The worst movie you have seen?

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Catwoman with halli barry ( or however u spell her name ) , turned it off after like 20 mins.

Junk - some japanese zombie horror movie that used spaghetti-os for blood and was just horrrrible.

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Any of the Lord of the Rings movies or Peter Jackson's King Kong.

I know they're popular and well made, but I detested every millisecond of them.

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Waterworld and Battlefield Earth... the two movies people love to hate.

I don't get why people hate these movies so much. They are crap but there's been worse out there. :p

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Redline. This movie is awful. Nothing about it makes sense, and most of the stunts are just unreasonable and unrealistic.

Dude I love Redline so much because of how people smack it, if you think of it like a parody of the Fast and Furious then you'll see how the movie was meant to be seen.

It's a movie where anything goes with no regrets lol

Worst movie for me has to be Starship Troopers: Hero of the Federation, the 1st one was just so epic; I didn't even bother to watch the 3rd one.

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Worst movie for me has to be Starship Troopers: Hero of the Federation, the 1st one was just so epic; I didn't even bother to watch the 3rd one.

Now, read the book, and see how much they ****ed up Starship Troopers!

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The Happening.

Quarantine, was absolutely dreadful as well..

Dude, no ****ing way, quarantine was great.

You must live a sheltered life if thats 'the worse movie ever' lol.

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Atomic Twister. Clearly the people who wrote that movie have no idea what a tornado is, or how a nuclear power plant works. Plus the acting wasn't too wonderful either.

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Well, I watched it for about a minute before I closed the tab in IE!

LOL good for you, I'm telling you - it sucks; I was a little captivated with the music at first, and since I like SciFi so much, I was like what the heck let me see what happens, I didn't have much to do that day anyway, but man it was horrible!

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LOL good for you, I'm telling you - it sucks; I was a little captivated with the music at first, and since I like SciFi so much, I was like what the heck let me see what happens, I didn't have much to do that day anyway, but man it was horrible!

Don't get me wrong, I like B-grade SF & Fantasy, but from the 1970s/80s, and I know it's not from that time period, but that was just bad and I consider Z-grade.

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