Battlefield: Bad Company 2

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So does anyone know if there will be any beta updates for this game or will it just be a mass fix at the end and hope that it cures all?

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So does anyone know if there will be any beta updates for this game or will it just be a mass fix at the end and hope that it cures all?

They made a post about that to summarize it was along the lines of: "If we have time to knock out another release with some of the fixes implemented we will".

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They made a post about that to summarize it was along the lines of: "If we have time to knock out another release with some of the fixes implemented we will".

Sigh..I hope they realize that they have a great opportunity to make a game that will be around for a long time & I hope they are taking it as serious as the FPS gaming community is. They have the potential to get at least half of the MW2 community to change plus the whole BF2 community as well.

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Gametrailers just posted a PC Beta montage. The biggest thing I noticed, other than the player sucked LOL, is that some of the sniper shots were definitely kills, but were never recorded.

Whoever was playing sucks, a lot.

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Bah, I still haven't had time to play the demo. Might not have a crack at it until possibly this weekend or the one after that! I think all my professors conspired against me to make sure I had no time for video games this week. :p

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I went to play a game today and as I get into the game I notice I can't use any of my unlocks. Anyone else have this happen to them? Is it for certain servers or what? I used the Play Now button.

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I have to say I will be hugely disappointed if they do not patch the PC beta not just once but multiple times as that is afterall the point of having a beta to begin with. To fix everything that may be an issue before launch. Their approach is far to casual and really leaves me to believe their priorities are all in the wrong places.

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I went to play a game today and as I get into the game I notice I can't use any of my unlocks. Anyone else have this happen to them? Is it for certain servers or what? I used the Play Now button.

I think there are some unranked servers out there. You might have "Played now" into one of those perhaps.

I have to say I will be hugely disappointed if they do not patch the PC beta not just once but multiple times as that is afterall the point of having a beta to begin with. To fix everything that may be an issue before launch. Their approach is far to casual and really leaves me to believe their priorities are all in the wrong places.

Just gave you +1

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Yeah I hope they at least show us the fixes and improvements before the Beta closes. At the moment, the Beta makes me wondering whether I should cancel my pre-order or not (I know it's still Beta, but I want to know whether it's going to be roughly the same or it will be different in retail)

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I guess it makes sense this game is CPU heavy. PS3 and Xbox both have multiple cores. Quad might need to start being the standard. I am not sure why the graphics cards are having such issues....

I sure hope they have some magic code.

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I have to say I will be hugely disappointed if they do not patch the PC beta not just once but multiple times as that is afterall the point of having a beta to begin with. To fix everything that may be an issue before launch. Their approach is far to casual and really leaves me to believe their priorities are all in the wrong places.

The point of the beta is more to fix things in the final game then patching the beta. I wouldn't mind it if they patched it through, just so we can see some of the improvements the final game will have.

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The developers twitter feed said they will have around 3 updates for the beta before it ends & they already launched one the other day I don't know what game you guys are playing lol. Also now that I have gotten some time to tweak the settings in the config I am much more happy with the game. I dropped it to dx9 and all the bugs went away for me even the keyboard sticking problem...also take that damn bloom effect off it's a major performance hit and it looks so hideous. This config can be found in your My Documents folder in the BF BC2 Beta folder called 'settings', just edit and save and bam game looks and feels a-lot better.

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I guess it makes sense this game is CPU heavy. PS3 and Xbox both have multiple cores. Quad might need to start being the standard. I am not sure why the graphics cards are having such issues....

I sure hope they have some magic code.

It makes sense for a console graphics engine, but not a PC one. This post scares me:

Originally Posted by Holden

The game is much more processor intensive. Meaning the game is more optimized for consoles, and consoles have the large majority of real time processing allocated into the CPU. You know the whole procedural rendering thing, and the LOD loading, which is basically a function for loading objects, or increasing detail and loading specular, bumps, and detail maps? That is a system that is entirely catered to, and only beneficial to consoles.

