First InFamous Review(s)

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So do I. I have four more trophies to get my 5th Plat, plus four more quick plats lined up in my GameQ. ;)

Hannah Montana The Movie?


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When I saw the original screens/videos for this game, I thought it was going to be one of those games that looks good but is too ambitious to be pulled off properly. How I seem to have been wrong. Just ordered the special edition from ShopTo. ?40 is a 'normal' game price so I'm happy.:))

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I'm not sure I want inFamous now...I mean, the ltd edition would be nice but it's only a box + an ability. Plus, knowing shopto, the price will plummet in a couple of months (r2, dead space, lbp, etc).

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Suggestion for you guys if you want to play through the game the good side first. The evil side is more exciting and fun so you won't get bored on your second playthrough. :D

Well, I don't know about the whole game, but I know that I preferred the "evil" grenades to the "good" grenades in the demo. The evil ones break into like 5 little tiny mini-grenades that spread out the damage; they're great for killing guys who are hiding behind cover.

In fact, I think I'm gonna go and play that demo (again!) right now...

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inFAMOUS Hitting the Big Screen this Friday - UPDATED!

UPDATE: Get your inFAMOUS questions ready because we just locked down this Wednesday afternoon for a live chat with Sucker Punch! Head back early Wed afternoon for more details.

So with only 8 days left until inFAMOUS hits the stores, I wanted to share with you some quick updates.

Sucker Punch have created a 4-part comic that chronicles the days following that fateful blast that changed Cole?s life forever. Part 1 of 4 is already out, check IGN HERE for the final parts when they?re released.


Now if any of you are planning to watch Terminator Salvation this weekend, be on the lookout for the inFAMOUS 30-sec commercial that will be running in theaters nationwide from May 22nd to May 28th.


Not long to wait now?but just a reminder that you can get your hands on inFAMOUS before it comes out by playing the official demo that goes live on the PSN this Thursday. Hope you enjoy it.

That?s it for now!


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I'm sorry... but a shooter game in 2009, that involves super powers that throw people off high buildings..... and it doesn't have ragdoll? :blink:

I see no reason why there shouldn't be.

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Review embargo lifts today, expect to see many reviews, first from Joystiq.


Okay, right at the top, let's get this out of the way -- electricity control is a terrible superpower. Sure, it's flashy, and makes for a great video game mechanic, but any crime fighter who could easily be bested by Dry Rubber Shoes Man simply shouldn't be tasked with the vigilant protection of a city and its inhabitants.

Despite this obvious weakness, Sucker Punch's open-world action opus, inFamous, has a lot going for it. Rather than tumbling into the pitfalls often visited by sandbox action games (too repetitive, poorly balanced difficulty, no sense of direction, non-existent story), it takes the road less traveled, exhibiting an extraordinary amount of polish and attention to detail.

As a result, Sucker Punch has crafted a game that I feel comfortable labeling "the greatest superhero game I've ever played."


Still, these don't do much to tarnish an altogether brilliant gaming experience. The cityscape is beautiful, and free of load times and pop-ups. The plot is gripping and well paced. The gameplay is fluid, frantic and entirely enjoyable. The animations are butter smooth. The character and power progression is engrossing.

However, in light of these achievements, inFamous' greatest contribution to the sandbox genre is how it finally gives an explanation as to why its protagonist can't swim.

(He's full of electricity. Duh.)

Read the full review @

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Gametrailers inFamous Review



There is something about inFamous that's decidedly adult and satisfying, and not in the "OMG BOOBIES" way. This is a what-if story about a city with no hope and a man who has been taken out of his life to do something about it. An absolute must-buy.

