FireFox or Opera ?


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  1. 1. FireFox or Opera ?

    • Firefox
    • Opera

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:devil: Firetruck Trolls, now see for yourself, whats what and whats not. Opera beats the s*** out of Firetruck on all OS, at any point in time it did, and it will do always. :devil:


On my PowerBook, at least, Firefox renders a few things slower but acts much faster than Opera 8. And Safari 2.0 beats Opera 8 in every one of those tests. Even Safari 1.2 is faster than Opera 8 in most things. Those test seem very flawed, since truly, Safari 2 starts up faster (even on first boot) and is much faster than Safari 1.2.

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On my PowerBook, at least, Firefox renders a few things slower but acts much faster than Opera 8. And Safari 2.0 beats Opera 8 in every one of those tests. Even Safari 1.2 is faster than Opera 8 in most things. Those test seem very flawed, since truly, Safari 2 starts up faster (even on first boot) and is much faster than Safari 1.2.


I'm seriously sick of you, both Firefox and Opera are mainly Windows oriented browsers and if you have any problems with them like Opera with their "non-osx keyboard shortcuts" you should just stay with Safari. And stop comparing them on dfferent platforms, different processors, different hardware and they surley aren't optimized the same for every OS out there so that makes it useless to discuss it.

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(Pls. excuse if already mentioned in this thread)



No, no. That is up to you. It all depends on how you use your browser and what you use it for, and what operating system(s) you use it on. Take a look at the tables (and graphs, if your browser's scripting engine is up to the task) and work it out for yourself.

Ok, ok. Firefox and Mozilla are clearly optimised for Linux, and Opera is clearly optimised for Windows. These optimisations are mostly obvious with the loading times, although there is also a little difference in the cache handling on the different operating systems. However, Opera seems to perform admirably well on most tasks, on any platform. When it comes to page rendering (tables, CSS or images), most of the major browsers perform very fast, with very little to distinguish between them. When it comes to scripts, Opera clearly holds its head above the others, nearly twice as fast as the others. The only one that comes close is Safari 2.0, but that is tied to the Tiger release of Mac OS (currently in preview).

Opera also is a clear winner using history. In fact, on Linux it is faster than Mozilla and Firefox for all except starting time. On Mac and Windows, Opera is faster than Mozilla and Firefox for all tasks. Surprisingly, Mozilla is now faster at most tasks than Firefox. Internet Explorer on Windows was either as fast as - or faster than Mozilla and Firefox for most tasks, with the exception of scripts, where it took over twice as long. Of course, its poor standards and security clearly make it a much less attractive prospect. The Moox Firefox install is actually slower than the standard Firefox versions distributed from, even though it is supposedly optimised for my particular processor. The performance of K-Meleon and Epiphany was similar to the performance of Mozilla and Firefox on the same platform. The new Netscape Browser preview (based on Firefox) was clearly suffering from bloat caused by the AOL add-ons.

To summarise

So overall, Opera seems to be the fastest browser for windows. Firefox is not faster than Internet Explorer, except for scripting, but for standards support, security and features, it is a better choice. However, it is still not as fast as Opera, and Opera also offers a high level of standards support, security and features.

On Linux, Konqueror is the fastest for starting and viewing basic pages on KDE, but as soon as script or images are involved, or you want to use the back or forward buttons, or if you use Gnome, Opera is a faster choice, even though on KDE it will take a few seconds longer to start. Mozilla and Firefox give an overall good performance, but their script, cache handling and image-based page speed still cannot compare with Opera.

Go Opera!

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On my PowerBook, at least, Firefox renders a few things slower but acts much faster than Opera 8. And Safari 2.0 beats Opera 8 in every one of those tests. Even Safari 1.2 is faster than Opera 8 in most things. Those test seem very flawed, since truly, Safari 2 starts up faster (even on first boot) and is much faster than Safari 1.2.


Wait, isn't Safari2 Tiger only? And tiger is not out, correct? So, you are illegal using your browser?

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On my PowerBook, at least, Firefox renders a few things slower but acts much faster than Opera 8. And Safari 2.0 beats Opera 8 in every one of those tests. Even Safari 1.2 is faster than Opera 8 in most things. Those test seem very flawed, since truly, Safari 2 starts up faster (even on first boot) and is much faster than Safari 1.2.


what does safari have to do with firefox or opera? also your point is that firefox acts faster than opera. that doesn't mean it is faster. so if i act like bill gates does that make me bill gates?

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I'm seriously sick of you, both Firefox and Opera are mainly Windows oriented browsers and if you have any problems with them like Opera with their "non-osx keyboard shortcuts" you should just stay with Safari. And stop comparing them on dfferent platforms, different processors, different hardware and they surley aren't optimized the same for every OS out there so that makes it useless to discuss it.


He wanted to bring up "all OSes" in this arguement. I decided to show him that, one, Firefox in real tests (not benchmarks) is faster on OS X, and two, that Safari (2.0 especially) is faster than Opera 8 in most things, showing that the chart is full of crap anyway. The only thing they did get right is script speed. I will say that Opera is best at that, but not by much.

vcv, ever heard of Apple Developer Connection?

redwhorns, when acting faster in real world browsing, it creates a better browsing experience.

