Trillian Astra

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Hopefully it will be better. I left Trillian for Miranda and fell in love, stupid Trillian and it's ugly skins, lovely Miranda and it's amazing skins :p.

i just switched couple days ago

runs super fast, skins are great and its light weight and has easy plug-ins... has to spend a couple devoted hours searching around on how to enable basic stuff but...

in the end i love it

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  • 1 month later...

They are just taking there sweet ass time on this aren't they?

I doubt this will be anything big whenever they finally release it. As Frank mentioned above, the developers are really quite lazy with Trillian. There are bugs that are so obvious that they just never have bothered to get around to fixing.

Not to mention, I commented on the Trillian Blog about how nice an option for Native UI support would be, and how many people have complained about the lack of Native UI support and they promptly deleted my comment instead of addressing it, that's a good way to handle suggestions huh? :rolleyes: :wacko:

Nope sorry, these guys will not be getting my money.

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Not to mention, I commented on the Trillian Blog about how nice an option for Native UI support would be, and how many people have complained about the lack of Native UI support and they promptly deleted my comment instead of addressing it, that's a good way to handle suggestions huh? :rolleyes: :wacko:

Totally agree on that one man! they already mentioned in their blog that a native UI support will never be...its out of question, so thats probably why they deleted your request...

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i had used trillian from 0.65 up until the official release of WLM.

i have developed serveral plugins, including one of the most downloaded ever (my mail plugin) and considered kevin and scott friends, however i was so disgusted with the lack of updates, both to the program and on progress, that i went to WLM and haven't looked back. i still can't believe this isn't released yet. ridiculous.

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If you guys want a IM client that looks native, it's not going to be too long until Digsby releases. Right now it looks like February. I'm doing the GUI code for it and it can run either native or skinned. It's going to be a pretty awesome client.

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^^ link to more info? I've never heard of Digsby before :blink:

We don't really have much online yet, we've been in development for almost 9 months now, looking at a invite only beta in January(until then just very private and internal betas) the official launch in February. The website isn't up yet. Our company website is you might be able to get some info off there. But we're currently planning on launching with AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, and Jabber(including Google Talk) support out of the door, with IRC coming fairly soon later. Our GUI has some cool new features (some programmed by me) that I haven't seen before in an IM client. I can't really say anything about those right now though. And can't say too much else right now because of NDAs but I'll be sure t break the news here at Neowin when I can. In the meantime, check out the blog at the dotSyntax site, every once in a while one of us will update it with something

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  • 3 weeks later...

Trillian Astra Sneak Preview


Changes from 3.11 -> 4.0

* FOOTPRINT: Free certain objects from the skinning language that weren't needed beyond initial loadup time.

* FOOTPRINT: Optimize the way XML is read in and used to require less memory during execution.

* FOOTPRINT: Cleanup of antiquated XML structures.

* FOOTPRINT: The usual batch of memory leaks plugged whenever found.

* PERFORMANCE: Reading and parsing of SkinXML optimized across the board; will improve startup time.

* PERFORMANCE: Window opening speedups.

* PERFORMANCE: Maximize speed when redrawing individual controls that make up the contact list and message window.

* PERFORMANCE: Speed of all network connections optimizes; more efficient reads and writes; improved FT performance and improved general performance.

* IMCORE: IMCore set of classes written to handle a generic IM plugin across the board; used by all current network DLLs.

* IMCORE: General operations, API integration and socket management faster.

* IMCORE: Threaded system for handling connections; no more freezing of UI during DNS lookups, etc

* IMCORE: Better error reporting whenever possible; more focused errors when messages are not delivered.

* IMCORE: Group chat enhancements; windows will morph into chats instead of opening new windows whenever it makes sense to do so.

* IMCORE: Connection preferences integrated into main Trillian Preferences window; no more native OS UI code in the network DLLs.

* IMCORE: All IMCore code, including all service-specific code, compile natively on Win32/Linux/OSX. :-9

* FILE TRANSFERS: Cleanup of all file transfer code; now compatible with newest versions of all clients, including server-proxying when possible.

* FILE TRANSFERS: Newly-designed FT window with 'more' button to explain process/errors when they occur.

* FILE TRANSFERS: Resume support enhanced on AIM; Trillian won't resume on top of the wrong file any more.

* FILE TRANSFERS: AutoZIP; select multiple files on your desktop and drag them to a contact as a bunch. They will be zipped before transfer.

* FILE TRANSFERS: Preview for file transfers; show file extension icon or actual image data when sending pictures.

* FILE TRANSFERS: Context menu for a file within the file transfer (so you can access the explorer menu without 'finding' the file on your drive).

* FILE TRANSFERS: Pause support for outgoing file transfers.

* FILE TRANSFERS: Total time taken displayed at the end of a transfer.

* MSN: Custom status messages.

* MSN: Support for; when a connection to MSN fails, attempt tunneling the connection through the server.

* MSN: Rewritten message handling code for improved reliability. Catch as many cases as possible of a message failing to be delivered and print clear errors.

* MYSPACE: Plugin created for MySpaceIM interoperability.

* YAHOO: Custom status messages.

