Got to love the RedSox/Yankees rivalry

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thanks lethal.. im thinking i dont want it there at all unless she, my mom, plugs in her usb key. any other idea??


Unplug any USB devices :p

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Holy **** boys. Yankees holding on by only a thread. We're going into the 9th, anything can make or break this game...and of course, I am from Massachussettes, about 20min from Boston :).

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Oh, and just a note. Besides the Redsox kicking some ass this season, you guys do know the NE Patriots are undefeated? 19-0.


What does that have to do with this game? :unsure:

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oh by the way.. does anyone know how to get rid of the icon in the systray that is for a plug and play device like a cd-rw/dvd drive? its there and i dont want her to see it and be confused or cluttered in anyway since the drive will likely be there forever and its pretty much not needed. any help would be appreciated.

Yep. Unplug the USB device and it will go away. That's the ONLY way. One of the differences betwee XP Home and Pro.

Go BoSox!! Definitely need somebody different in the World Series this year!


thanks!! i never knew that! i can give up my futile effort.

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