The PRE game fun...

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"Keep it up when the countdown hits zero and you could win high-end laptops, gaming computers, media centers, software, gaming consoles, media players, and games"

Err can't i just have them all :D I've been a good boy this year :D

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I think that the signifigance of the "Back" buttons on the two puzzles is that they lead to two more keys. We've found the end for the one from the Halo Wars blog hint, but there are at least two more left....


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the escape gravity thing is a game, you cross out the letters so the blanked out ones match the pattern of the numbers....the first column is all gone, then the first row is 12 blank then seven, leaving an S....and so on.

it's a picross game, I don't think we were supposed to get it, that's why l0ki changed the message; there's at least 2 errors that make it unsolvable.

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I think that the signifigance of the "Back" buttons on the two puzzles is that they lead to two more keys. We've found the end for the one from the Halo Wars blog hint, but there are at least two more left....


Yea, that's what I was kind of getting at. Now it's time to solve them.. :pinch:

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There are several games here, one of which has been solved, which has lead the people watching the post to put that message on the website, only once many of them have been solved- or some of them will prizes start to appear. Whats to say there are not more than three and that the people watching (CCTV) will move the prize until it is all finished. Was that the easiest one and how many more are there?

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This is the flv source for the countdown timer on

Note the webservice url address ""

Maybe this could be to any help... or maybe not...

class CountDownTimer extends MovieClip
	var homeUrl, webServicen, msecs, gotoAndStop, secs, mins, hours, days;
	static var thisCountDownTimer;
	function CountDownTimer()
		if (_root.homeurlparam != null)
			homeUrl = _root.homeurlparam + "/now.asmx?WSDL";
			webServicen = new;
			webServicen = new"");
		} // end else if
		thisCountDownTimer = this;
		trace (CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer);
		var _loc4 = new Date();
		var _loc5 = _loc4.getFullYear();
	} // End of the function
	function CountDown(yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, ml)
		var objServicen = webServicen.ServerTime(yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, ml);
		objServicen.onResult = function (result)
			trace ("time!");
			trace (this);
			var _loc4 = new objServicen.returnSerial();
			_loc4 = result;
			CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer.eventMillisecs = _loc4.timeToWaitMillisecs;
			trace ("eventMillisecs " + CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer.eventMillisecs);
			var _loc6 = new Date(yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, ml);
			var _loc5 = new Date();
			var _loc3 = _loc5.getTime();
			trace ("localNowMillisecs: " + _loc3);
			CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer.localEventMillisecs = _loc6.getTime();
			trace ("localEventMillisecs: " + localEventMillisecs);
			var _loc2 = CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer.localEventMillisecs - _loc3;
			trace ("localTimeToWaitMillisecs: " + _loc2);
			CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer.correctionMillisecs = CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer.eventMillisecs - _loc2;
			trace ("correctionMillisecs: " + correctionMillisecs);
		objServicen.onFault = function (fault)
			trace ("oops");
	} // End of the function
	function onEnterFrame()
		trace ("enterframe");
		trace (CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer);
		trace (this);
		if (CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer.eventMillisecs == 0)
			trace ("this.eventMillisecs == 0");
			remaining = remaining + " ";
			var _loc3 = new Date();
			var _loc2 = _loc3.getTime();
			msecs = CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer.localEventMillisecs - _loc2 + correctionMillisecs;
			trace ("this.msecs " + msecs);
			trace ("CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer.localEventMillisecs" + CountDownTimer.thisCountDownTimer.localEventMillisecs);
			trace ("currentMillisecs" + _loc2);
			trace ("correctionMillisecs" + correctionMillisecs);
			if (msecs <= 0)
			} // end if
			secs = Math.floor(msecs / 1000);
			mins = Math.floor(secs / 60);
			hours = Math.floor(mins / 60);
			days = Math.floor(hours / 24);
			msecs = (msecs % 1000).toString();
			secs = (secs % 60).toString();
			mins = (mins % 60).toString();
			hours = (hours % 24).toString();
			days = days.toString();
			while (msecs.length < 3)
				msecs = "0" + msecs;
			} // end while
			if (secs.length < 2)
				secs = "0" + secs;
			} // end if
			if (mins.length < 2)
				mins = "0" + mins;
			} // end if
			if (hours.length < 2)
				hours = "0" + hours;
			} // end if
			while (days.length < 2)
				days = "0" + days;
			} // end while
			remaining = days + ":" + hours + ":" + mins + ":" + secs + ":" + msecs;
			trace (remaining);
		} // end else if
	} // End of the function
	var eventMillisecs = 0;
	var correctionMillisecs = 0;
	var localEventMillisecs = 0;
	var remaining = "";
} // End of Class

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wierd, i remembered to have the whoisloki puzzle to have the bottom right number beginning with a digit "2", but its now 142966259. [or am i wrong?]

is it me only or the "wh0isl0ki" grid puzzle gives a new page now .. where the number at the bottom is different than before

you were quicker :)

damn, my net is so f.kin slow...[or just neowin?]

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OK I was following this earlier when everyone started with this damn grid puzzle and I got off to take a little nap.

Funny story :laugh:

OK I got off my computer and went ahead and shut it down because it's been on straight for like 2 weeks now and I thought it deserved a little break. I turn it off and turn on Comedy Central and they're showing Kevin Smiths movie Dogma.

Not three minutes into the part where I turn that movie on, a character starts talking about the two angels trying to get back into heaven and what will happen if they're successful.

Remember the last code used to open the grid puzzle? wh0isl0ki

He starts talking about Matt Damons character LOKI and how he was the ANGEL OF DEATH

I thought "mother f***** and I just turned the computer off and got comfortable"


Don't know if it helps anything, but I found that hilarious. Perfect freaking timing. I just felt too comfortable to get back up and figured it would be solved by the time I got back up anyway or angel of death had nothing to do with it. :laugh:

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But still nine numbers in the corner, nine letters in a square, nine numbers in a row, nine numbers in a column and common newspaper puzzle to solve.


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wierd, i remembered to have the whoisloki puzzle to have the bottom right number beginning with a digit "2", but its now 142966259. [or am i wrong?]

you were quicker :)

damn, my net is so f.kin slow...[or just neowin?]

Yes, it is different and it's not a "patch". That is, it's not a sudoku board. There are 2 "h"'s in the middle bottom area.

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