I Am Legend (2007)

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Saw it... it was alright. This is one of those films that I'll watch once and probably never again. Horror flicks aren't my taste. But yeah, I was a bit puzzled when the lights suddenly came on at the end - that ending was too much of a cheap cop-out.

I liked it...my wife hated it

Anyone catch the billboards in the movie: Superman vs. Batman?

Yup. The shots over the deserted streets of New York also had plenty of product placement everywhere. The only other example I can pull off my head is... one of AMD's almost unnoticeable ads. :p

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wow...that was one hell of a grenade, no way it would have been that huge of an explosion. The movie would have been better if they took all the "past" scenes and put them at the beginning of the movie. Also to add more to the film they could have given us some flashbacks of what happened in the 3 years we know nothing about... could have shown how he figured out how to avoid the zombie/vampires.all in all, the movie should have been longer,it should have had more background into how it got as bad as it did, the ending should have been better, the dog should have lived(why not? gets closer to a cure for the virus....)hopefully when the dvd comes out it will have some more depth to the movie.... i give it a 4/5 but the movie did end to quick, guess its because of the multimillion shot in NY

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Saw it a few days ago. I think the mistake I made was reading the book a few days prior to seeing the film, because it made constantly notice how the film butchered the book. Then entire story is hollywoodised, changed and dumbed down. Will Smith acted his part very well for what he had to work with, so I'll give him a 9/10, but as for the actualy film, it only gets a 3/10 from me.

My main reasons for not liking it:

Too short

Vampires (in the book) are now **** zombie things

The dog character was much more emotional in the book, where he had to slowly gain its trust, and then... well read the book I won't spoil it.

Robert's character was very well explained in the book and his isolation and desperation came through. Not so at all in the film

The entire plot leading to the end, the end in the book was ALOT more dark and untraditional, not the typical 'humanity prevails' ending we get in every other hollywood flick. It also explained why he was 'legend' and its not because he saved humanity believe me.

end of rant.

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I saw it last night. I thought it was good except for two minor issues:

1. I thought the computer generated 'zombies' didn't look very good.

2. I didn't really care for the ending.

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Saw it a few days ago. I think the mistake I made was reading the book a few days prior to seeing the film, because it made constantly notice how the film butchered the book. Then entire story is hollywoodised, changed and dumbed down. Will Smith acted his part very well for what he had to work with, so I'll give him a 9/10, but as for the actualy film, it only gets a 3/10 from me.

My main reasons for not liking it:

Too short

Vampires (in the book) are now **** zombie things

The dog character was much more emotional in the book, where he had to slowly gain its trust, and then... well read the book I won't spoil it.

Robert's character was very well explained in the book and his isolation and desperation came through. Not so at all in the film

The entire plot leading to the end, the end in the book was ALOT more dark and untraditional, not the typical 'humanity prevails' ending we get in every other hollywood flick. It also explained why he was 'legend' and its not because he saved humanity believe me.

end of rant.

highly agreed. I read the book a while back, and said 'hey, the book was pretty good, I like Will Smith as an actor, lets see what this movie can do' then I went and saw the movie... ouch. I like the books ending alot better. The vampires in the book were alot smarter than the movie portraited too. I think if I didnt read the book prior to watching the movie, I would of liked it more. I give it a 6/10.

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Bad, and just unbelievable:

1) Explosion in the end was overdone.

2) Having a working explosive in his desk in a room with a captive zombie/vampire/thing.

3) Crappy zombie/vampire/thing CGI, that honestly reminded me of the Mummy from back in the 90s.


1) Honestly everything else in the movie I loved, giving the zombie/vampire/thing(s) human like behavior I thought was awesome, and made them more dangerous. And when Sam died, as a male I found it hard not to cry in the theater. Also who has never wanted to know what it would be like in a completely deserted NY? Will Smith, building his acting career with these excellent movies.

(Quick Edit) Sorry if this spoils the movie for anyone by the way, it's been out for awhile so i'm just going to assume you have at least heard about most of the movie already.

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I thought the film was horrible. The acting and the plot sucked.

I can only agree with you after the woman and boy came along. Until that point, Will Smith's portrayal of a desparate, lonely man in a dangerous world was spectacular. His interaction with the mannequins in the video store and his dog, Sam, were quite amazing. The movie didn't show off his acting as well though after the woman and boy (their names I can't remember) showed up.

