Outpost Firewall Pro provides a superior arsenal of defense against PC infiltration. Outpost ensures your online security with solid protection against all Internet-borne threats. A robust combination of award-winning firewall, fast and effective anti-malware, personalized antispam and proactive Host Protection module to defend against the majority of Internet risks. Includes automated configuration service and other user aids.
- Advanced firewall for secure connections
- Combined antivirus and antispyware for all-in-one malware defense
- Host protection to block zero-day threats
- Web control to protect your PC from web-borne threats
- Antispam to automatically keep your inbox junk-free
- Outpost monitor and Outpost Feedback were not registered in startup entries
- Outpost Firewall Pro could block installation of services
- Information about crashes could not be sent to Agnitum
- Rules autocreation did not work on 64-bit systems for applications from ProgramFiles (x86) and System32WOW64folders
- Most commonly reported crashes (including crash on content filtering)
- Error 14001 during installation
- Rules were applied incorrectly in some cases
- Address macros could be incorrectly resolved in rules
- Leaktests SPT 15 and SPT 16 were failed, as well as PCFlank leaktest on Vista64
- Error while importing LAN settings from Outpost Firewall 4.0
- Monitor could freeze on uninstalling Outpost Firewall Pro
- Web pages content could be blocked/corrupted (GZIP decoding issue)
- Outpost Firewall now cannot be installed over Outpost Security Suite

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