2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing

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Opening ceremony: August 8

Closing ceremony: August 24


* Archery

* Badminton

* Baseball

* Basketball

* Beach Volleyball

* Boxing

* Canoe/Kayak

* Cycling

* Diving

* Equestrian

* Fencing

* Field Hockey

* Gymnastics

* Handball

* Judo

* Modern Pent.

* Rhythmic Gym.

* Rowing

* Sailing

* Shooting

* Soccer

* Softball

* Swimming

* Sync. Swimming

* Table Tennis

* Taekwondo

* Tennis

* Track & Field

* Trampoline

* Triathlon

* Volleyball

* Water Polo

* Weightlifting

* Wrestling

Related Websites:

http://en.beijing2008.cn/ (Official Site)

http://www.nbcolympics.com/ (Schedules, TV, etc...)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Summer_Olympics (Wiki)


Is any one interested in some Olympic talk? I was surprised to see no thread here so I guess I will start one.

For those who do not know, the 2008 Summer Olympics are being held in Beijing this year. The opening ceremony starts on 08.08.08 and ends on 08.24.2008.

I cant wait to see the Track & Field + USA Mens Basketball! You will be able to watch the events LIVE on certain channels, unfortunately NBC will be airing taped segments in order to please the US audience due to time zone restrictions.

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I can't wait to watch the Olympics. It will arguably be one of the most extravagant ever held in the modern era.

I hope one of the athletes will do something significant politically like wear a Tibetan flag as he stands on the podium. That would makes this year's Olympics perfect.

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I hope one of the athletes will do something significant politically like wear a Tibetan flag as he stands on the podium. That would makes this year's Olympics perfect.

I don't. Politics and sport shouldn't be mixed. I watch the Olympics (or any other sport) to see who is the best at what they do. Politics just takes away from that. It steals the spotlight.

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I don't. Politics and sport shouldn't be mixed. I watch the Olympics (or any other sport) to see who is the best at what they do. Politics just takes away from that. It steals the spotlight.

I agree. That said, I'm still surprised China got the vote for the Olympics in regards to their track record. Their stadiums however are certainly amazing, I give you that.


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I don't. Politics and sport shouldn't be mixed. I watch the Olympics (or any other sport) to see who is the best at what they do. Politics just takes away from that. It steals the spotlight.

That would be nice but that's an idealistic desire. Bringing sports to an international stage and making the best athletes represent their own countries makes it inevitable for politics and sports to mix. If athletes went to the Olympics without representing their countries, then it would never be political.

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Politics are only mixed in because people make it so! Politics in the Olympics haven't cropped up (afair) until Beijing was selected to host the games. I don't remember a load of political nonsense about Greece or Australia. Just the host putting on a good show and the athletes doing their best.

The only plausible reason for Beijing not hosting the games is whether environmental conditions would cause health issues for the athletes. I presume those who decided where the games go were in a far better position to judge than me and took it into account.

If you won't let the games go to China for a political reason, then why is it any more right for them to come the UK? I don't think Argentina or some middle-east countries would like that. So how about Russia? Nope, USA and Europe won't like that... You'd never pick anywhere to host the games because there is always a political reason not to host them there!

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Its going to be interesting to see how the cycling events are going to pan out. The Tour de France ended today and they were saying a lot of the same riders will be going for gold. It must be a tough 2 months for the riders hehe.

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Politics are only mixed in because people make it so! Politics in the Olympics haven't cropped up (afair) until Beijing was selected to host the games. I don't remember a load of political nonsense about Greece or Australia. Just the host putting on a good show and the athletes doing their best.

See the 1980 Russian Olympics for example.

How are the Olympics not political? Athletes are representing their countries. Nationalism and patriotism are evident and expressed clearly by every athlete. On top of that, there's always one country that's banned from the Olympics because of politics or the like. The Olympics serves as a cultural exchange event also. It's inevitable for politics and sports to clash.

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Man, I CAN'T wait to see this!!

Today on NBC is gonna be talking about it, also China ALL week too!

Seeing it in HD is gonna be Gorgeous!!! :woot:

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Man, I CAN'T wait to see this!!

Today on NBC is gonna be talking about it, also China ALL week too!

Seeing it in HD is gonna be Gorgeous!!! :woot:

Yeah I can't wait to see the HD coverage. The US Mens Basketball team has been unstoppable for the last two weeks during pre-olympic friendlies. Its like the Dream Team x10!

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Yeah I can't wait to see the HD coverage. The US Mens Basketball team has been unstoppable for the last two weeks during pre-olympic friendlies. Its like the Dream Team x10!

This is one team i will not support. Lithuania Basketball team FTW :p but honestly we dont have a chance :(

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i mean WOW, just WOW

everything was great, EVERYTHING!!!

if you didnt see it, WATCH IT, just for the opening!!

and omg london really doesnt stand a chance :( there is no way we could pull off something half as good as that!

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I'm so excited as I am for every Olympics. NBC is finally doing what looks like may be a decent job. Ton of events streamed live. I love every event. Heck, I'm watching Equestrian right now.

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Anyone tired of Pre-recorded stuff?

I don't understand why US/NBC couldn't show it Live like 8am time, and do a Repeat now you know. Pretty LAME if you ask me.

So, people OFF in the day time could seen it!

Anyway, you seen the movies "Hero", "House of Flying Daggers", "Curse of the Golden Flower"?

Zhang Yimou, will be (one of) the director of this ceremony! (Or he is the director of the Entire thing, I don't know for sure)

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Yeah I can't wait to see the HD coverage. The US Mens Basketball team has been unstoppable for the last two weeks during pre-olympic friendlies. Its like the Dream Team x10!

Uh, no. The Dream Team never won by a mere 9 points (see: Australia last week).

They probably will win but I wouldn't give them anything until it's over. The Greeks are going to be a force, as well as Argentina.

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It's good to know that for a few weeks every 2 years or so, people are brought together and everyone is just human.

I know. 4 billion watched the opening ceremony. tis just awesome that everyone becomes one. =D

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