IPS Forums Restructured

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Things change and you can never say never, you can't hold people to something they said a few years ago. IPB was available freely up to and including 2.0.0 Final but IPS needs to move on now, businesses always grow and adapt, like it or not.

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I wonder if any of the IBF modders, themers and other board hackers are gonna get a cut of the profits. They're a big reason they got so popular. I have no problem with them charging, I'll just use phpBB for future projects... I just dont think outright lying to potential future customers is a good way to start. Way to go Invision.

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If IPS still wanted to keep the hearts and minds of their users -- they'd open source v1.3. It's what id Software did with all their prior engines -- they just released them for people to use. When Quake3 came out, the Q2 engine was released -- open source. The Q3 engine will be open sourced by the end of the year or a bit beyond, according to John Carmack.

The smarter thing here would be to appease both parties -- keep a strong community that can rely on one another (member to member support) and have a nice board to start out with -- and even develop it into something else. It's inferior in most ways to 2.0 anyways, and Matt has a big advantage in *knowing the code*, so I don't see any competition either. It's just a way to appease those who feel shafted, give IPS a better image, and make the whole world a better place (okay maybe not that...).

I am a customer of IPB softare, I own the lifetlime license and will be buying their gallery, and CMS when it is released. The forum itself is the best on the market and has low CPU usage and clean code -- something I am happy to see. This just feels like the war in Iraq... I don't disagree with the end decision -- I just disagree with the way it was done. It was in poor taste, poor ethics, and poor judgment. And it shafts a lot of people who put a lot of time and effort into helping IPS make IPB a better software than <insert other forum here>, by creating hacks, mods, skins, and even by reporting bugs, and suggesting features. The fact of the matter is, that without the 'non-paying' community well... IPB wouldn't be even a shadow of what it is today. And Matt and IPS have already forgotten that -- they don't see those people that helped them get where they are today, as having any part of their success. And that's why id Software is one of the greatest software companies in the world -- they aren't afraid of competition, evey by their own products, they love their customers, they increase market competition to bring better products to the customers, and they don't forget their roots and sell out. It's why id Software is one of the ONLY independant software makers out there -- Valve is owned by Vivendi, Blizzard is owned by somebody else (or maybe Vivendi too?) and IPS is simply following in their footsteps. They may make a kickass product, they may make a lot of money doing it but well... my parents taught me that money isn't everything, and if I can give up a *fraction* (because let's face it, that's what IPS would lose) of the money I make to make sure the people that helped me get to where I am are happy (relatively speaking), then I'm happy to give up that money because those are my personal morals.

IPS is selling its soul to the devil... and that devil isn't made by id Software either.

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Oh well. Ive had enough time to evaluate it anyway.:yes: Plus i downloaded 2.0 final before they changed to policy :woot:. However all this covering up and banning customers is unreal. :no: I would sue them if they didn't give me a full refund. :crazy:

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The reason I liked IPB was that it was fast, clean, looked great, easy to admin, and FREE. If I were administering a site that didn't kick off like I thought it would, I wouldn't be out a license fee for that forum.

Looks like I'll be picking up another forum as my favorite...

*off to look*

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No doubt the programmer(s) of IPB deserves payment for the creation of that software, but when something as good as IPB (hints towards phpBB) is available free, how can you do that? I like IPB, but I use 1.2 (Got it last year), a free, older version. I've also tried and used phpbb, but over the next few weeks, I'll switch. I'd reallly like to continue using IPB and get version 2, but I can't.

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The internet is still stupid

Honestly, it's really time to start vetting those who can use the internet. It was funny at first watching people with no clue make themselves look stupid but now it's just getting irritating.

As some of you may know, we recently discontinued a free trial version of our software. Whilst I don't want to get into the politics of that desicion - I did want to pick up this point made by many people on various boards:

Bring back Invision Power Board FREE! Or prepare for major loss in sales.

Can someone explain the logic of this to me? The poster is asking for us to re-instate the FREE trial version OR we're going to lose money.

How? If it's free, then we don't receive any money from it, so how are we going to lose sales because it's no longer there? This makes no sense at all. What have we actually lost? The ones that had no intention of purchasing any of our products or services.

Seriously, for the love of humanity please pass what you're about to post through your mind and if it gets flagged internally as sounding stupid - don't post it!

While we're on the subject, I wanted to share the warm support I've been given for finally ending a four year run of giving away free software which has enabled literally millions of people to communicate daily and has saved the global community an estimated $100,000,000 in bulletin board purchases.

this ipb sucks now, there is no free version, i was here before it was even made public and was using it then so why the ###### can't i ######ing use it now you stupid ######ing ******.


You ****ing twats!

You are now a money grabbing load of ****nuts in my opinion!


:no: - The phpBB programmers don't complain. I liked the free version because the people who could afford it could pay, but the people who couldn't didn't have to. IPS will lose sales because people will no longer be recommending the program by word of mouth. He will lose money by no longer having the free user base that got his app where it is now.

Quote from _| () R | Z's post:

Apache, PHP and My SQL are all free, why should you have to pay for a bulletin board?
- Invision Power Services

Hyppocrite. :no:

I suppose it's his decision, but by taking that decision, so many people will switch to phpBB (and other free bbs), which I suppose is a good thing for the open source community. :rolleyes:

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http://members.lycos.co.uk/jrz/IPBlol.gif :D

And it was a great tactic to release 2.0.0 for free first, and not so long after it has been made a fully paid product you see this: http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?...33;entry1038794

so to get your board supported secured you are now forced to buy it.

Or move to vb or SMF....

wow! Well at least he attached login.php

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I've just switched to VB3.03 because of how IPS handled the situation. I have no problem that they said they would always try to offer their product for free then needed to charge, like Redmak said, things change. What I do take issue with is that this wasn't really addressed or confronted by IPS with their community in a positive manner.

People being banned for asking what caused the sudden change, deleting old posts where it was stated the board would be offered for free and other such questionable tactics are what made me lose my trust in them. It would have been so simple to say something like, "Hey, we tried to keep it free, but we need to charge now. Hope everyone understands, thanks for supporting us and hope we can move forward."

For me, that would have been cool. Too bad they lost my money - Im certain I represent a decent slice of forum admins.

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so to fix security problem on 2.0.0 u just need to use that login.php right?

Yes, that's all. The security fix is public. The only changes in 2.0.1 pertain to the login.php security problem (which is right there! just download login.php!), and the IPChat upgrade (which only applies to people that bought IPB anyways).

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