a hard drive is the question also hell maybe $499

but then that harkens back to the Atari Jaguar and we all know what happened to that POS.


Hold your horses, Xbox 360 has not won the console war yet! gee you people, can't you at least wait till all 3 systems are out officially before deciding which will "decimate all"? Specs really mean nothing, cause been the weakest console of the current generation didn't stop the PS2 dominating the sales charts...the 1 year early start might of helped a bit though :laugh: so I'm holding out for the games that these systems will have to offer...with that said I'll probally end up with a Xbox 360 and a PS3 :happy:

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what i want to know is why a 2 ghz G5 barebone is more expensive than a tri core 3.2 ghz G5 loaded, just shows you apple rips people off

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what i want to know is why a 2 ghz G5 barebone is more expensive than a tri core 3.2 ghz G5 loaded, just shows you apple rips people off


Everyone knows that microsoft, sony don't make profits until they sell more units than the cost of manufacturing them in the first place. I'm sure that it costs a lot more to manufacture the cpu, vid card, mobo, etc than the 'price' of $300.

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