I Am Legend (2007)

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Saw the movie tonight and I enjoyed it. I liked seeing Will Smith have a slightly more intelligent action role than he usually plays.

I thought the zombies were a bit lame looking though.

MGS4-SS: Yes, it had to happen that way otherwise how would they have ever gotten out?

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i loved it... great movie imho...

a good 9/10 i would say.

nice and cool story, a great will smith, great photography... yea, liked it.

i wanted to read the book a long time now, forgot about it until the movie came out, gonna read it asap.

however, i loved the movie. :)

im gonna have that animated movie, i guess, i think it could explain some things and is related to this one, i suposse. i could be totally wrong though... ;)


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MGS4-SS: Yes, it had to happen that way otherwise how would they have ever gotten out?

After seeing all the traps he had with bombs, you would come to think that he would be intelligent enough to make a trap out of the entire house in the case they followed him.

Either that or he could've gotten inside the hole and throw the grenade after he got out.

I don't know, I expected a lot more from the ending.

PS. More bars in more places.

ATT :laugh:

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Wow, loved the movie! The ending was not that great, they killed the human saving man! Bah, he should have just chucked the nade into that hole in which the zombie made in the glass and got into the hole quickly! Thats what I would have done!

Looks like Bush is right about zombies and wants to protect us because of this movie, and I agree with him!

I so hope this does not happen. :( Friken researchers.

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Wow, loved the movie! The ending was not that great, they killed the human saving man! Bah, he should have just chucked the nade into that hole in which the zombie made in the glass and got into the hole quickly! Thats what I would have done!

Looks like Bush is right about zombies and wants to protect us because of this movie, and I agree with him!

I so hope this does not happen. :( Friken researchers.

Have you ever heard of spoiler alerting? Probably should edit your post...

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Saw it tonight. Meh... 2.5/5

The "zombies" looked stupid. It was definitely more suspenseful when you couldn't see them. It was a total let down after they were revealed. Smith is definitely a good actor, but the story was weak. The CGI was distracting to me. I did like the sense of desolation with the shots of the city. The city was the best character in the movie.

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Looks like Bush is right about zombies and wants to protect us because of this movie, and I agree with him!

^ :laugh: That is one of the funniest spoofs of Bush I've ever seen.

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The movie was good, leaning towards excellent, untill the ending. I know I'm stepping on some toes here but these are my thoughts. I'd still rate the movie 7/10 because I can't stand Will Smith and I actually did like his skill this time.

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First of all light dosnt kill them. It gives them really bad sunburn and allmost all kinds of lights emit light in the uv specturem(Car headlights included). I think zombies is the wrong word for them.Zombies are stupid and slow. In this movie they showed intellegence. The "Escape hatch" wasnt a thing he made. It could have been a coal chute or more likely the bottem of a chimney and therefore would have a pretty thick door. Also she most likey left the same way she came in.

[spolier]Honestly, I don't know what to call them, in the book they are vampires, but in the movie they are a hybrid of vampires and zombies. In the movie they take a more biological point, saying that the cure altered people and turned them into this, where as vampires are more supernatural and keep 'most' of their human qualities. These zombie/vampires had the brain of a human, but it was dumbed down and their primal instincts drove them, I believe that 'alpha zombie/vampire' was and evolved or just had more human brain available to him to use. It didn't really seem like the other zombie/vampires were following him, but he was clearly trying to distinguish himself from the retarded other ones.[/spolier] Don't know if the whole thing was necessary, but just to be safe.

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Yeah, but that one didn't have Charles "get your hands off me you damn dirty ape" Heston in it LOL

The original was The Last Man on Earth that came out in 1964. The Omega Man came out in 1971, making it the second movie to be made about the book.
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Seeing this tonight (maybe) anyone recommend it? :/

I would. Like I said before, Will Smith once again proves that he do some more serious acting than his normal "action" movies he does.

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Liked it. But have some questions.

Did the military blow up the city/bridges in the beginning?

In one of Robert's flashbacks there is a helicopter shown going out of control? Did it hit his wife's helicopter? Did they die?

When he was found on the pier at night, when his vehicle flipped over and he was spotted by that girl and boy who "saved" him, how did she fend off all those creatures he was battling? All she had was a handgun.

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Liked it. But have some questions.

Did the military blow up the city/bridges in the beginning?

In one of Robert's flashbacks there is a helicopter shown going out of control? Did it hit his wife's helicopter? Did they die?

When he was found on the pier at night, when his vehicle flipped over and he was spotted by that girl and boy who "saved" him, how did she fend off all those creatures he was battling? All she had was a handgun.


Yes, Yes, and yes.

The light on her car made the zombies go away for a certain amount of time, so she could save him.

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The problem with this film is that it starts quite well and builds up with some great anticipation then turns into a creature fest. The virus is supposed to have wiped out most of the world's population but those that remain either live now in a mountain retreat in the US or are zombie like creatures with great strength.

Another of this year's terrible films.

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The film was ok, wouldn't mind seeing it again

the zombies seemed to get less scary as the film progressed, this is due to them becoming more human. Like when they release the dogs and capture Will Smith. Makes me sort of relate to them lol

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The light on her car made the zombies go away for a certain amount of time, so she could save him.

I think that's a plot hole (kind of): Robert's car also had lights (a lot more lights actually) and he was kicked by the zombies/vampires/whatevertheyare anyway.

Also, as surprised as those zombies might be, it would take her a while to drag Robert out of the car. I mean, how much can he possibly weigh?

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I saw this last night, thought that it was a very good movie. Although was a little dissapointed in the ending.

Few things :-

When Will Smith gets caught by the trap. I thought that it was the creatures that setup the trap, where as my girlfriend thinks that he actually set it up, because he was going a little crazy maybe he forgot about it....

My girlfriend cried when sam died :(

I think they did a good job with the bond between Sam and Will Smiths character.

I would have prefered if the movie just had Will Smith in it, i didnt like the other 2 characters that got introduced.

I give it an 8/10

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I know why i hate the ending now; i didnt like how they made the woman preach about "god" and such, but yeah again the traps where probably set by the zombies since the zombies were the ones who moved the mannekin and they knew it would get his attention which means they spied on him when they could.

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