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I was just browsing the various resources on ghosts that is available on the web. I myself have always been a believer, although the only experiences I have had is unexplainable fear and coldness. I do know many who have had many experiences of this nature. does anyone else here believe, if so, why or what have you seen?

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I'm not entirely sure, but i do believe there is something. I used to live in a pre civil war house in upstate new york, and it was supposedly haunted. A friend and I also took some digital photos in a graveyard, and we ended up with the "glowing orbs" effect in several of our pictures. I've been several places where something just felt unnerving.

I'd say I believe, I would just love to have an intense experience.

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Yep I do. Something always seem to happen when Im staying at my friends house (his sister did wikka their before she left, the house is built on a celtic burial ground, and theres a grave yard down the road)

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I try to think logically, that to me means that there must be something, what are the chances that this is the only form of existence. I personnally believe we'll never truly know or that everyone will 100% believe because it would be too much for our mind to take.

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In science there is something called the ghost particle, however it doesn?t have anything to do with the ghosts you are talking about, it?s a type of matter that's hard to detect and it goes through everythi:p. :p

Why should there be anything? Shouldn?t animals, insects, atoms have ghosts/souls also? Or are humans special? There has never been any evidence to suggest anything like this.

No there is no such thing as ghosts.

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In science there is something called the ghost particle, however it doesn?t have anything to do with the ghosts you are talking about, it?s a type of matter that's hard to detect and it goes through everythi:p. :p

Why should there be anything? Shouldn?t animals, insects, atoms have ghosts/souls also? Or are humans special? There has never been any evidence to suggest anything like this.

No there is no such thing as ghosts.

Are you calling every single thing that shows something 'ghostly' a hoax?

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agreed :yes:


i disagree with him, i stay at a friends house all the time, and there is a ghost there named mary. ive never come into close contact with her, but yes i have heard her. and one of my friends who lives by my friend who has the ghost named mary, some people once came up to their house saying that their parents used to live there and their spirits are still in that house! :blink:

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:laugh: Yes. 'Ghosts' are real -- but they have many different causes. And not all ghosts are 'dead'.

The poltergeists are living persons unconsciously moving objects with their own mind. Often because they feel disrespected and made to feel 'powerless' -- so they act out. They demonstrate powers we all have, but rarely use, due to present-day beliefs about what is or isn't possible.

There are people whose bodies are asleep, but making themselves appear to others while OOBE -- in astral travel. If that seems too far out, think of it as just being on a higher frequency than your normal body is. The real you is Energy.

There are places with strong memories of events and buildings, that when activated by a 'psychic' gifted mind, will be seen by that person.

'Possesions' are most often the disturbed person's mind is split -- they have many conflicting beliefs. Strong beliefs in Evil and guilts will greatly amplify the physical effects. Unexplained noises, breaking or flying objects, bleeding, welts, and levitations come from the same mind powers as the poltergeists.

Some apparitions are actually views into another dimension or bleed-thrus in Time. You are actually seeing a living person or scenes from the Past.

There are those unfortunates that have 'died' but do not realize that they have. Some refuse to let go of the life they have known -- the spirit is very possessive of it's surroundings. They can linger on for centuries.

Many ghosts haunt places and the living because they want recognition and help. They want people to know how they died, that they were innocent of something, or want something found by their loved ones. Unfinished business, as they say.

There are a few more causes of ghostly phenomenon, but those are probably too advanced for Neowin. Let's just say that we live in a wonderous Universe. ;)

If you encounter a 'ghost', be polite, wish it peace, and ask it to go it's own way.

Believe in yourself, believe in Good (without evil), and thou shalt be safe. :happy:

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Nope, ghosts do not exsist, when your gone, your gone, your body ceases to function, and your parts waste away, there is no invisible force or soul that lives on.

Though i am a believer of some of the things Hum was saying, nothing like levitating or moving objects, but people can make themselves bleed, or hurt themselves with their mind (not on purpose) but your mind controls your own body, and these things can happen (like people who get stigmata, its all to do with their mind, it makes the body do it) but there is a limit on what your mind can do, you cant make yourself defy gravity, or move objects in my opinion.

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Ghosts don't exist, its your head playing with you. Its just because you want to believe it and it happens.

Thanks Griffin, your hard, factual evidence has finally put this argument to rest. We want something to happen and it does? A telekenisis believer? I joke.

(Rant ahoy) Anyway, the thing is I believe I have seen a ghost, I'm not going into details but it freaked me out. I know what I saw and what I saw I can't explain. I'm not talking something out the corner of my eye here, I'm talking 5-6 second stare at this thing before I scampered off. This is irrelevant to my point though.

Now after saying that I have seen a 'ghost', I even found myself doubting my own judgement because I am a very rational, intelligent and logical person, obviously believing in 'ghosts' (of which the term's interpretation and meaning is subject to debate alone) seemingly goes against my nature. The truth is, I don't know, I have no inclination to want to believe, e.g. death of a close family member or whatever, but I, by my own experience, am aware something occurs when people claim these things. And I tell you now I am not a person who can be influenced, take that or leave it, I'm trying hard to be honest and impartial and if that means coming across as arrogant then so be it.

Another issue I feel is the connotations of 'ghosts' or 'paranormal'. Nowadays I think the terms conjur images of middle-aged women buying 'mind and spirit' magazine claiming to be slightly psychic, I've known people like this and it angers me.

These people destroy the credibility of the rational believers and reduce the idea of people believing in something of this nature, to humility.

I watched a Penn and Teller recently debunking Paranormal investigations and ghosts in general. I love the show but they're evidence was patchy. They had obviously found the whackiest and easiest to mock 'ghost-busters' as they called them, this was more for entertainment reasons and obviously to try and spin the show in their viewpoint. They claimed things like electro-magnetic readers did nothing more than detect powerlines, believers have reason or motive to believe and basically tarred everyone with the same brush. The point is most of the things they were using as evidence had counter arguments like electro-magentic readings are always compared to baseline readings in good investigations. I'm not saying this alone is evidence to prove that ghosts exist but I'm saying skeptics have holes in their line or argument too.

I'm not that hot on my physics but what I do know, or should say remember from secondary school is what my teacher told me once; that science is not a 'fact' in the way we use that word in a court. A scientific fact is a theory that is yet to be disproved, accidentally or not. This isn't universally true in my opinion but it's good in the way it encourages an investigative nature, in my interpretation; an open mind.

Okay rant over I got bored. Do not forget I'm genuinely impartial, sort of paranormally agnostic.

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I don't know if it was a "ghost" or not, but a friend of mine, her house has something strange with it... there's 2 things that happen, and i've seen it...

one is, if you're in the kitchen, and you sit something on the counter, and you leave the room, just right around a corner, the thing you put on the counter will be about 1-2 feet from where you sat it down when you go back. it only takes it a second too, walk around the corner, count to 3 and go back, it's moved.

and the second is, in their hallway, as you walk down toward the bedrooms, the pictures on the wall will tilt. and they arn't light pictures either where the air movement would make it happen. you put them back straight, and they'll stay, then go walk down the hallway a minute later, and they tilt...

other than that tho, nothing else strange happens...

and it's not a practical joke, it's been doing this for years...

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