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The windows version comes in 2 "different" versions, one portable and one via a standard installer. The only difference is where the data is stored.

For those of you who haven't seen the app before, some features:

  • Account support
  • Screenshot taking - Either custom draw rectangle, full screen or window selection mode (now saves transparency!)
  • Uploads directories as a zip file to make sharing directories with people easy
  • Allows you to queue uploads so you can drop any number of files and leave it to do its work
  • Can run in the sys tray - After setting some files to upload, you can minimise it to the sys tray
  • Toast notifications - when a file has uploaded (or when it fails) a toast notification will be shown to inform you
  • No forced settings - the tray icon, toast notifications, always on top status etc can be turned on/off in the settings window (click the i bottom left)
  • Self updating - both portable/installer versions check for an updated version when you start the program and can automatically download it, update and re-run the main app after updating

Download Links:


Feel free to spread the main site link to get as many people using as possible, I'd prefer it if you only linked to the main site and not the download links directly. Finally, thanks to mail for the design and to anyone who helped with bug finding / vista testing (Y)

Edited by Mike
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Actually here's a request :p a screenshot taking part of the app, where you can define where to take a screenshot of. Don't know why I never suggested it before :p

pretty sure you've already told me about that, i know someone else asked for it. current stance is: it'll be added but i'm not sure if to do it like the snipping tool in vista, or a simple 'upload contents of clipboard' feature. i'll add it to the bugs part of the site though.

Quick status on the OS X widget, too: I've spent the summer learning Objective-C, meaning I can probably add some features to bring the OS X widget up to the same featureset as the Windows one. When I get around to that, it wil alsol be rebranded as the Localhostr Uploadr for OS X. These widgets are a joint project by Mike, mail, and I, and the hope is that in the future we will keep them consistent. Hopefully I'll get my widget closer to the pixel-perfect one mail wants, as well :p

So, just to be clear, the features not included in OS X, but that are in the Windows version:

  • Folder zipping and uploading
  • Progress bar
  • Thumbnails (removed previously due to problems on localhostr's end, planned to be reintroduced)

All of these should be in the next widget, along with some cleanup of the code and improved graphics.

yup i've been thinking of emulating it so it works on the xp "version" too

Taking a capture of what's behind the window then doing a blur on it?

Unless you've got a very fast method, you're going to have visual issues if you do it that way (Your window will move faster than you can update the blur)

Taking a capture of what's behind the window then doing a blur on it?

Unless you've got a very fast method, you're going to have visual issues if you do it that way (Your window will move faster than you can update the blur)

if i was to do it, i'd probably only update when the window has stopped moving. there are more problems than the speed of it. For one there is actually getting the data that's behind the window and then there is a reliable way of knowing when the blur needs changing, won't only be when my window is moved

what is the domain list that localhostr uploads to?

it appeared to be blocked at my workplace, so i whitelisted the following:


the site works, but when i try to upload i recieve security errors... so i'm guessing something is still blocked.

it works fine at home on the same notebook.

It's probably the update check which uses when you run it. Rest of the connections will be to for uploading/checking account details.

Thanks, but it happens directly from the website...

I just thought you may now with making this app. I assumed it has another domain which it passes by.


Error #2038

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