Either way, I'm going to stop arguing here now. I could care less what browser you guys use. Let Firefox users spread FUD. The more people using Firefox, the better the world will be. Opera doesn't do as well with practical W3C standards, so I could care less if it has more features.

"Ooo, but Opera has a mail client and IRC built in, and is still faster than Firefox!" Do I really give a damn? No. If I wanted those features, I would be using Mozilla right now, not Firefox or Safari.

Speed of a browser is really irrelevant in today's world anyway. CPUs are so fast, memory is becoming cheaper, and OS's are becoming better. All this makes most the browsers feel the same in speed. The only one that has always stood out as clunky, to me, is Opera.

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Opera doesn't do as well with practical W3C standards,


This is simply not true. Why don't you go read the specs on what Opera supports? Also, the author of the original CSS proposal WORKS for Opera as the CTO.

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I myself like opera, but am currently using Firefox at the moment. One great advantage to using Opera (the full version) is their customer support is great. I had a few issues at first with setting it up with my ISP, but I just contacted their support and recieved help within minutes. And it wasn't some foreign country that barely speaks english. The speed and stability is great. The only problem I still ran into was using it as my default image viewer. I seemed to get quite a few windows errors

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redwhorns, when acting faster in real world browsing, it creates a better browsing experience.

I agree, the appearance of speed can mean a lot. The reason why some browsers may appear faster than what they are is because they use a rendering delay which waits a little while before rendering which makes the page look like it popped out of nowhere. Opera can be configured to appear faster as well (Windows->Advanced->Loading) :)

Let Firefox users spread FUD. The more people using Firefox, the better the world will be. Opera doesn't do as well with practical W3C standards, so I could care less if it has more features. Opera doesn't do as well with practical W3C standards, so I could care less if it has more features.

Why should we let Firefox users spread FUD? It's funny, you asked for permission to spread FUD before doing so, lol (well, that's more than what the Mozilla Foundation done before spreading FUD about Opera.) Opera Software is one of the biggest contributors to the W3C and they follow the standards very strictly. H?kon Wium Lie, the CTO of Opera Software, was the person who created CSS and he is still working on CSS (spec 3.0) to this very day.

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This is simply not true.? Why don't you go read the specs on what Opera supports?? Also, the author of the original CSS proposal WORKS for Opera as the CTO.


Why should we let Firefox users spread FUD? It's funny, you asked for permission to spread FUD before doing so, lol (well, that's more than what the Mozilla Foundation done before spreading FUD about Opera.) Opera Software is one of the biggest contributors to the W3C and they follow the standards very strictly. H?kon Wium Lie, the CTO of Opera Software, was the person who created CSS and he is still working on CSS (spec 3.0) to this very day.

And Microsoft helped start the W3C and wanted to commit to the standards. Does that mean they did that? I'll just leave it at that. I know Opera is better than at least Trident at standards, and that is good.

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And Microsoft helped start the W3C and wanted to commit to the standards. Does that mean they did that? I'll just leave it at that. I know Opera is better than at least Trident at standards, and that is good.


First of all, don't misquote me.

Second, please explain how Firefox is better in standards.


Gecko: That's all I could find for gecko..

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I have both of them installed on my computer, but I use Opera as my main browser. I like it better because it has all the features I want (tabs, mouse gestures, etc.) and they work perfectly. I found that downloading extensions for Firefox was just a hassle. It took a long time to find exactly what I want and there were incompatibilities between some of extensions. Also, Opera loads pages faster and uses less memory on my computer.

Anyway, I don't think there's a browser that is better than others. Some people in this thread should understand that different people have different needs. It's not because you like a browser better that it's the bestest and that everyone should use it.

You just have to try them both and use the one that fits your needs the best.



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And Microsoft helped start the W3C and wanted to commit to the standards. Does that mean they did that? I'll just leave it at that.

Opera has followed the standards; moreso than Firefox or Internet Explorer, which was my point. They are nothing like Microsoft. has done extensive testing on several browsers to learn of their standards compliance. Quirksmode said that Opera's CSS support is "excellent" and their DHTML support is "excellent." They only had one complaint about Opera 7 which was about importing XML files with JavaScript which is now possible in the latest releases, so if this page were up-to-date Opera would've gotten an even better rating.


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"Ooo, but Opera has a mail client and IRC built in, and is still faster than Firefox!" Do I really give a damn? No. If I wanted those features, I would be using Mozilla right now, not Firefox or Safari.

Opera > Firefox > Safari

At least Firefox gets its rendering right in more cases than Safari. And it's more functional and user friendly than Safari, too :)

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Hmm, i dint see the poll, till now...

Voted for FF.

Simple reasons:

1. Free and open source

2. Easy to post at forums.

3. Extensions. (we can get a hell lot of features with this)

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I know Opera has tabbed browsing and I know Firefox have something they claim to be tabbed browsing... No matter how many links I click, or URL shortcuts I open, I have 1 window open when using Opera. I wish I could say the same for FF...

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