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Have to hand it to Bioware, games don't usually emotionally affect me.

But after finishing ME3 and putting in over 100 hours combined for all 3 games on some level ME3 has affected me. Maybe I'm just a ***** but I can't stop thinking about what happened, the choices I made, if I could have done things better.

I am genuinely sad over how some things played out because of choices I made and how the story ultimately ended even if I was disappointed in how Bioware chose to end it.

Hopefully they will bring new Mass Effect games out that don't deal with Shepards journey but are set in the same universe and you get to hear the end of Shepards story, what happens after the events of ME3, etc..

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Well I finished From Ashes. It was the first mission I did after getting free reign of the Normandy. And as expected, it adds awesome lore to the story, but it does not affect the main plot at all. So I still don't see why so many people are bunching their panties about it.

I think it should have be free to everyone who buys the game new, but it's by no means a reason to boycott the game as some people are claiming to do.

So far, I'm really enjoying the game. I've only played for a few hours so far, but I'm really enjoying it.

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so. it's the 8th and i have no free bf3, who do i yell at?

contact ea support and see if they can help.

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What free bf3 you keep talking about? :/

remember that origin promo where you got free battlefield for pre-ordering mass effect? it was suppose to be for 2 weeks but they took it down after like a day? they said everyone would get their keys for the game by today.

contact ea support and see if they can help.

will do. or i can just go downtown and start causing a ruckus at their downtown vancouver office...

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FAAAAACCCCKKKRGHHHH... someone strangle me. Those new faces are fugly as hell :pinch:

Anderson alone looks like hammered sh*t, and just as I thought I have made a half-decent Femshep (as imported one looks nothing like it used to), in-game it becomes Michael Jackson whose last surgeons must have been a weed smoking elcor and Dr. Saleon R. "Heart".

Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together, keep it together...

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Is there any reason to get the Collectors Edition? Not sure what's happening with this game and DLC, people seem to be going bat**** crazy over the CE and it seems you can just buy regular edition and pay for the DLC?

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Is there any reason to get the Collectors Edition? Not sure what's happening with this game and DLC, people seem to be going bat**** crazy over the CE and it seems you can just buy regular edition and pay for the DLC?

Well I think the digital one comes with the soundtrack which is pretty good. The DLC is awesome so get that no matter what. I enjoy the contents of CEs so I bought it.

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contact ea support and see if they can help.

so all i got was some indian dude linking me to the page saying it'll be out today...

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Alright, so I managed to miss both dr. chawkwas and dr. michel when I first visited the citadel hospital. Now it seems I've gone too far in the game

(just finished the mission where cerberus attacks the citadel)

Is there anywhere else I can find either of them? They are no longer at the hospital.

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Cralias said it. The new faces are quite ugly, they all look aged and leathery. If this was an attempt to make them show the effects of stress, all it did was make them look ugly. And I too resent the fact that this game for some random reason couldn't import my very hot femshep, whom I've had since 2007. I managed to somewhat recreate her, but she too has that grotesque look about her. Why is ME3 struggling with something ME2 did seamlessly?

Other than that the game is good, plays smoother and better than the previous two, better shooting, some meatier RPG elements, and better looking environments. Its arguably the best ME, save for those nightmarish faces.

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FAAAAACCCCKKKRGHHHH... someone strangle me. Those new faces are fugly as hell :pinch:

Anderson alone looks like hammered sh*t, and just as I thought I have made a half-decent Femshep (as imported one looks nothing like it used to), in-game it becomes Michael Jackson whose last surgeons must have been a weed smoking elcor and Dr. Saleon R. "Heart".

Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together, keep it together...

I had to redo the into six or seven times, because Shep looks different from the creation screen as soon as you start playing. Of course, since you can't skip cut scenes, I know all of the dialouge by heart!

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Alright, so I managed to miss both dr. chawkwas and dr. michel when I first visited the citadel hospital. Now it seems I've gone too far in the game

(just finished the mission where cerberus attacks the citadel)

Is there anywhere else I can find either of them? They are no longer at the hospital.

Nope there are a number of things you have to do at a certain time in this game.

As for the end, to get the best possible outcome do I have to raise my readiness above 50%? I knew with ME2 you had to do everyones little side missions but I don't care enough to play online and I already have a **** ton of assets.

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:woot: my "lost" copy arrived today :) guess someone screwed up and didn't scan it properly but all good now, installing as I type this. To be honest I like how it's done with Origin on PC, it's much more streamlined then how it was done with ME2 (getting DLC should be much easier then what we had to do with ME2). Can't wait to start playing! :happy: and it's a long weekend this weekend, double bonus! :happy:

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Big spoiler here so do not READ if you have not finished the game.!!

Is there any option where Shepard does not die at the end and all the crew is alive and the reapers dead?. I missed part of what the 3 options to end the game were since I was distracted.If there is no option to keep Shepard alive and what I said above, that kinda sucks. The hero always has to die. Would be nice to be given the option. Thanks

Never mind. I am replaying the last mission to see the different endings.

Last edit...still a spoiler....

Just watched all 3 endings and I do not like there isnt one where Shepard lives.

All things considered, I liked ME3 but the ending for me was kind of a let down. There was a good story line/dialog and the ending just didnt fit the excitement of the rest. But thats my opinion. Good game tho. :)

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There is one but it requires 4000+ effective points. That's 8000 if you don't do any multiplayer.

Multiplayer makes achieving this much easier, which of course is extremely lame.

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Big spoiler here so do not READ if you have not finished the game.!!

Is there any option where Shepard does not die at the end and all the crew is alive and the reapers dead?. I missed part of what the 3 options to end the game were since I was distracted.If there is no option to keep Shepard alive and what I said above, that kinda sucks. The hero always has to die. Would be nice to be given the option. Thanks

Never mind. I am replaying the last mission to see the different endings.

Last edit...still a spoiler....

Just watched all 3 endings and I do not like there isnt one where Shepard lives.

All things considered, I liked ME3 but the ending for me was kind of a let down. There was a good story line/dialog and the ending just didnt fit the excitement of the rest. But thats my opinion. Good game tho. :)

Remember that they said don't get rid of your ME saves as soon as you beat the game? They brought Shepard back from the dead once, they can do it again.We're living in the era of milking series to death, I think we'll definitely see another ME game. Maybe a ME mmo?

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How to tell if you have the DLC, From Ashes?

My friend is playing on PS, but he says he is not sure if it is included in the game.

He has Collectors edition.

Any specific missions?

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How to tell if you have the DLC, From Ashes?

My friend is playing in PS, but he says he is not sure if it is included in the game.

He has Collectors edition.

Any specific missions?

if he has the collectors edition he should have 2 codes on a slip inside his game one is the onlinepass/exclusive dlc and the other is the from ashes dlc code.

to access the mission you will get a private message on the terminal on the normandy telling you to go to eden prime.

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