Fusion OS

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Helloe everybody,

Sorry about the dlays I am having some trouble getting the file to download correctly, but as ViperAFK said you can just use the link he provided for now, but I should have the actual download buttons working very shortly I will make an official post when it is "widley available".


- Keith.

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Accidentally left clicked it and got this:



Right clicking 'Save Link as' worked! :)

Yeah thats the little problem at the moment but like i said should be fixed very shortly! :blush:

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Alright I played around with it for a few minutes:

The good:

Excellent Look and feel. You did a great job with the theme and visually everything comes together very well

Responsive. Seems faster than stock ubuntu

The bad (Of course, it is a beta :) )

There seems to be no sort of menu/launcher in the panel by default. I had to add one myself. I noticed cardapio was installed by default.

There is no way to connect wirelessly. The network indicator just doesn't show up.

Right now it pretty much seems like ubuntu with a few visual editions, but it is early.

no 64 bit







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Please tell me how to change the extensions on multiple files through the UI in Windows.

For example, on the command line I can do this:

ren *.jpeg *.jpg


ren *.html *.htm

but there is no way to do the equivalent action from the UI in ANY OS that I'm aware of, short of using third party renaming utilities. There are serveral other file management actions that are far quicker and easier from the command line or terminal than they are from the UI, if it is even possible to do them in the UI at all.

Yep, I appreciate that can't be done through the UI in Windows, but that's a task I have only ever had to do once in my entire 10+ years of computer usage and I found an application to do it (was a good few years ago so I can't remember what it was called) :p

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Fusion OS Beta ? Now Available!

The Beta version of Fusion OS has been released today packing many new features from the alpha, and has a totally redesigned user interface. You can grab your copy of Fusion if you head on over to http://www.fusionos.net/ and click on the download button. You have the choice of Direct Download or Torrent, direct download may start to slow down as more users download from it, so if possible lets try and get many seeders for the torrent, so we can get it BLAZING FAST. Also here are the known issues / incomplete things in the Beta:

- No Bootscreen (It is there but not enabled due to some problems)

- No search bar (again it is there, but looks horrible at the moment and has issues)

- Date & Time do not stay centered when resolution is changed

- The installer has many references to Ubuntu (mainly images) only because our images are not yet completed, but will be in next version.

Things to expect so far from the next version of Fusion OS:

- Bootscreen

- Finished Installer

- Centered Date & Time

- Completed Widget Platform

- Finished search bar

- Installation size minimized (would like shave off a few hundred mb)

- Feedback tool

- And any bugs fixed that you all find!

So please enjoy the beta test it thoroughly and try and break it please post any bugs you encounter, and suggestions for future version because remember if you don?t let us know it might never happen / get fixed! So get ready. Get set. DOWNLOAD!

- Keith.

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What is that menu you installed?


Seeding your torrent now (took longer than the http download but its done at last). Overall this is looking great so far, I wish you all the best with your endeavours! :)

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What is that menu you installed?


Seeding your torrent now (took longer than the http download but its done at last). Overall this is looking great so far, I wish you all the best with your endeavours! :)

Thank you very much, ad as a general annoucement I am having MAJOR website trouble to the point that I lost everything on the FOS site I am restoring it now but it may not be correct for a few hours! Sorry about this...

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What is that menu you installed?


Seeding your torrent now (took longer than the http download but its done at last). Overall this is looking great so far, I wish you all the best with your endeavours! :)

Cardapio. Its preinstalled on fusion os (but not added to the panel) and is available in ubuntu via a ppa.

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Thank you very much, ad as a general annoucement I am having MAJOR website trouble to the point that I lost everything on the FOS site I am restoring it now but it may not be correct for a few hours! Sorry about this...

Was about to ask about the download links missing, Ill try it tomorrow when its back up.

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Was about to ask about the download links missing, Ill try it tomorrow when its back up.

If you want I can give you a link to the torrent, only direct download is unavailable.

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Hey Everyone,

Just a quick update all the download links on the website, are now live again. The website still is missing almost all of the content but all the links work! So go ahead and download away! (again...)

Thanks for understanding!

- Keith.

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I got this setup the way I like it. I deleted the desklets, the trash icon from the desktop and the bottom panel. I added docky (love this dock) and cardapio to the top panel. I then removed a few startup programs such as bluetooth etc (things I don't need) and its very responsive and smooth. Liking it so far :)



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Hey all,

I have some GREAT NEWS! Fusion OS Beta 1 has had almost 600 downloads so far! (not even including torrent downloads!) Wow, thats really great so far for the first beta release I am very happy with the results. Thanks to you all! And another thing is that I have been working on Fusion OS Beta 2! (Which will be out in the near future.) and so far the total install size is... wait for it... wait for it... ONLY 2.5GB!!! 2.5! Thats far less than Beta one which its full install size, was 7-8GB, thats a darastic decrease and Fusion still has all the same features. Well you might be wondering how we were able to achieve this without cutting corners somewhere. Well, instead of basing Fusion OS on full blown Ubuntu 10.10, we chose to go with Ubuntu Minimal, which doesnt include the GUI or anything the entire download of it is only 15Mb, so Fusion Beta 2 has literally been built from THE GROUND UP! And boy if you thought it was fast before, ohhh you just wait. This has to be at least twice as fast if not faster! I mean this OS flys. I cant wait to bring you more details, and get the final build out to you all! Because of the new system base the Minimum requirements have also been reduced DARASTICALLY! Here are the new specs, good news for thos of you wanting to run on older machines:

- 256Mb of RAM (512 reccommended)

- Pentium III or higher (1GHz reccommended)

- and a Graphics card capable of Metacity Compositing (almost any card)

- At least 3Gb of Hard Drive space

Well there you go, I will give you one more thing! A concept that we drew up of how we want the Fusion App Store to look, now keep in mind the app store will probably not make it into the first release of Fusion OS, but the App store will be web based also and support almost every Linux distro not just Fusion, and as you know the apps in the app store will be Fusion Certified to work with Fusion OS! I will be posting a video soon of the current build of Beta 2 up and running and let you see just how fast it is! Also Fusion no longer uses DockBarX we now use an in-house solution, very similar to dockbarx although not skinnable, it is far smaller installation size, very fast and lightweight!

Thanks for reading!

- Keith


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I can't help feeling that you're making a mistake by changing the base OS before it is even out of beta. In my mind it would be better to at least get to a 1.0 release and get a fully-functioning, bug-free OS up and running before you start making drastic changes to the underlying code. What you've got so far is looking good. Don't try and run before you can walk.

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and as you know the apps in the app store will be Fusion Certified to work with Fusion O

Keith, just a quick note mate. Change the name from App Store to something else to avoid Apple lawyers kicking your door down like they did with Microsoft :)

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I can't help feeling that you're making a mistake by changing the base OS before it is even out of beta. In my mind it would be better to at least get to a 1.0 release and get a fully-functioning, bug-free OS up and running before you start making drastic changes to the underlying code. What you've got so far is looking good. Don't try and run before you can walk.

from what i understand they didn't all together change the base OS, just switched to a lighter version of the same one

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