* ICQ: icq.dll created; no longer mashed into aim.dll

* AIM/ICQ: Better interoperability support for talking to an AIM contact from an ICQ account and vice-versa; parse HTML/RTF/etc when necessary.

* ASTRA: Network for communicating with other Trillian contacts; powers many aspects of Trillian Astra.

* ASTRA: 512-bit encryption with public key identity verification.

* ASTRA: Encrypted file transfers at users option; slower to send but every packet encrypted.

* ASTRA: Reliable, built-in image transfers. No 'activation' required; just drag images and they will appear to the remote end.

* ASTRA: Astra Contacts; a server-supported Meta Contact that can be exposed to your contacts as a single point of tracking all your IM account information.

* ASTRA: Buddies.xml stored server-side; use Trillian wherever you go without redoing your contact list.

* ASTRA: Offline Messaging capability.

* ASTRA: Privacy-protected, dynamically created user information. Create and maintain as many named entities in your profile as required; each individual profile entity has its own privacy controls. For example, your first and last name might be public information but your mobile phone number might be for friends only, or for a list of names.

* WEB: Astra Info page automatically created for all Trillian users.

* WEB: Widgets shown on the web.

* WEB: Astra Info page supports easy two-way chatting.

* WEB: Status notification on the web for all your Trillian-managed connections; single point of entry to see your status on any network.

* WIDGETS: Dynamic objects to be embedded in your Trillian chat windows, web profile and more. Widgets are Flash objects used to visually represent certain aspects of your user info. For example, a Weather widget exists to showcase the weather in your zipcode. A mood widget exists to showcase your mood.

* WIDGETS: Open Widget API, ActionScript 3.0 compatible. Open source classes for public use during widget creation.

* CONTACT LIST: New tiled icon view.

* CONTACT LIST: Contact spotlight search.

* CONTACT LIST: Contact adding integrated to contact list for easier access.

* CONTACT LIST: Hiding empty group behavior improved; don't hide 0/0 groups that are newly created.

* CONTACT LIST: Buddy icon; can drag image into avatar area.

* CONTACT LIST: Change display name from contact list.

* CONTACT LIST: Change status message from contact list by typing.

* CONTACT LIST: Proper logoff support to quickly change Astra Profiles (no longer closing, reloading)

* CONTACT LIST: Contact Cloning. Can now have multiple instances of the same contact in different groups.

* CONTACT LIST: Bouncing list; allows you to see panels that are out of the visible range as a collapsed panel.

* CONTACT LIST: Better buddy icon resizing for clearer images.

* CONTACT LIST: Speed improvements; adding, removing, sorting, and scrolling through the contact list has been sped up.

* CONTACT LIST: Autohiding of the scrollbar when not needed.

* CONTACT LIST: MetaContacts now show the away message of their highest-ranked child.

* CONTACT LIST: Option to set contact list height dynamically based on list contents.

* CONTACT LIST: Gray out buddy icon when offline.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Dynamic toolbar buttons; don't show 'send file' when it's not possible on a network.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Font styles menu. Create and store combinations of font settings for easy access.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Insert menu.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: DirectIM improvements; paste/copy images, drag images in, image preview mode, better image view within chat window (maintains aspect ratio, has border)

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Auto-resizing edit area.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Buzz! support where applicable.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: New group chat invitation window (With easy click to add, searching, and custom adding).

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Text selection improved, more pinpoint. Proper cursor shown on mouseover of text.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: User is typing in tabs of a container.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Tablet support, draw mode in edit box. Supported on Astra and MSN. Scales images in display.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Autohiding of the scrollbar when not needed.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Status message within the chat window.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Contact authorization integrated into the message window and systray alert system and available to plugins via the API.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Knowledge bar.

* MESSAGE WINDOW: Newly-designed stranger window.

* GENERAL: Guest login support for friends that visit; won't save profile information.

* GENERAL: Login as invisible and all networks will inherit the state if they support invisibility.

* GENERAL: Proper documents and settings support; new accounts will be adhere to Docs/Settings directories. Legacy accounts will remain in place.

* GENERAL: Many updated or improved icons throughout.

* HISTORY: New header in activity history.

* HISTORY: Full activity graph shown at all times (automatically scales)

* HISTORY: Renaming of history bookmarks.

* API: Various bug fixes.

* API: messageBuzz : Trigger a window buzz (for mediums).

* API: eventsStatusRequest : Request the current status.

* API: accountsPreferences, accountsPreferencesUpdate : Integrated account preferences.

* API: assetRequest.

* API: messageChatRequest, messageChatRequestList : Integrated chat request window.

* API: messageReceiveHandwriting : Handwriting support.

* SKIN: Dynamic skin changing.

* SKIN: Theme support.

* SKIN: Layered window support.

* SKIN: Reduced memory usage.

* SKIN: Skin Math supported in most areas now.

* SKIN: Trillian will use the default component values when applicable.

* SKIN: -1 is supported in most color tags as transparent.

* SKIN: Proper control layering (when skin is set to v4).

* SKIN: Alpha Transparency: Option to turn it on/off per window in xml < window .... alpha="yes"/>.