The real performance bottleneck for consoles is memory, whether it be cache, graphics memory, DDR memory, they have limited memory all together. They need this real time loading system to run the game well, because they're much better at processing things then keeping them on reserve on their practically non-existent RAM.



I didn't think I'd resort to this but I might just edit the settings.ini file to get more performance out of the game. Change the dxlevel to 9, disable bloom, etc.

EDIT: I found this. It looks like a configuration utility for the game. I haven't tried it yet, but I assume it edits the settings.ini file on the fly.

Here's a screenshot...


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It makes sense for a console graphics engine, but not a PC one. This post scares me:


I didn't think I'd resort to this but I might just edit the settings.ini file to get more performance out of the game. Change the dxlevel to 9, disable bloom, etc.

EDIT: I found this. It looks like a configuration utility for the game. I haven't tried it yet, but I assume it edits the settings.ini file on the fly.

Here's a screenshot...


Urgh, I have to have my keyboard and mouse. That is saddening that the PC engine got the shaft, especially from DICE.

The thing is, COD MW2 streams textures as well...

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Urgh, I have to have my keyboard and mouse. That is saddening that the PC engine got the shaft, especially from DICE.

Nothing got the shaft, the game looks stunning and runs great on the PC.

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Nothing got the shaft, the game looks stunning and runs great on the PC.

While I agree it works fine for some ( including me, 50-80 FPS) it works quite poor for others. Why else would there be complaints? There were not complaints of this magnitude for MW2 performance. I can't help but to think it can be optimized quite a bit better. I will concede that this is by no means unplayable, it is not a Crysis. I just think people with the 8800GT and a dual core should probably be able to player decently at medium settings. A Xbox 360 is not more powerful than that...

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And remember the beta doesn't even really have the 'high' detail settings. The final game will looks better, and will be better optimized as well. The build they chose for the beta was 6 weeks old. DICE said they wanted to choose the most stable build at the time over one with newer content.

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While I agree it works fine for some ( including me, 50-80 FPS) it works quite poor for others. Why else would there be complaints? There were not complaints of this magnitude for MW2 performance. I can't help but to think it can be optimized quite a bit better. I will concede that this is by no means unplayable, it is not a Crysis. I just think people with the 8800GT and a dual core should probably be able to player decently at medium settings. A Xbox 360 is not more powerful than that...

Because this is a Beta which is the keyword, DICE have already said they are working on optimization and the Beta is even an old build!

No way can you judge final performance at this point.

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How do you guys think this would run on a Quad Core Q6600, 8800 GT, with 4GB of RAM?

I think you can manage 45fps at medium-high settings. (Y)

As for the game's performance, I have no doubt that it will be optimized. I just hope those optimizations make it to the beta. The "it's fixed in the retail version" excuse is lame.

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The developers twitter feed said they will have around 3 updates for the beta before it ends & they already launched one the other day I don't know what game you guys are playing lol. Also now that I have gotten some time to tweak the settings in the config I am much more happy with the game. I dropped it to dx9 and all the bugs went away for me even the keyboard sticking problem...also take that damn bloom effect off it's a major performance hit and it looks so hideous. This config can be found in your My Documents folder in the BF BC2 Beta folder called 'settings', just edit and save and bam game looks and feels a-lot better.

Can you post your config choices? I honestly feel like this game is going to be as bad as Counter Strike where we are all working on nice configs and posting them.

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Can you post your config choices? I honestly feel like this game is going to be as bad as Counter Strike where we are all working on nice configs and posting them.

All I did was change the DX level to 9 & set everything to high settings..DISABLED bloom..and whatever that bsoa setting is I chose to enable it. HOWEVER in dx9 I dont think that setting works as I saw no performance hit in dx9 with it on & also you CANNOT enable AA while using dx9 in this beta. With those setting chose I got my fps at 80ish down to 40's in firefights also one thing to remember is im using a quad core with a 4870

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I have a quad core and a 4870 and get the same fps as you in dx10, bloom/hbao off, and 2xaa. I think the main reason a lot of people are getting performance increases in dx9 is that it turns off aa.

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