100 Year Pill may be available in 2 years

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Interesting. Though I'm sure they will have their own set of problems (side effects)...

Nothing is as rosy as they claim.

Very true, but hey, this is one guys opinion here, for all we know he just wants a bit of media / internet attention ;)

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Ah but the question remains..... Will it blend? :-p

Honestly, I'd be surprised if they can provide documentation to back up their drug....??Something tells me its bs.??Could be wrong though. :-p

Pretty unlikely, basic genetics http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/traits/telomeres/?

The system just isn't setup to last forever, otherwise there couldn't be natural selection and we'd never have evolved. Making the same genes go on forever is a fast track to extinction since all the other lifeforms continue to evolve.

One day, inexorably, some prion/virus/bacterium/whatever is going to adapt itself to the defense systems which don't change and wipes the whole genetic line out.

Just another silly human dream to hold onto in a time when religion offers no solace anymore.

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Were people strife to prolong life, this dutch citizens initiative proposes the dutch government changes the law so the elderly can choose when to die.

Citizens Initiative LIFE'S COMPLETE

I support the proposal from free will to die for legalization assistance to older people who completed their life deem it at their specific request and on conditions of care and testability. I ask the House to the proposal to treat and then take steps to adapt the relevant legal provisions.

Evidently the desire to live longer isn't shared by everyone, since they got a 120.000 signatures which is a lot for such a small country and such a controversial subject.

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