Playboy to Feature Its First Transgender Playmate

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The suggestion of having their own mag is an interesting one. Though should it be encouraged? I mean, transgender people often have mental illnesses and even acknowledge it themselves.  

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I am a very strong supporter of "be who you are", but this seems very.... out of place.


The people that buy playboy do so for a very specific reason.. they enjoy looking at beautiful women. Now yes, the person is technically a women but not how their audience defines it. Yes, in the past, a persons gender has been defined by physical traits, and now it's slowly moving towards biologic traits, but that doesn't change what this audience wants/pays to see.  I think this is a mistake on playboys part. 

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I am glad that Playboy is the first mainstream pornography publication to end its microaggressions against GLBTQ people. Hopefully the rest of the industry follows suit.


All facets of society need to put gender binary thinking behind them. In particular, cis males need to embrace change. In a few more decades only a fringe minority will have any problem with things like this.

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7 minutes ago, DeusProto said:

In a few more decades only a fringe minority will have any problem with things like this.

Just like how long it's taken for people to acknowledge weed isn't that harmful eh?  I think you might be overestimating peoples willingness to adapt.

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32 minutes ago, DeusProto said:

I am glad that Playboy is the first mainstream pornography publication to end its microaggressions against GLBTQ people. Hopefully the rest of the industry follows suit.


All facets of society need to put gender binary thinking behind them. In particular, cis males need to embrace change. In a few more decades only a fringe minority will have any problem with things like this.

No in this specific instance we really don't.


I hope playboy's sales tank because of this and I hope people tell them the reason why.

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3 hours ago, sc302 said:

If the trans society wants a mag, don’t screw with what people like..make a new one to accommodate. 

Plaything Magazine it's read back-to-front and the months are mislabelled!

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Personally I don't care, I'm not narrow minded, and Playboy, for me wasn't a masturbation rag, there are much better ones for that purpose if that is the reason someone wishes to buy one.

I used to find the reading material as decent when I did buy it, nowadays if I read magazines, it's usually bespoke to the interest or hobby I was researching, although with the internet, I do that less now, as I find I can simply ask online, and get an answer specific to my query.

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On 10/20/2017 at 6:38 PM, Circaflex said:

Disgusting because we don't find women who were originally men, attractive? Look everyone can have their tastes, mine isn't women who were once men.

Thank you, some common sense.  People lose it sometimes when emotions get in the way of things.

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On 10/20/2017 at 6:40 PM, HoochieMamma said:

What a ridiculous society we now live in :no:

Judging from the small sampling size of reactions to this article, it would appear that the majority of people still can tell the difference between right and wrong.  It's the media that would have us believe this is the norm now when it really isn't.  Public perception can easily be manipulated through mass media. 

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2 hours ago, DeusProto said:

I am glad that Playboy is the first mainstream pornography publication to end its microaggressions against GLBTQ people.

This is one funny statement. 

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Out of interest, how many people that are complaining about this in here are still getting their pornography from a printed publication? 


And for those that are, could you not just turn to the next page? 

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9 hours ago, Rippleman said:

Now yes, the person is technically a women but not how their audience defines it.

No, technically the person is a man. Mutilating your body will never change that. Tell people to call you whatever you want but you're still technically a man that's just had surgery.

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If it contains something in which you have absolutely no interest, or that you find offensive for whatever reason, why buy in the first place?


Now, let's be clear, I have no problem with transgender people. They have a problem, and sometimes the best solution for them is to take hormones and have reassignment surgery. 


That said, this does not mean I want to flip a page in a magazine and see one naked. Not my cup of tea.

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2 hours ago, virtorio said:

Out of interest, how many people that are complaining about this in here are still getting their pornography from a printed publication? 

heh, printed publication.


If you masturbate to a picture of an appealing woman, and later find out that the woman is trans, does that change the enjoyment you got from the woman?


One of the good things about the Internet is that you can easily find porn to your tastes and ignore the ladyboys if you want. You get a surprise rarely, but it won't ruin your day.

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Yea, that incredibly high rate of suicide by transgendered people is just something we can sweep under the mat. Them choosing to do something they want and they need to THEMSELVES is totally going to affect YOU so much, they should just live with it?


In other news, schizophrenia, depression, etc are all just biology. ###### 'em. Let 'em freeze on the streets.

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Gotta love the visceral reactions this kind of thing draws from exceptionally prudish right wing Americans. It's just a damn magazine, if you don't like it fap (while you're probably lecturing someone else about "family values") to something else.

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3 minutes ago, Javik said:

Gotta love the visceral reactions this kind of thing draws from exceptionally prudish right wing Americans. It's just a damn magazine, if you don't like it fap (while you're probably lecturing someone else about "family values") to something else.

I don't think it's prudish to not want a speciffic brand of social progresivism shoved down our throats weather we want it or not.


@DeusProto I can thumbs down your posts too buddy.

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Yes, we must police our (privately produced and distributed) smut to make sure it is family friendly smut, as Jesus would like.


Porn itself was "social progressivism" to a large group of people. So was interracial porn at one time. We all have individual levels of social progressivism. Some people just like to pretend that their flavor of progressivism is the right level of progressivism instead of believing that people have the agency to decide what they don't want to see and - shockingly - not looking at it.


The nice part about capitalism is... any company can be socially progressive without "shoving it down our throats" 

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