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It would be pointless if it didn't work without an account as not many people have accounts afaik. The only advantage to an account is being able to access the uploaded files on the site as well as being able to delete files from the site (the delete button in localhostr uploadr only removes it from the apps history).

  • 4 months later...

Figured I'd resurrect this thread for some update news :p

Version 1.2.3 of localhostr uploadr has been released. This release contains a few bug fixes. The update is live and localhostr uploadr should tell you there is an update within 24 hours. Details of the changes in this version are below:

Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed a crash related to animated GIFs.
  • Fixed a rare crash/freeze after uploading.
  • The start menu shortcut now has a jump list.

Download Links:

  • 7 months later...

Figured I'd resurrect this thread (again) for some update news :p

Released v1.2.4 and (very quickly after) v1.2.5 due to noticing a bug shortly afterwards :pinch:

v1.2.4 added experimental link shortening support - see this page for details, it also fixed a bug with Firefox so you can now drag / drop an image on to localhostr uploadr to make a copy on localhostr (for whatever reason). I'm not 100% sure the "fix" is needed because the bug stopped happening shortly after fixing it (even on unfixed versions).

v.1.2.5 fixes the thumbnails of images not working if the filename has a space in it.

Download Links:

Any bug reports / feedback / feature requests? Use this contact form

Hi, I wanted to ask about a couple of things.

1. How do I get a localhostr account?

2. Is there a way to change the user folder location to Dropbox so that I could sync my uploads history between 2 computers or more?

Thanks. :)

I wasn't sure where to post this, but figured whoever made this proggy could ask the site admin.

Any chance we can get a favicon for the localhostr website? Maybe the globe logo or something? When bookmarking the site it just shows a white page at the moment.

  • 11 months later...

Excuse the thread necromancy, but Mike released not one but two updates for localhostr uploadr in the past few days:

Uploadr Version 1.2.7

6th August 2011

  • Fix history items opening the wrong item.
  • Update SimpleJSON library.
  • Resizing the window not painting the background fixed

Uploadr Version 1.2.6

3rd August 2011

  • Workaround fix for crashing after uploading PSDs and certain GIF files


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