Battlefield: Bad Company 2

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I managed to get in a really good server last night and my opinion of the game has changed if they iron all the bugs out before release then il be happy I bought it.

also does anyone know if they will patch the beta at all? iv been in other beta's where they have patched them quite abit.

the pc version had a patch already, did it soon as i loaded today.

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So it looks like @repi (Johan Andersson) doesn't know when the friends list will work. In case you didn't know, he's a senior software architect at DICE.

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I am playing the 360 demo and there is one thing that is seriously annoying the ******** out of me. The random controller shakes. It happens constantly! Even when im not being fired at, in perfect stationary position, as far away from combat as you can get. The controller just jolts for no effing reason! My hands get that weird numbness when you get slightly electrocuted. Anyone else getting this? I hope to God that this is just a glitch and it will be gone cos its killing me.

Oh and by the way I LOVE sniping :D I could snipe all day! :wub:

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I don't know why, but when I first start playing the performance is so-so. It isn't until a match ends and a new one starts that the performance picks up. It goes from not good or bad to superb. It's happened more than once too so it isn't a one-time thing. :/

And this is with an HD 4870 (Catalyst 10.1, Windows 7 Ultimate x64).

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The LMGs are awful and just spray everywhere! :(

Funny, I can easily placed well-aimed shots with it - The secret lies in only tapping the mouse once but rapidly, that eliminates a lot of the recoil

and allows weapons to become even more deadly.

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Funny, I can easily placed well-aimed shots with it - The secret lies in only tapping the mouse once but rapidly, that eliminates a lot of the recoil

and allows weapons to become even more deadly.

hey add me we can play as friends :)

The Legacy

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Can anyone tell me whats FPS they're getting if they're using a Quad core and a GTX 260+ card? Also at what setting.


I have a Q6600 @ 3gz and gtz 260+ card and I have all my settings at high at 1920x1080. I don't recall what I set my anti aliasing at but the gameplay is pretty darn smooth for me. I don't have any noticeable lag, but I can't tell you what my fps is though. BHAO or whatever that setting is is off. I don't even know what that does other than cause lag. I didn't notice any visualize difference with it on.

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I have a Q6600 @ 3gz and gtz 260+ card and I have all my settings at high at 1920x1080. I don't recall what I set my anti aliasing at but the gameplay is pretty darn smooth for me. I don't have any noticeable lag, but I can't tell you what my fps is though. BHAO or whatever that setting is is off. I don't even know what that does other than cause lag. I didn't notice any visualize difference with it on.

Well, if you could download Fraps and let me know at what FPS you're running the game, that would be awesome!

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Well, if you could download Fraps and let me know at what FPS you're running the game, that would be awesome!

Sure, I'll give it a shot. I'm hesitant to do that though because it's probably not running as smooth as I imagine it to be. :laugh:

Edit: also I can't seem to download the patch. Whenever I try it says there was an internet connection problem. Anyone have this problem? Anyone fix it?

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Is anyone else having connection issues, i can play lag free for 10-15 mins then no matter what server im on everything just stops but i can run around and shoot then after 10-20 seconds it says connection lost.

Im not downloading, all ports are open, using wired ethernet, dont have any issues with any other game on any other game server only this game.


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The server browser is really a pile of sausage in its current form.

I used to use "Play now" when I found out it doesn't take Latency into consideration, kept throwing me onto American servers and I had a hard time sniping. So I decided to try out the server browser and my god it's slow and cumbersome. Takes like 2-3 minutes on the "Waiting for Data" and you can't even sort by any of the options, pressing the latency button to sort in lowest to highest, which you can do in just about every other server browser on the planet, isn't possible here ... So you have to scroll up and down that sucker to find one with low latency and an open space.

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Gotta admit i was a bit hasty and judging a book by its cover, played a bit more despite being kicked every 10-15 mins but im loving it so far, i love how everything has weight like it exists in that world unlike other battlefields where things just floated across the map, its great how armour falls off tanks when shot with RPG and it rocks under the blast.

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In Battlefield 2, I found myself sticking to one or two classes for a very long time. But in Bad Company 2, I'd use the Medic, Engineer, and Recon classes whenever the situation called for it. I love how there are less classes now. It makes the game less hectic and more fun (in a way).

EDIT: The Steam overlay issue is being worked on:

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Can anyone tell me whats FPS they're getting if they're using a Quad core and a GTX 260+ card? Also at what setting.


AMD Phenom II X3 720 BE @ Stock.

BFG GeForce GTX 260

Res: 1,920 x 1,080

Everything maxed out (except AA, which is set at 2x).

Between 27-35 FPS, according to FRAPS.

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Downloaded the Demo on the 360, and have been drooling to get this after watching all those on PS3 play it, I have a PS3 but could never get a key!...anyway I have an will be a huge fan of the Call of Duty games right up to MW2, which I think is good, just way to many issues and is VERY newb friendly. Now dont get me wrong, MW2 is good but IW went to far to broaden the game to alot more people without an option or "mode" to play in the manner of what made COD4 great.

I will just say that after playing this for about 6 hours, I will go out on my own and say that I feel as though The DEMO of BFBC2 is BETTER than the released MW2 in almost every aspect! Go ahead and deny it, just my opinion. This game will be the new king of FPS shortly after March.... and might I add.. NO LAG!

is the tracer dart a unlock in the beta? i know that when i pre-ordered they said that i would get the unlock code for the full version

Yes you can unlock it, its one of the few things that unlock. It works quite well.

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I'm already bored to death of the map :laugh:

That's why I am personally not going to play this a lot to be honest. I do not want to get "burned out" on the game just because it is the same map over and over. I will play it here and there, but to me this was really just a sampler of what is to come, and something I will launch now and then until the game comes out, but I have other games to go to for now so it has already served it's purpose for me, letting me know the PC version is kick ass basically. (Y)

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So it seems like the friends list IS broken right now. I sent 10 invites to my friend, he got them all and accepted, and I did the same yet it didn't add him to my friends list at all. I have 0 friends still :(

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So it seems like the friends list IS broken right now. I sent 10 invites to my friend, he got them all and accepted, and I did the same yet it didn't add him to my friends list at all. I have 0 friends still :(

It doesn't work, and there's no word on when it'll be up. It would really suck if it doesn't work throughout the beta.

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It doesn't work, and there's no word on when it'll be up. It would really suck if it doesn't work throughout the beta.

Why? Me and friends that got into the beta, got no problems playing on the same server. Especially when most of them, are numbered like crazy :)

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