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this is all very weird if you ask me. the corrupted image text, the random things on the facts page. its crazy.

also, i saw this on the facts page in the side after i refreshed....



act | store recurse

system peril distributed reflex

!restore master-sector


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just got this one on the links page....


Getting muddled here. Sick, obviously.

Broken inside. Not thinking straight.

Got to go back to first principles.

Survive evade reveal escape.

Survive-well, I'm not dead yet.

Evade-don't want to evade. I want to be FOUND.


...of course, if I am behind enemy lines, then constantly shouting for help wouldn't be the smartest play in the

world, would it?

got to run silent. got to run deep.

hide and go seek

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Well... the August issue of OXM was revealed today, day 0.

It'll be in the hands of subscribers in 14 days, or so it's scheduled to be.

Seems to fit, eh?

It's a preview issue, so it'll have a few new screens and some more info on Halo 2.

Oh, and remember the Ninja Gaiden demo that was released with OXM a month before the game? Well... August isn't too far away from November. Get it?

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new message:


black beach, nothing but sand and darkness. Sometimes, in the distance, dry lightning: in the flash I see pieces of the wreck around me, the spars and rigging of my brain

-hold on. hold on. Steady up. Get a grip, girl. You have to fight through this.

Take a deep breath.

Survival Key #3: How Badly Are You Hurt?

Mentally, subject is confused and disoriented.

I keep slipping in and out of consciousness.

Physically, subject is paralyzed but moving.


What the hell does THAT mean?

Held down: yes. As if strapped to a table. Could I be in traction in some sick bay, some hospital ward?

Not necessarily one of ours.

But at the same time, parts of me being moved around, emptied out. As if under general anaesthetic, dimly conscious, half-aware as the surgeon cuts off my feet and sews them onto my shoulders. She opens my head with a medical hammer and sand spills out.



never that.

survive evade reveal escape. That is all you know, or need to know.

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todays the day! the first countdown has already reached 0. but nothing seems to have happened yet, or at least i havent seen it. you guys notice anything new?

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Sorry if this has been posted:

Remove all the capital letters and re-arrange them in an anagram fashion, you get the following:


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All from the about page...


Look up and smile, honey.




Got the drop on you that time, sweetheart.

Opening shot of my search and destroy. I'm going to know everything about you. Where you live and what you buy, how you think and who you love. Know the enemy.

Young and out of uniform,


So the old self melts away. Illusion to think it's really happening now. It was inevitable from the moment I landed here, a broken body in this silicon crypt. Time to accept what can't




drift off from station, Reach burning in the darkness like a lantern of hope, dockyard after dockyard buzzing with worker


but one of us. Hacker? Traitor? Fifth columnist (no that's ridiculous).

Just in over her head?

No. The Spider warning's been deployed. She had every warning that a classified medium was under repair. She just kept


alliance whispering in a corridor and a quick clasp of hands; the long elegance of a fine decrypt, where you pull noise aside like the flesh of a cooked trout to reveal the gleaming skeleton of signal inside. Very often it's a spill of

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extremely dumb.

Obviously not, considering the hype it's built :happy:

I'm pretty sure the OXM theory is correct. All signs point towards that.

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The ilovebees theme? :p

I'm not sure I get that either...

They probably had their reasons. I think they went about it pretty well. A lot of people are still guessing.

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can anybody decrypt this:

???? JFIF G G ?? C %%%%0'''''02-////-22566652::<<::BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB?? C&&0&!!&060/)/06;522225;8:666:8==;;==BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB?? ?? ?? ?? 3 !1"A2Q#Baq3??$??Rb???? ?? !1AQ"q?? ? <?? ?? ???E???!?MG?j????=M?N?B?????o?77?B'??*rB7`???HwB4Idr?Pd?2H_ k?Bć???l+:???zQ[???о???w==N?^?a???@Z?lv??^??d??/?q?m????U^??+X3??-?? ?G?+??f? ?P??M`?`?[q-?6?Nб臻"?yK?$?%?$25D9)bRe?????,???`Z3K ???6??H֗q???M%MPl???XU s;??"????EԔ?????-? ?7?? u7_???x??<???ea44???]H@H?%p#XD?#-?????WZ?:??ٟ?1IL~ &??ph?ߍ??zm??M?6=<ҕA??4????Rjd)???S???J[?X???̶n?nf?ѩ???u? m %??mx??Eu?L_??U?7?M?~?3??UI?Du?"?>H'&+%@N????? ??0 ?'?????̆????H??t??%N?˻??? F?DF*??????q??M0? 4e? .?)Ҷ1C?!m?L???M??????W??Qj????K???????B?"\?? ???VD?A?EÒ?_??-???cQ?????? qv????1u?\l?I????

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I found a sentence in it: is peeled skin....i dont have time to examine it.

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extremely dumb. it was obvious to me from the start that this was a MS marketing ploy when the "old granny's bee-loving site" withstood a slashdotting with ease.

Ha ha! No kidding. The site is fast as ever despite the slashdotting.

Also - If this is real... Just.... Ummm... Recreate the site or, since it's rackspace, have them look into the h4x!ng...

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todays the day! the first countdown has already reached 0. but nothing seems to have happened yet, or at least i havent seen it. you guys notice anything new?

Only thing new I've noticed is that it no longer says 0 days for the network it says:

PHASE 1 COMPLETE: Network throttling has eroded

Dana has updated her blog at Not much new info but it is new.

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There's a lot of new... things going on in the site. It's definitely Halo. I can tell that for sure now. Too many Bungie references to dismiss that fact. There's ONI discussion, interplanetary warfare, and some kind of Trojan horse- which I'm guessing is that girl, "The Operator", if they happen to be the same person. She used to talk about having surgery done on her, and her head being full of sand. Now it's full of honey and she's got a stinger and a tentacle (which also happen to be some qualities of the Flood). So, either there's something big with the Flood involved... or she was surgically altered to become some kind of Trojan horse- I'm guessing for another Halo invasion or maybe for a spy operation on the Covenant. Unless the Covies are the ones who altered her. It's all still very cryptic.

Man, this is getting good.....

"piece of ordnance: but to risk death for a sentimental attachment to old books?

Can't do it. Can't do it.

So the old self melts away. Illusion to think it's really happening now. It was inevitable from the moment I landed here, a broken body in this silicon crypt. Time to accept what can't




drift off from station, Reach burning in the darkness like a lantern of hope, dockyard after dockyard buzzing with worker"

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