What's so great about Mozilla?

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Tabbed windows, great support (1000 times better than IE one), better range of supported tecnologies, dialy public builds, skinable.... I used to hate mozilla some weeks ago, now is my permanet browser, Im waiting for xp lite to unistall IE 6

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if you are talking about the past polls on the main page, that poll was rigged by some people so they had to close it, disregard it

as for why people use mozilla over ie in windows the only advantage i can see is that it is not IE and therefore not microsoft

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mozilla.exe is using 22,948K of memory when the quick launch is started and 23,900K when I open a window. IE only uses 8,364K. Are there some mozilla components running that are uses a lot of memory? I did the complete installation.

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mozilla.exe is using 22,948K of memory when the quick launch is started and 23,900K when I open a window. IE only uses 8,364K

you're forgetting that IE is Built with Windows Explorer.

and MoZilla is completely seperat from win explorer.

thats why it takes more RAM, but see the performance,

which one Loads the web pages faster ?

thats the main reason to VOTE for MoZillA

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hmm.. it does seem to do a faster job and finding out what images are already cached. Other then that its just giving me flashbacks to Netscape. And it doesn't seem to display stylesheets correctly.


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opaul: please read the other thread back there. of course moz uses more ram, it's not built into the OS. of course moz might display pages correctly, but that's because it is the MOST correct browswer according to the W3C. the reason that page shows up like is the fault of the coder, not the browser.

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Originally posted by OPaul

Looking at the neowin.net main poles I noticed that a lot of people use Mozilla over Internet Explorer. Why?

the poll was rigged, spamed, cheated, frauded, whatever, it was then ended.

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I submit that Mozilla uses more memory but less CPU; when Explorer locks up once a day your cpu usage sticks at around 98% during the lock up....by not locking up the entire system Mozilla is nicer on the CPU long term ;)

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Who's explorer locks up once a day? Not mine.

Once every six months perhaps.

Can't we stop the petty squabbling?

Just use the browser that you like best. It can't hurt to try another browser occasionally . If you don't like it go back to your old application.

Why is there the incessant need for people to fight over such stupid things?

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#1. There is nothing "good" about mozilla. It is substandard, outdated software whose sole purpose is to be anti-Microsoft. As far as I'm concerned, a "browser" is no longer a "special program". The technology was finalized a few years ago, and is now built into the OS. The only people not using IE are people who can't run commercial software--linux users.

#2. Explorer shouldn't ever crash if you're using XP, nor should IE. If they crash more than once in a blue moon, you have a problem with your system setup.

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Originally posted by Sticktron

#1. There is nothing "good" about mozilla. It is substandard, outdated software whose sole purpose is to be anti-Microsoft. As far as I'm concerned, a "browser" is no longer a "special program". The technology was finalized a few years ago, and is now built into the OS. The only people not using IE are people who can't run commercial software--linux users.

#2. Explorer shouldn't ever crash if you're using XP, nor should IE. If they crash more than once in a blue moon, you have a problem with your system setup.

omg. i don't think you have a single fact right in your whole entire statement.:rolleyes:

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yashiro: Who's fighting? Editnm, now people are fighting.

BroChaos: Which errors? The only errors I see are ones telling me I need quotes around all my sizes, ie. hieght="100%"

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I see you noted "Subheading" "Heading" and "Small Size" in your CSS code, OPaul, but I see no default font size set nor any "class=" for

or any

// for the text within your tables - Ergo, Mozilla is having to do its best to figure out what the HELL size font you want.

Its a simple fix of

Text Here

around those paragraphs... Again, an error due to bad coding.

Or change Mozilla's default Font size from 12/14 to something like 10/12.

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