[Official] Bulletstorm

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sounds like it's a lot of fun based on you guys, can't get it till Sat due to work, so will have to wait. but people already finishing it doesn't bode well for length. is it replayable at all?

I haven't slept since I got it so though it's short, it's not THAT short. Roughly twelve hours between when I got home and when I finished, although I obviously wasn't playing the whole time.

And yes, absolutely. I intend to play it again at least once. :)

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As much as I want to play this game on my PC, I'm not too keen on paying $59.99 for a primarily single-player game. I'm aware of the co-op MP game modes but to me, that isn't enough to justify the price. It'd be a different story if it had a MP game mode like team death match.

imo, team death match has been over done in almost every FPS out there. Soo glad Epic/PCF didn't go that route for this game.

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imo, team death match has been over done in almost every FPS out there. Soo glad Epic/PCF didn't go that route for this game.

Well, I think it would've been nice to have it on top of the co-op MP mode. It would add a lot of replay value to the game.

Turns out it's not on Steam. pfffffft

It's available in North America: http://store.steampowered.com/app/99810/

As for Europe, I think it'll be out on the 24th or 25th.

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sounds like it's a lot of fun based on you guys, can't get it till Sat due to work, so will have to wait. but people already finishing it doesn't bode well for length. is it replayable at all?

Well one of the modes it has is called Echoes. It is a condensed version of certain scenes in the Campaign, and you go through it and get a "High Score" for each level. The whole point of the mode is to see how good you can do with the Skill Kills It then has leader-boards to compare to your friends list, etc. The level I checked out in the Demo was about 15 minutes long give or take, so seemed really good for re-playability and quick consumption so to speak.

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Haven't jumped on anything other than the campaign so far but anyone setting up to play Echo's or the Anarchy mode? (Xbox)

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Haven't jumped on anything other than the campaign so far but anyone setting up to play Echo's or the Anarchy mode? (Xbox)

I will be sometime tonight I imagine. Getting it for Xbox 360 very shortly.

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Picked it up yesterday and played a couple hours today. Great fun. I love just being able to run around and shoot enemies without having to give much of a **** about my health. Skillshots are what makes doing that fun. Game looks fantastic visually as well and the dialogue is hilarious.

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Picked it up yesterday and played a couple hours today. Great fun. I love just being able to run around and shoot enemies without having to give much of a **** about my health. Skillshots are what makes doing that fun. Game looks fantastic visually as well and the dialogue is hilarious.

Love the dialogue. Reminds me of Bad Company/2. Grayson is such a smartass drunk lol. Talks like Duke sometimes :rofl:

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so anyone know how to get rid of mouse acceleration on the PC version yet?

Does your mouse have any kind of drivers or app for it? If so, you should be able to override any game settings. That is what I did with my Logitech mouse. I just use it's settings and not the games.

With that said, I only saw a setting for mouse sensitivity, not for acceleration.

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Kick ass, thanks for this, I just bumped up the FOV a tad, nothing crazy like they did.

If anyone needs that BulletstormINIeditor file they mentioned, here it is...


Oh and a little tip, you need to run it as Administrator or it will not allow access to the directory with the config files...

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Picked it up yesterday and played a couple hours today. Great fun. I love just being able to run around and shoot enemies without having to give much of a **** about my health. Skillshots are what makes doing that fun. Game looks fantastic visually as well and the dialogue is hilarious.

Yeppers - definitely outta the Duke Nukem school (the language, that is).

And to those that say *how DARE a game have Salty Language!*, did you happen to notice that rather obvious M on the ESRB rating meter?

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So I just experienced a game stopping bug. Literally I could not progress because of this bug. I had to start from the beginning of the Chapter, really sucked. Not just me either, I found an entire thread on Giant Bomb about it...

All I will say is if you are having issues with a dropping platform and not being able to proceed, it is the same bug.

Information about the bug can be found here...

only fix is to restart, someone earlier in that thread mentions an action prompt, they were wrong. I tried that about 15 times to no avail. Sucks, as I basically wasted over an hour from getting to that part, then trying a good 15 minutes to see if there was something I was missing, to having to restart the chapter over. Apparently it is not just a PC bug either, it affects all versions.

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I'm confused, I searched a bit and understood that it's only out in NA (Steam), so how is it even possible for UK based users to "pre-load" it ? You can't even see it..

I'm not from the UK and I reckon I'm not from Europe either.. but this is truly sad ;( I wanted to buy this game and I get shafted like this..

I guess I will eventually see it on Steam, like GTA IV, but it'll be too late for me to buy it..

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I'm confused, I searched a bit and understood that it's only out in NA (Steam), so how is it even possible for UK based users to "pre-load" it ? You can't even see it..

I'm not from the UK and I reckon I'm not from Europe either.. but this is truly sad ;( I wanted to buy this game and I get shafted like this..

I guess I will eventually see it on Steam, like GTA IV, but it'll be too late for me to buy it..

Not all games can be pre-loaded before release day - I'm not sure why. I assume it's whatever Steam and the publishers decide.

Bulletstorm is a bit weird though - the game doesn't show up at all if you're part of the Steam beta program.

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