We have a ghost!

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not so silly here. sometimes i hear footsteps at night...even if im the only one home...gets me so freaked out i grab my bow and turn on every frickin light, tv, and radio. (computers are always on anyway)

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not so silly here. sometimes i hear footsteps at night...even if im the only one home...gets me so freaked out i grab my bow and turn on every frickin light, tv, and radio. (computers are always on anyway)


wow, i would really freak out if i would hear that :ninja:

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  • 2 weeks later...
not so silly here. sometimes i hear footsteps at night...even if im the only one home...gets me so freaked out i grab my bow and turn on every frickin light, tv, and radio. (computers are always on anyway)


I understand that when someone feels threatened by anything they tend to think of self-defense.

But whats the point of ghosts if you can "kill" them with a bow. they are dead.

even if you do manage to shoot one it will most likely go through them and hit something in your house.

wait, why are ghosts scary? they cant do anything except float....

but maybe the footsteps are a criminal? shoot him with the boy.

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I lived in a house that was built in the early 1900's as a kid. We always saw weird shadows, footsteps upstairs in my room when we were all downstairs, and my sister claims to have seen an elderly woman watch her sleep. My sister used to tear her bed apart, put her bedding in the closet, and lock herself in there because she was afraid the woman would keep watching her when she slept. We never found out the reason she would tear her bed apart until she was in highschool and told us about it. She has a lot of problems sleeping now, and she is 21.

Now, the thing that really bothers me is that I live in an apartment and see something move down the hallway all the time. Sometimes I shut the door to the spare room when I am in there so I don't see anything because it creeps me out at times. One day, my dad came up to visit and he was sleeping in the hide-away bed in the couch and I saw something move down the hallway. I thought he had gotten up and went to use the restroom. I called out for him, and there was no answer. I checked the bathroom, it was empty, and my dad was snoring on the bed.

A week ago I was in the room and heard the medicine cabinet door in the bathroom open and shut by itself. No one else could have done it, strictly because I live alone. Needless to say, I have my doubts and am almost fully convinced my apartment is spooked. I wish I could bring some professionals into my place to run the tests that they do. It would be really interesting to see what they find. Sometimes it really creeps me out though.

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A few unexplained things happened to me, but the most memberable was 10 years ago at my parents house, I woke up and went to the washroom. I came back to bed and turned to face the wall. Suddenly every hair on my body stood on end and a voice from nowhere seemed to wisper in my head "beware". I then felt the other side of the bed sink and I could here the springs creek, and then a pressure at my back as if some one was sitting on the bed against my back. Then rose again and the pressure left. I immediatly sat up and looked and there was nothing there. That was the scariest thing to have happened to me, I do not know what frightens me more, if something supernatural happened or I halucinated the whole thing. And I might add I was wide awake the hole time.

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Sometimes while on my pc and playing music, when people come in my room they always go to stand to my left and i got 3 of my speakers to my left, So when people stand there the sound goes down. Sometimes no one is in my room but this happens some times.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really not going to sleep anymore, but why are all the gost sightings always in the US? I live in Holland and I havn't heard anyone ever about a ghost or something scary. You people just watch to many movies.

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My friend's house is quite old, and one night staying there another friend screamed and claimed to see a male face at the window when we were the only people in the house and three girls. My friend who lived there pinned me against a wall and started comforting a poster behind me. Then again, my friend also got scared of one of those Furby toys.

Edit: Oh, and I'm in Australia.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Call me weird but I live with alot of ghosts they respect my house and don't play games...well not often unless I have guests over, I invite them to my house especially the nice ones who are left without a home.

I am deeply spiritual offline and my girlfriend is also. Makes for interesting convo to friends who mock it until they wake up and clothes are in another room rofl.

makes for fun when they see there door is locked from the inside still

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The Nash Sugar Can Farm in Mackay has a lot of history, and alot of ghost stories. I shall share them with you.