* SKIN: Alpha Transparency: %window.alpha%; Allows for different views depending on if alpha is turned on or off.

* SKIN: Hue/Themes: New tag.

* SKIN: Hue/Themes: New tag, supports multiple filters in one theme.

* SKIN: Hue/Themes: New , , filters.

* SKIN: Hue/Themes: Hue Change menu from View menu.

* SKIN: Hue/Themes: Bitmaps may be changed within a theme.

* SKIN: Hue/Themes: Theme button.

* SKIN: New Variable: %totalscreen.width%, %totalscreen.height%.

* SKIN: New Variable: frame.width and frame.height (e.g.: %fraTooltip-1.width%).

* SKIN: New Variable:

* SKIN: New Variable: %window.docked%; Proper support for creating a docked contact list.

* SKIN: New Variable: New variable %window.has_taskbarentry%... to shift buttons when the minimize button appear.

* SKIN: New Variable: desiredWidth, desiredHeight for framebars.

* SKIN: New Variable: hasText, desiredScrollbar for edit controls (ie: %searchEdit.hasText%).

* SKIN: List Items: Background, placement support for every list item.

* SKIN: Buttons: More button actions: "setVariable", "setFocus", "clearText", "setText".

* SKIN: Buttons: Button action to set a preference value: (Set variable with the variable being prefs.value).

* SKIN: Buttons: Text control can have hover, select and normal states.

* SKIN: Edit: Default text (text, colors, style).

* SKIN: Edit: Font settings (color, font style).

* SKIN: Edit: Text alignment.

* SKIN: Edit: < cursor name="blur" type="link"/> < cursor name="focus" type="ibeam"/>.

* SKIN: Regions: Region map support of stretch=1 middle if you add the attribute to the mainregion of 'useDefaultColors="1"'.

* SKIN: Regions: Visible support.

* SKIN: Topic Control: Option to set 'all caps' on.

* SKIN: List: Background can be transparent.

* SKIN: Backgrounds: Middle supported.

* SKIN: Backgrounds: Middle supported.

* SKIN: Backgrounds: 9 Slice mode for ease of coding.

* SKIN: Backgrounds: Tile support.

* SKIN: Backgrounds: Stretch support.

* SKIN: Backgrounds: Visible support.

* SKIN: Framebar: Alignment support (left, center, right, horizontal, vertical).

* SKIN: Controls: "away-edit" control allows editing of Away messages quickly, completed with correct mouse and click behaviors.

* SKIN: Controls: "global-status"/"away-menu" cleaned up.

* SKIN: Controls: "add-service" menu button that will set a switcher to current service, save between loads the current service and show a menu to choose service.

* SKIN: Controls: new text edit control "add-edit" that allows users to type in a screenname to add right away on Enter key. Text field clears after contact added. Default text "Type Astra ID to add...".

* SKIN: Controls: New button control "add-button" that acts as the Enter key for "add-edit", and also opens Add Wizard if "add-edit" is empty.

* SKIN: Controls: New button control "away-menu" that shows a drop down menu of subtitles or away messages.

* SKIN: Controls: Skinners can create controls that change certain preferences settings, e.g. Always On Top, Sounds On/Off, Notifiers On/Off: < action name="setVariable" variable="%prefs.prefsNotificationsSounds%" value="on/off/toggle"/>, with child switcher "icon" that has on and off states. < settings name="default" value="%prefs.prefsNotificationsSounds%"/>.

* SKIN: Controls: New button control "prefs" that launches Trillian Preferences.

* SKIN: Controls: New button control "prefs-myid" that launches My Identity Information.

* SKIN: Controls: New button control "prefs-myicon" that launches the My Icon page in My Id Information.

* SKIN: Controls: New switcher "basic-local-avatar" will not have click to change icon.

* SKIN: Controls: New button control "history" that launches Activity History.

* SKIN: Controls: New button control "profileeditor" that goes to Profile Editor.

* SKIN: Controls: New text edit control "search-edit" that searches contact list as user types.< setting name="default" value="Type here to search" />.

* SKIN: Controls: Topic control "profile-name" is now a chat-edit control. Can be used to click and edit user name quickly.

* SKIN: Stixe: Icon pack support.

* SKIN: Stixe: Custom Windows support.

* SKIN: Stixe: All elements recoded for new control.

* SKIN: Stixe: All elements can now have stretched backgrounds, or choice of colored or tiled backgrounds.


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Nice, Haven't given up on trillian yet, although there time in between releases ****es me off, new version looks great, i can't wait, and it's about time, they haven't bothered updating their blog in 90 days.

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it's a fancy skin on top of plugins and fixes that should have been in years ago. not impressed for the amount of time it took to release an ALPHA.

and for the record, my credentials are in order. i've been a trillian user since 0.6 and as i've said before, developed one of the most popular plugins around for it.

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I stopped using Trillian for two reasons: 1) doesn't skin with windows, 2) they wait too long between releases & as a result, subscriptions becomes a per version purchasing scheme. Despite how nice that version looks I probably won't get it. I paid for it last time, they released nothing during my subscription so I am not paying again for another version. Also, if it doesn't skin with windows, I won't even give it a second look.

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