Do You Think Pot Should Be Legal?

Do You Think Pot Should Be Legal?  

410 members have voted

  1. 1. Do You Think Pot Should Be Legal?

    • Yes, but I've never tried it
    • Yes, and I've tried it before
    • No, and I've never tried it
    • No, but I've tried it before

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No, it's a drug and always has/will been/be


Alcohol and sigarettes are boths drugs as well... so I fail to see how pot should be any different.

his point exactly, the fact that you think you can go work an 8 hour shift stoned just proves his point. It should never be legalized because it will open the floodgates for other crap to be legalized. All you stoners make me laugh thinking it doesnt make you stupid. Ive got friends that think that way and they have been smoking it for ten years or more and you can just tell that they go blank and go retarded at certain times...they are basically fried and burned out.


If you smoke like an idiot then you surely will go wacko. If you drink booze whole day long then eventually you will drain yourself. Just because your friends have been smoking for years and have become what you call them now, doesn't mean pot has the same effect on everybody. In fact, I know enough people who are smoking it on a daily basis in reasonable amounts and never go blank and retarded.

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No, it's a drug and always has/will been/be


So is Tylenol, so should it be illegal for me to take it when I get a headache?

his point exactly, the fact that you think you can go work an 8 hour shift stoned just proves his point. It should never be legalized because it will open the floodgates for other crap to be legalized. All you stoners make me laugh thinking it doesnt make you stupid. Ive got friends that think that way and they have been smoking it for ten years or more and you can just tell that they go blank and go retarded at certain times...they are basically fried and burned out.


Ummm, for your information, plants such as salvia that make you hallucinate are currently legal, while pot remains criminalized. Drinks that have national laws against driving after consuming them are legal, yet pot isn't. That "Other Crap" is already legal, in large.

Oh, and I *know* I can go work that 8 hour shift stoned, I've done it many times and I've performed better than other people do, performing the exact same job. Sober or not, I do my job well. I have never been late, skipped a day of work or even been threatened to be fired.

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his point exactly, the fact that you think you can go work an 8 hour shift stoned just proves his point. It should never be legalized because it will open the floodgates for other crap to be legalized. All you stoners make me laugh thinking it doesnt make you stupid. Ive got friends that think that way and they have been smoking it for ten years or more and you can just tell that they go blank and go retarded at certain times...they are basically fried and burned out.


shouldnt it be his choice to be stoned? would you like the government telling you that you cant drink a certain drink that you like because it has too many calories or eat food that you like for the same reason?


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It depends really, if you smoke pot alot every day you are going to end up frying the living crap out of your brain. Every now and then, couple times a week or month, not so bad.

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No, pot is an entry drug to other more harmful drugs. (snip)they dress like a stoner


You, my good sir, wins the prize for Most Idiotic Statement so far.

If you dress like a stoner.. you're an idiot?

Mind telling me what a stoner dresses like?



In general, baggy jeans and a tshirt?

I'm guessing that makes me an idiot as well?

Pot is not an entry-drug to more harmful drugs.

Doing drugs is about choice.

Choice is good, lack of choice is bad.

If i chose to toke out, why shouldn't I be allowed to do so?

The only one it affects is me (well, 7-11 gets to sell more snacks and candy if i get the munchies).

All you effing say-no-to-drugs-monkeys have been indoctrinated against drugs for no reason at all, so feel free to flame me like the sheep you are - you're only proving a point.

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no. it shouldn't be legal. legalizing it would take all the fun out of smoking it. Once its legalized... the thrill of the possibility of getting caught just disappears.

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When I was in high-school I went pretty much every day stoned out of my mind, and yet I graduated with a 3.8GPA and am going to a great college very soon.

Pot is NOT a gateway drug. This is a LIE spread by big tobacco companies. The only reason that is it illegal is because big tobacco pays the government BILLIONS of dollars a year to keep the facts hidden and to spread their lies.

Our society has outlawed pot but condones the use of PROVEN KILLERS: ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO!

Nobody, NOBODY in the history of mankind has ever died of smoknig marijuana. Nobody. Do you know how many people die from tobacco? Half a million every year. Alcohol? Another half million.

Not only is marijuana not harmful, it can be used for many other purposes. You can make clothing out of it, you can make paper, you can make pretty much anything with the hemp plant.

Tobacco and alcohol work by hardening and constriction of the arteries, which is bad; but hemp usage actually enlarges the arteries...which is a healthy condition.

I can't stand people who think it's such a bad "drug". They have been brainwashed by mass media and should be ashamed of themselves for being taken as fools.


I'm super high right now, and I STILL type better than half of you. I've come up with some of my best ideas high. I would not have made half of the programs I make if I wasn't. It inspires creativity in people. Many famous and historical figures smoked it. Look it up, true stuff.

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and do you believe that if it was legalized that would be the case? The states would put a limit on it just like alcohol, as in the .08 limit. So what would the legal limit of weed be? I know that one hit can do as much damage to me compared to a 12 pack of beer. And ya I smoke a pack of cigs a day too, but that doesnt make me unable to do anything, perhaps ill die from it, but it wont cause me to kill another. Beer and weed can cause someone to kill another, such as a car accident.

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When I was in high-school I went pretty much every day stoned out of my mind, and yet I graduated with a 3.8GPA and am going to a great college very soon.

Pot is NOT a gateway drug. This is a LIE spread by big tobacco companies. The only reason that is it illegal is because big tobacco pays the government BILLIONS of dollars a year to keep the facts hidden and to spread their lies.

