NHL 2003-2004 Trades & Rumor

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Who needs goaltending when you have stacked lines like they will this season! If only the Blues would go spend some money!

By the way Cara, the Wings signed Hatcher. Any feelings on the subject?

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wow im surprised Kariya left Anaheim... good move on Colorado's part..

I didnt hear about the Wings getting Hatcher. That's a good move for any team. Looks like Detroit and Colorado arent going to settle for first round exits again.

On a side note, Sergei Federov's agent said he wont resign with the Wings.. kinda surprising

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wow im surprised Kariya left Anaheim... good move on Colorado's part..

I didnt hear about the Wings getting Hatcher. That's a good move for any team. Looks like Detroit and Colorado arent going to settle for first round exits again.

On a side note, Sergei Federov's agent said he wont resign with the Wings.. kinda surprising

i'm glad about federov not resigning. he's a greedy ****** and it gives us room to sign some other guys. :)

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I think Colorado will be pretty tough to beat this year, depending who they put in the pipes. I would think they should be able to create some scoring opportunities this coming season!

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Who needs goaltending when you have stacked lines like they will this season! If only the Blues would go spend some money!

By the way Cara, the Wings signed Hatcher. Any feelings on the subject?

My thoughts on Hatcher...


Even though, the buzz around the locker-room is that Cujo is on his way out...

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Forsberg just signed a 1yr deal, dunno whats up with Sakic. Colorado is probably more stacked than Detroit ever was. Forsberg, Sakic, Hejduk, Kariya, Selanne, Foote, Blake and we signed Andrei Nikolishin last month. I dunno what colorado is gonna do with its goaltending though.

it's too bad Anaheim will be on the bottom this year... maybe not... who knows, Kariya wasnt that productive and now they have a few extra bucks to shell out for some good players.

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Cujo certainly did not play up to his potential in the playoffs. I was very surprised at that. I heard that Hasek said he would come out of retirement and play for Detroit again. Must be nice to have a team that will put out some cash to bring in talent... :whistle:

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Puck Bunny...thats a first. :laugh:

you obviously have never played hockey in a league or went to high school in Canada :) theyre a big problem to us who don't need the extra attention (unless theyre hot) ;)

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Topic Modified to Better Fit Subject

Changed from Av's beefing up 2003-2004


NHL 2003-2004 Trades & Rumor

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you obviously have never played hockey in a league or went to high school in Canada :) theyre a big problem to us who don't need the extra attention (unless theyre hot) ;)

No, grew up here in St. Louis. Played mostly football so never had the whole puck bunny thing going on.

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cechmanek is going to anaheim i think and dominik hasek is going to detroit.i forget whos replacing cechmanek

Roman is going to the Kings is what I read somewhere...

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cechmanek is going to anaheim i think and dominik hasek is going to detroit.i forget whos replacing cechmanek

yeah as the link a couple posts above said, Detroit is going to exercise their option on Hasek and he is going to come out of retirement.

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