1. There was a large bush fire around one of the houses (same house as I will refer to in story 2). When the residents returned, they sa a perfect ring around the house, where on one side, the grass was burnt and smouldering, and on the side of the house, was perfectly normal.

2. My Uncle, and his mate used to live in the house from story 1. Years later though. My uncle was the harvester, and his mate was one of his carters.

Early one morning, both of them (seperate rooms) heard a lot of banging, and clangin in the kitchen. When they got up and saw eachother, my uncle said "What the hell was all that noise!" to which his freind replied "wasn't that you making smoko?" As they entered the kitchen, there were knives, forks, spoons, and blocks of ice littered throughout the kitchen.

3. Same house. My uncle was very messy, and was living a lone at this stage. Every night at 9pm, a closed door (same door everynight) would open, which means the handle had to be pushed down, and then would slam back very hard.

No one believed him, so he got about 10 of his mates over one night, and it happened. Most of them left, ****scared, and some have never returned to the house.

4. Same house. My Uncle used to play in a band, and my Aunty was sick, so she couldn't go and watch him that night, so she was in bed reading a book, and she felt someone breathing next to her.

5. New House! My old house. When my father was killed, and my mother and I moved to NZ, my Aunty and Uncle moved into our old house, another of the houses on the farm.

One night, they both got into bed, and the light on the roof started to violently start swinging around in a perfect circle. They believe it was my father being a smartass.

6. Same house as above. My aunty lost her engagement ring, for weeks and weeks everyone searched for it, but, it was nowhere.

One night (years later) my aunty got up to get some water, and as she walked back to bed, she saw a picture of my father on the tv stand, and said "If you were any kind of brother in law, you would find that ring" she then had a sudden to look under the couch cusions (sp), and right on the edge of the couch, was her ring.

7. My cousin said he saw a woman on the end of his bed one night. When he was asked to describe her, he perfectly described his great grandmother. Sure, coulda been a dream? Except he has never seen his great grandmother before, not even any photos of her.

8. Cousin above, and my second eldest cousin often see a little girl. I have since found out that my grandfathers sister who died when she was younger is buried somewhere on the farm.

9. When I try to sleep there (I sleep in the billiard room, not a chance I'll sleep in the house), I can hear footsteps, when I'm on one side, my hair stands on edge, and it feels like someone is there.

The farm scares me so much, I can't sleep there without the light and TV on. The night the power went off, I got out of bed so quick, and put my shorts on so fast, I got next door to my Aunty and Uncle's house and realised my shorts were on backwards.

So, I'm heading back to the farm tomorrow at 6.30am.... hmmm.

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o my freaking hard disks!!!!

its 12:33 am in the night here

lights are out

am on my headphones listening to music

was so engrossed in reading this topic and

bam some one pops in besides me

i was like holy shi...... :pinch:

it was just my mom :blink:

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At our current house we had some periods where taps would be turned on and left running.

We think it was my grandad as he hasn't long since died. It has stoped now.

Also My dogs could be siting down stairs with us while watching tv and all of a sudden our youngest dog would just get his head and look towards the stairs then he will go upstairs and we will not see him for a few hours. That now has also stoped

Mum and sister a few months back saw a bright light travel across the lving room.

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you could just ask the spirt nicely who they are and to stop the activy.

could be a friend or family who has died and just playing with you.


that is the best advice you could follow :)

and its not a ghost, its just the spirit of a dead one, who maybe used to live where you live now, or is a friend/family of yours.... or maybe someone that one of your family members brougth inside the house, with all your negative thoughts...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, so ghosts are real. Fantastic! :woot:  Oh wait, all this is making me sick :x . Carry on. :whistle:  /hide *cough*I*cough*am*cough*an*cough*exorcist* :alien: Oh god, I wake up too late. I woke up at 4:00 PM and skipped lungh and breakfast. I need Visine! My eyes are sore :cry: .


please make your posts.... understandable...

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