PSP 1.5 Hacked

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The emulators provided here are only for educational purposes, and should NOT be usd to illegally emulate games which you do not own.  :ninja:


LMAO, I love that "disclaimer" ;)

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I hear a rumor from a small birdie that WaB _MAY_ have a new loader coming soon... No idea when, what's new, etc..etc...etc.. don't PM me about it...i don't have it

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I think the main concern right now is getting UMD protection busted, then im sure someone will figure out how to downgrade firmware, or a group will find a hole in 1.51/1.52 firmware

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Lumines works for sure, without sound though.

Puzzle Bobble works perfect.

Mercury requires Ridge Racers to play.

Coded Arms requires Wipeout: Pure or Twisted Metal to play.

So far, If Sony doesn't take action, they will lose immense amounts of money.

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Lumines works for sure, without sound though.

Puzzle Bobble works perfect.

Mercury requires Ridge Racers to play.

Coded Arms requires Wipeout: Pure or Twisted Metal to play.

So far, If Sony doesn't take action, they will lose immense amounts of money.


im going to let this mature a bit and around xmas time i will buy a psp and a 1-2gb card :p

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I hear a rumor from a small birdie that WaB _MAY_ have a new loader coming soon... No idea when, what's new, etc..etc...etc.. don't PM me about it...i don't have it


All I'm looking for is an improved gba emulater to really save me the time and frusteration thinking if I have all my little cartridges for each game when I go on a trip. Anybody heard further developments on the SNES side of things either?

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What are you saying? Nothing illegal is posted here. I have the right to run my own ripped games from mem stick.

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i see more than 20 pages deleted . Mods do u like psp or what? you cracked modwhip on osx86 so nicely? partial to psp?


we're keeping a close eye, no worries. everyone's been good with not linking to illegal files and things like that.

nothing illegal about making working backups of owned copies.

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I got Coded Arms working with Gretzky in the UMD drive :p

I need someone to explain in detail how to have Lumines, Coded Arms and Bobble Puzzle working off of one memory stick, and Gretzky in the UMD.

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some interesting news; :ninja:

BREAKiNG NEWS!!! We wouldn't let the 4th of July go by without a BIG BANG of our own... so here it is pictured below- the soon to be released PSP UMD iSO Launch utility!

To use it, simply put your PSP iSO in the MS root (no file extraction is required at all) and then rename it xxx-umdgame.iso. The UMD iSO Launcher is loaded via exploit (as is done with emulators/homebrew) and press X to launch the game! That's it! No ripping, modifying game files, or any other LAME "Xecuter-type" garbage... and the best part is it works with ALL current PSP games! More to come on it very soon, and be sure to drop by iRC EFnet #PS2Ownz for all up-to-the-minute NEWS on the UMD iSO Launcher! This is truly a Day of Independence for the entire PSP scene!


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some interesting news;  :ninja:


lol no way! Dang I just checked this post less than 3 minutes and you hadn't posted that yet. I went to the site and was going to post this but no lol you posted it within the 3 minute period I left the post :p. Well, what can PSP users say this has really opened up the door for reducing load times that were outrageous (needless to say Midnight Club 3).

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just so you guys know, don't trust anything ps2nfo says. if they do have a launcher, it's just going to be someone elses stolen work.

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I just ran Quake on my PSP (1.5), was pretty cool and smooth but since it was alpha it crashed abit, was so easy and simple to, just stick into Game folder and run :)

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just so you guys know, don't trust anything ps2nfo says.  if they do have a launcher, it's just going to be someone elses stolen work.


As you've been around a long while now could you show us some examples of where they have stolen work before? I just want to see some of the "great" advances they could have stolen.

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just so you guys know, don't trust anything ps2nfo says.  if they do have a launcher, it's just going to be someone elses stolen work.


As far as i know the loader isn't their own creation but that of WAB, the group that released the first PSP trainer etc. The last i heard they were testing it and there were some bugs they needed to eliminate, there is a good chance of a release today or tomorrow.

In other news two new loaders have been released one for Intelligent License and the other for World Tour Soccer, both require the Wipeout UMD.

Also a new UMD ripper has been released;

A french coder by the name of mph has released a new type of UMD ripper. This little beauty rips individual files off the UMD by copying them straight to the memory stick instead of making an ISO file for it. Meaning all of the extracting is already done. You can also, by modifying the source code just a little, tell the program what files you want ripped and which ones you dont. This means that even people with 32mb memory sticks can rip their own UMDs with a little time and patience.

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just so you guys know, don't trust anything ps2nfo says.  if they do have a launcher, it's just going to be someone elses stolen work.


Yes, plz. They just report others work, not steal it.

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