The good

  • Detailed, living city to help rebuild, or continue to destroy
  • Brilliant writing and character work
  • Fun superpowers
  • Cut scenes set the mood of the game very well
  • Much to do and explore, this isn't a game that will be over soon
  • Be a hero, be a villain, it's your choice
  • Fresh take on the genre, Cole is a unique and compelling hero
  • Solid variety in missions

The bad

  • The enemies can be repetitive
  • Sewer sections are annoying
  • Combat can get frustrating in places

The ugly

  • We live in a world where dreck like X-Men Origins: Wolverine makes it onto the big screen, and something as good as inFamous is created in a medium barely respected for its storytelling

Verdict: Buy

Edited by Audioboxer
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EuroGamer: 7/10

But then you may also have had enough. There is more charm to inFamous than Cole's face and voice suggest, but basking in the glow of the end credits, there are also a lot of painful memories to recall; of too many missions that funnel you into shooting galleries, of difficulty spikes and enemy-spamming, and of staring at the upgrades page rather glumly, aware that for the most part you're only being invited to make things strike harder or across a broader range. But most of all, there is the realisation that by the end of the game you feel like more than a man, and the power is arresting, and yet for much of Cole's quest, you have been running out of ammo, hiding, and firing back with a popgun. The flaw is that inFamous overcomes Cole's lack of invention, but, damningly for a story about an electrical superhero, it never quite overcomes his lack of power.
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They are harsh, but I can agree with them on quite a few points. Can't believe there is no weapons or driving still.

Major screw up there.

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Lowest review so far, goes against most other opinions, we'll see

It's how InFamous blends all of this -- the platforming, the combat, the powers, the missions, and the Karma -- that makes it an eminently playable and enjoyable experience for me. It's why I've been staying up so late for the past few days. It's why I actually play the side missions (to wit, I usually don't do many side-missions in games -- whether they're open-world action games or RPGs. I'm usually content with focusing on the critical path). It's why I still load it up to look for collectibles like blast shards (which increase my energy meter) and dead drops (which dole out extra backstory). It's why after finishing the grandiose and awesome evil ending after about 20 hours of play, there's just enough replayability and difference for me to immediately start up a new game as good afterwards.

It's also why I excuse things like the lack of anti-aliasing (while looking good, InFamous also looks really, really jaggy at times), the numerous pop-in incidents (expect a few cars and people to just suddenly appear out of nowhere), the hyper-accurate enemies, and even the somewhat bland enemy lineup (while I love the super-powered enemies within a gang and the boss battles, the rank-and-file "dudes with guns" wears a bit at time). It's why I forgive Cole's overly grippy nature (it's a godsend for the most part, but sometimes, simple actions, like jumping onto a wire, make Cole grab something else entirely). It's why I forgive how annoying Cole's sidekick sounds (Zeke seems like a poor man's Bentley without any of the charm).

Simply put, InFamous is the kind of game that when I'm not playing it, I'm constantly thinking about doing so. Heck, I already know what's going to happen right after I finish this sentence: I'm going to go back and play more as "superhero lightning cop" Cole.

1UP - A-

I think I'm gonna buy the SE off ShopTo, but I dunno. Demons Souls set me back ?47 last week://

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SE is a huge waste of money imo, nothing worth the price tag.

I received almost the same for my preorder of The Darkness in 2007 for like ?30.

Besides, you read these books once and forget about them before you even go to sleep that night.

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They are harsh, but I can agree with them on quite a few points. Can't believe there is no weapons or driving still.

Major screw up there.

Yeah, that was also my main gripe before and after trying the game ( demo ), it really needed those extras like driving or regular weapons to be the cherry on top of the sandbox cake. It would have been a day one purchase for me, had they implemented 'em, that's for sure :(

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SE is a huge waste of money imo, nothing worth the price tag.

I received almost the same for my preorder of The Darkness in 2007 for like ?30.

Beside, you read these books once and forget about them before you even go to sleep that night.

It's the comic book box art I like, plus I am interested in the special power that comes with it:shifty::

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@Seth, I'm still gonna buy it because it's bound to been fun for a few hours, I've just lowered my expectations.

I was always on the fence about InFamous though. I'm holding out for Prototype now & Crackdown 2 announcement at E3 :yes:

@AB, will be online within a day and the DLC released post-launch imo.

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@Seth, I'm still gonna buy it because it's bound to been fun for a few hours, I've just lowered my expectations.

I'm sure about that but "A few hours of fun" isn't good enough for me, especially not a retail price - I always look for very high replay value in my games, else they just need to be dirt cheap.

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Agreed, if I wasn't getting the good price I am from ShopTo with vouchers, I would have cancelled and bought it next month for ?9.99:pp

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