The plot did leave a little bit to be desired...

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Note to Allan's Stomache: KEEP FOOD DOWN

I am not fond of 'blood'/'gore'/'thriller' movies. It was good... the acting was decent. the Zombies remind me of 28 weeks later.


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Note to Allan's Stomache: KEEP FOOD DOWN

I am not fond of 'blood'/'gore'/'thriller' movies. It was good... the acting was decent. the Zombies remind me of 28 weeks later.


They weren't suppose to be zombies:(( They were suppose to be vampires, but they had so many zombie characteristics. That's what ruined the film for me. Still a good film to watch, but it could have been a lot better!

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They weren't suppose to be zombies :( They were suppose to be vampires, but they had so many zombie characteristics. That's what ruined the film for me. Still a good film to watch, but it could have been a lot better!

They ARE vampires, they lusted for blood didnt they?

The vampires in the book were alot smarter than the movie portraited too.

how do u know that? they portrayed the zombies/vampires as being pretty dang intelligent setting the trap.

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how do u know that? they portrayed the zombies/vampires as being pretty dang intelligent setting the trap.

Because in the book they walk around (not run midlessly), talk to Robert outside his house, and the women try to lure him out by 'exposing themselves' to him. Those amongst other things.

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I must be one of the only people here that really enjoyed the film, it definately wasnt as scary as i was led to believe. I was gutted when sam died and the look on the characters face having to deal with killing his own and only companion for 3 years was heartbreaking.

The only thing that annoyed me was the finale, he could have easily thrown the grenade through the hole in the plexiglass and got into the chute. But i suppose after losing his family then the dog he would want it all to end especially after he tried to kill himself at the pier with the vampires.

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Being the thread creator and you'll expect me to have seen the movie by now. But not in this case, I just watched it. All I can say is Will Smith proved once again that he is clearly the best actor in Hollywood. I really enjoyed the movie but my only gripe is that it was a tad short, but the storyline was amazing. It's sad that they ended it with him killing himself, I really wanted to see him back in a sequel if there is one.

It wasn't as scary as I was expecting, however it was one of the best movies I've seen in a really long time.

4/5 (Y)

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The only thing I enjoyed about I am Legend is Will Smith and abandoned New York scenery. And what was the point of the movie? Don't cure cancer and look for butterflies? The movie had potential but unfortunately they killed it with boring non-believable cliched characters, weak plot, poor cgi (except new york scenery) and constant pointless references to God. If you are making a science fiction, then please stick to science and leave God out of it! Also infected humans looked like creates you would expect to see in movies like Underworld.

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Filthy sums it better than I can:

I Am Legend aspires to something so much bigger and less entertaining than a monster movie, though. It wants to be about the human condition. It wants to show us cornball flashbacks to prove that not only is Smith's character a goodie-goodie now, he was before the zombies showed up. It wants us to think he doesn't believe in God so that at the end of the movie he can change his mind. Whoop-de-****ing-doo! Like anyone in the theater gave a **** about Smith's existential blues. Especially when they consist mostly of a series of Hollywood bull**** cliches. For all the somberness and fake seriousness onscreen, the movie relies on the same old plot points, and for its scares it uses the same crap from much lower-budget and better zombie movies.

Blah (N)

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I never read the book but I enjoyed the movie a lot.

-1 Point for Product Placement - Apple Mac - Ford - McDonalds - Hyatt - Honda,etc.

-1 Point for the 'Anna' character being told by 'God' to Travel to Vermont.

-1 Point for the way Robert Neville 'died'. :/

Did anyone notice, the poster "God still loves us - Butterfly" poster? That was clever.

Edited by 1Frothy
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Also, just finished watching Omega Man. :| What the, seriously. (N) In contrast 'I am Legend' is far better. I hear people that say that it's not accurate and not like the book but does it really matter? As long as the movie is worth watching and entertaining.

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i watched it a while ago, but honestly if i wanted to watch 28 days later or castaway, i would have... i have never been so dissapointed with a movie, i love everything will smith has done, this sucked

I can only agree with you after the woman and boy came along. Until that point, Will Smith's portrayal of a desparate, lonely man in a dangerous world was spectacular. His interaction with the mannequins in the video store and his dog, Sam, were quite amazing. The movie didn't show off his acting as well though after the woman and boy (their names I can't remember) showed up.

The plot did leave a little bit to be desired...

oh i totally agree with that, she ruined it

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