Our society has outlawed pot but condones the use of PROVEN KILLERS: ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO!

Nobody, NOBODY in the history of mankind has ever died of smoknig marijuana. Nobody. Do you know how many people die from tobacco? Half a million every year. Alcohol? Another half million.

Not only is marijuana not harmful, it can be used for many other purposes. You can make clothing out of it, you can make paper, you can make pretty much anything with the hemp plant.

Tobacco and alcohol work by hardening and constriction of the arteries, which is bad; but hemp usage actually enlarges the arteries...which is a healthy condition.

I can't stand people who think it's such a bad "drug". They have been brainwashed by mass media and should be ashamed of themselves for being taken as fools.


um, I havent been brainwashed, Ive done them all. I ive seen all my (old) friends go straight from weed to cocaine. I skipped the weed part because I think the high sucks, Im a beer drinker and weed doesnt work for me. Anyway, they got me into coke, and ill tell you this much, all we ever did was spend every cent we had to get more. Basically we all thew away 2 years of our lives because of it. Ya weed might not be the entry drug, but it is the easiest drug to obtain, and from where i live if you do one drug and like it, you will check out another drug and then your screwed

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And you think that was completely the drug fault, and had nothing to do with him, his personality or mental characteristics, when millions of others can smoke it and not live that type of lifestyle?


I am prefect example of how weed does not to what your friends did

Im an manager at Toyota usa

Im 24 work 50 hours

And i get to work and do my job with no issues even sometimes high ;)

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um, I havent been brainwashed, Ive done them all. I ive seen all my (old) friends go straight from weed to cocaine. I skipped the weed part because I think the high sucks, Im a beer drinker and weed doesnt work for me. Anyway, they got me into coke, and ill tell you this much, all we ever did was spend every cent we had to get more. Basically we all thew away 2 years of our lives because of it. Ya weed might not be the entry drug, but it is the easiest drug to obtain, and from where i live if you do one drug and like it, you will check out another drug and then your screwed


i think that was your fault. you're using your "addiction" as an excuse for your failure, when in reality, you probably werent focused or motivated enough.


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No. One of my close friends started to smoke a fair amount of it and i noticed a real change in him after a few weeks, stuttered speech, loss of concentration, etc.

He has cut down no big time, and so have the affects as far as i can see.

Simple when i put it like that.

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I remember the first times of when I was doing dope, this so called high didnt hit me till my 9th time, on 2 grams in it. But all I remember on my 10th was the funny pointy roof. Was a Weird manor I was walking by that night. But just like Alcohol I quit cold turkey cuz of the puking. So addictive was I addictive to it I dunno, but I sure knew the throwing up was not fun. It's been many years since I touched both of these substances. The only thing I liked about quitting was I had more money in my pocket to spend on food.

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STV, that is the dumbest thing ive read in this thread. I will tell you this much, once your on the outside looking in after doing drugs, you will actually see the effects it has on people. You just dont notice it in the same way when your still using.

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No, it's a drug and always has/will been/be


Yea so is Tylenol

and the meat you eat is filled with steroids as well

milk is filled with drugs

and lets not go to fast food

everythign is drug including your OWN human fluids

why do you think you change moods? its all chemical related

but i guess you eat organic??

didnt think so you should look at the food you eat its nothign but drugs

and im not talkign about an apple

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and do you believe that if it was legalized that would be the case? The states would put a limit on it just like alcohol, as in the .08 limit. So what would the legal limit of weed be? I know that one hit can do as much damage to me compared to a 12 pack of beer. And ya I smoke a pack of cigs a day too, but that doesnt make me unable to do anything, perhaps ill die from it, but it wont cause me to kill another. Beer and weed can cause someone to kill another, such as a car accident.


Pot doesn't cause you to kill someone, you do that yourself.

If I'm at a skatepark, skating around high, like I did last's still my responsibility to look-out for others and not run into them. Which is exactly what I did.

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Pot doesn't cause you to kill someone, you do that yourself.

If I'm at a skatepark, skating around high, like I did last's still my responsibility to look-out for others and not run into them.  Which is exactly what I did.


you could make the same case for beer, but do you think that a drunk driver would of killed someone if they were not drunk.

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his point exactly, the fact that you think you can go work an 8 hour shift stoned just proves his point. It should never be legalized because it will open the floodgates for other crap to be legalized. All you stoners make me laugh thinking it doesnt make you stupid. Ive got friends that think that way and they have been smoking it for ten years or more and you can just tell that they go blank and go retarded at certain times...they are basically fried and burned out.


You dotn smoke it so you should know that your way of thinking dosent mean its right nor mine

but yes i do feel stupid soemtimes and blank its called why im HIGH

cause that what i do it for the calm blank feeling when not on it im as sharp as can be

and P.S. alot more people smoke then you know and some you would never guess did it.

but that goes back to my post , use Visine so you dont look like a scuz'ball

They, They, They i love how people who dont smoke give retarded points to explain them.

Just say basic stuff like the REAL important stuff

you guys **** me off you should be making more intelligent answers such as:

"it shouldnt be legal cause you cant tell if some is high and might be operating a ride YOUR kid is on!!!"

but then smokers are stupid? i thought of that before you guys com'on now

that is valid not jow blow i know does it and he eats junk food and has a good time and is stupid (run-on sentance on purpose)

Legal yes, but in bars just like Holland

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There have been plenty of these threads and the bottom line is that they will never legalize it and beer and smokes will always be. End Thread.

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