[Official] NHL 2010/2011

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I did a search to see if there was already a topic for the upcoming season as it's only 8 days away, and I was shocked and appalled to find that there wasn't! Shame on you all :p

Where do you think your team will finish? I'm hoping for a 5th or 6th place finish for the Avs, I think the biggest question will be can Anderson have another great year like last year...

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Wow, I don't know about either of those for your teams. The Habs are gonna have a pretty hard time trying to overtake those Bruins for that top spot in the division. They'll do alright again though. I can see them squeezing into that 7th or 8th spot this year. If they stay healthy and play above expectations, then they can probably finish within a couple spots higher. As for the Avs, are you talking 5th or 6th in the league or conference? Either way, I think that's expecting a little much out of this years crop. They're not the team they were even last year. They're an okay team this year and hopefully they can pull it off but again with them, I see the same fate for them except in the other conference.

Now on to my Wings lol. They too aren't the team of old and look to be in a down phase. I hope they can pull it off and show all those doubters wrong. I can realistically see them finishing 2nd in their division and maybe 4th or 5th in the conference. Maybe they can pull it off and recapture their division but I doubt it. Chicago still has a really strong team. I'm curious to see what everyone's predictions will be for the entire conferences and not just their teams though. What do you think?

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wise up. montreals team is lighter than a feather and has about as much depth as a childs paddling pool.

i'm sorry, it's really hard for me to take a person who cheers for a team who hasn't made the playoffs in six years seriously.

and i think i remember all four lines scoring in the playoffs, but im presuming you weren't watching those cause of the reason above

old argument about size is getting old

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Now on to my Wings lol. They too aren't the team of old and look to be in a down phase. I hope they can pull it off and show all those doubters wrong. I can realistically see them finishing 2nd in their division and maybe 4th or 5th in the conference. Maybe they can pull it off and recapture their division but I doubt it. Chicago still has a really strong team. I'm curious to see what everyone's predictions will be for the entire conferences and not just their teams though. What do you think

I think the Wings gained more than they lost in the off-season. Wings got Modano, and Hudler came back. We have 3 great lines. If we can stay away from the injury-bug like we had last year, we'll be right at the top of the league again.

Last year's off-season couple with the injuries, we lost so much scoring and some defense and we still finished 5th in the West.

Howard has his sophomore season coming up. He was great last year, he needs another great year to prove to the NHL that he is for real.

Also, it gets tiring hearing about the age of the Red Wings. It's funny, since we've made the playoffs for 20 years straight and won 4 Cups. Yet, people still make fun of the Wings for being "old". I hear it every year.

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Also, it gets tiring hearing about the age of the Red Wings. It's funny, since we've made the playoffs for 20 years straight and won 4 Cups. Yet, people still make fun of the Wings for being "old". I hear it every year.

like the habs and the size argument for he last umpteen years. sure let's not mention in the last three years the habs have finished first in the conference and made the conference finals in that time.

your wings are fine if they healthy, take the west if they can indeed stay healthy.

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i'm sorry, it's really hard for me to take a person who cheers for a team who hasn't made the playoffs in six years seriously.

and i think i remember all four lines scoring in the playoffs, but im presuming you weren't watching those cause of the reason above

old argument about size is getting old

You a QC native? What's up with supporting the furthest away franchise from your home province?

I don't see Montreal near the playoffs this year.

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You a QC native? What's up with supporting the furthest away franchise from your home province?

I don't see Montreal near the playoffs this year.

no i'm not. who else am I suppose to go for? the canucks? garbage and their fans are stupid. Alberta teams? no thanks. The leafs? what am I retarded? Ottawa wasn't around yet so the habs. i also love the ducks because I was six when the movie came out...

and of course you don't. no leaf fans ever do, it's what they do to make themselves feel better.

also PK is taking the calder this year

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Wow, the hate runs deep between Leafs fans and Habs fans eh? I can see the Leafs doing a little better this year. They've made some moves that bettered the team for the long term but aren't quite there yet. I think they'll finish somewhere between 23rd-28th. If they slack a bit and don't get their game going early, it'll be a painful season with a lot of criticism. I'm hoping they can pull off a surprise and stay competitive the whole season. I lost the hate for them eventually after they moved to the other conference. I have a lot of family here that loves the Leafs, the majority as I'm from Windsor, Ontario. I've always been a Wings fan because I can look out the window across the river and there's Joe Louis Arena. Just because I'm from Canada shouldn't mean I have to go for a Canaidan team, especially if there's a team less than 1km away from you.

Now for the Habs. I'm sorry but it looks like we have a sour Leafs fan that wants to hate on a rival. If that's not true, than it's not. The team will make the playoffs for sure this year. If Price can get over the fans acting the way they are and stay focused, they'll go far. He'll have a good if not great season once he gets that confidence up and the fans start getting behind him. It's really tough to be a skater for the Habs with the intensity of the fans but to be their goalie... that's gotta be the toughest spot to be in throughout the league. I have faith in him and believe he'll have a really good season. Sure size plays a role in hockey but not always as much as you'd think or expect. If the team is skilled enough and has good team chemistry, like they do, they'll do just fine.

The Devils... what can you say about the Devils? They're always a solid team. They always have just the right balance of offense and defense no matter what offseason moves they make. They will be hurting a little because of what happened this year but it won't knock them down. They have a good team again this year and will probably do better than last years results but we'll see when the time comes. It's gonna be another fight as usual for that division. With teams like Penguins and Flyers sporting teams as good as they are this year, it'll be a battle for that top spot. I can see them taking that top spot in their division but don't think they can get the conference. I think they'll finish 2nd or 4th in the conference.

Now back to my Wings. I like the additions they've made to the team with Hudler coming back being my fav. Modano coming on board is a definite plus and will add that needed depth. Don't knock me for saying it or doubt my commitment to the team. They always have and always will be my favourite team. I'm a diehard hockey fan and hardcore Wings fan. The reality for it being, at least for me, is that the team is getting older. Age hasn't played much of a factor for the Wings in previous years because the team has had really good chemistry and those players all played at a really highly competitive level. A few of those older players are getting older and are showing signs of not having what they used to and are getting slower. A couple offseason moves they made upset me a bit but I'm not gonna mention them here because I will support the team even when they make moves I don't understand or agree with. They definitely do still have a team to bring them all the way. I just think that they'll need to get a little more support from the younger guys due to the age of the older guys getting toward the end of their careers. How do you replace those guys though. They're part of the face of the team, at least to me. It's hard to let go of those guys but then there's a time for when you need to suck it up and do what's best for the team. Hopefully they can help contribute enough to keep them at a level we Wings fans expect of our team.

So go ahead and analyze this and tell me where I'm wrong.

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also PK is taking the calder this year

I don't know about this one. He's awesome, he'll be a big impact player on that team or any team he might play for in his career but I just don't think he'll come out on top for the Calder. I think he might come a close second or third. Having been a season ticket holder with the Spits during his career, seeing what he's capable of at any level he's ever played at and the performance plus level of comfort he's showing so far in the preseason/training camp. I think Hall will take it this year. He'll be a solid addition to the team and sport some numbers that will impress us. Nothing too crazy though.

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starting the season without cammi... sweet (Y)

I totally thought you were talking about Cammi granato and was like wtf are you talking about. Then I remember who your team was and who you were talking about. :laugh:

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And so we have hockey season again. It seems like years since we've last had a game. Nice to be back to the real life again. Any predictions on tonights games before they start?

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