The Moon does not exist!

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I don't know which is more pathetic: someone taking the time to write this, or that someone actually believed it.

It's a space station!

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The first question's answer is where it all falls apart.

Why do I see it? - Because its govt. projection/helium balloon or some codswallop.

I call it bull****. It has been seen and documented since way before, Galileo wrote about it in the 1600s. Oh wait, no, the governments were still projecting it then, wheren't they? :\

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If the moon does not exist, then the holocaust did not exist.

I DARE you to make a rebuttal from that!

Funny, theres also a "Did the holocaust really happen" thread lol.

Though, this thread must be taking the p*** lol.

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Um, ya..... anyone who thinks there is no moon is smoking the crack. Next topic please.

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  • 1 month later...

This should have been made into a poll so we could see how many people believe the moon is fake...

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  • 4 weeks later... does not exist...its da Death Star

LOL! +1 :D

I also believed he failed on his ridiculous theory trying to prove moon doesnt exist. He's a failure imo.

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All the people here offering explanations to debunk this theory and calling the webpage and or the thread starter an idiot are, sadly, even dumber. It's a joke people. A joke. If you didn't pick that up, you've got serious issues :p

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  • 1 month later...

This guy knows about as mutch about science as I know about sewing, that is to say nothing. BUT i do know more about science than sewing so lemme give this a shot.

One established fact about the moon is that its gravity effects the tides, and this is addressed in his page.

point 1

The tide myth is one of the oldest and most absurd lies that the Lunar establishment has tried to push on a gullible world. Do they really expect us to believe that the moon - an object that allegedly resides at an average distance of 240,000 miles from the earth - has the power, from that distance, to lift how many billions of cubic meters of water?

The sun is much, much farther away than that but because of its mass, its able to hold us in orbit. Tell you what, I'll get a police sniper to shoot you in the face from 100 yards. and we'll see the result.

point 2

Do an experiment: take a rubber ball and suspend it above a bathtub full of water. Now slowly move the ball closer to the water. Does the level of the water change? Not even slightly. So much for the tides myth.

Well no **** this wont work! the ball has no mass compared to the earth and hence cannot affect the water in a bathtub. this experiment proves that no conspiracy theorists went to a high school science class. And i bet I know what you thinking, "OK wise guy, how would you prove it exists?" I would replicate a high school science project. you take a plastic rod, tie it from a string, and put two objects of the same size, one with 6 times the mass of the other, 40 degrees apart both 20 degrees from the rested state of the pole and watch witch way it turns, this proves the pull of gravity. because the pull of gravity is 1/6 times the the earth it can affect water leavel but only barely.

point 3

The clouds are considerably closer to the moon, and much lighter than the oceans. One would imagine that if the moon had the power to raise the oceans, this same force would cause the clouds to go flying into space, yet this does not happen. This proves that the tides story is physically impossible.

Simply wrong, clouds rise because they are vapor, by your theory their would be no clouds. also as your altitude increases., Air pressure decreases, and at that point water droplets are heaver than air. I mean i don't want out rightly flame, but did you finish high school? because this is simple stuff.

Point 4

Real scientists are busy researching the TRUE causes of the tides. But until their findings are made public, we can take this as merely another pseudo-scientific moon myth, shattered by the scholarship of revisionists.

No, Real scientists are busy with getting to the moon. Real scientists have enough knowledge to know it exists without prof. Real scientists have jobs and friends. Real scientists are busy curing cancer.

NOW, hopefully this will make any ignorant Anti-scholar punks who make me die a little inside when I here crap like this.

HOWEVER, if you liked what you read, I'll be happy to give another branch of this lunacy it another go.

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There are mathematical proofs that it exists... NASA has had them for decades with doing research on the moons gravataional pull on the earth which causes the earth to slightly bulge out towards the moon which is how you cause tidal waves... which um strangely time themselves with the moon... also there is a bulge in the moon caused by the earths gavity... they did all the math on this and the math proves its there

wow these people need to learn physics and how much mass it takes to have a gravatational effect on something else to cause a wave

Yeah i know, it was a rhetorical question to the guy who quoted me. Anyway, the website isn't funny even as satire :huh:

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in science theres a law, to dispute small finds, you need small proof, to dispute great finds, you need to find great proof,

to dispute the moon, go to hell

ignoring the last line, i hope you know what i mean here


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I like this bit, from the site quoted by the OP under, "Here's the proof"

A cash reward of $100,000 has been offered to anyone who can send us, by e-mail, conclusive physical evidence of the existence of the moon. This reward remains unclaimed.

Pretty safe bet, since you can't send physical proof by email!?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

i got a kick out of their disclaimer on their page, expecially the last part

DISCLAIMER: All editorial content on this website is strictly not the writer?s/author?s opinion. THE MAD REVISIONIST, located on the moon, is owned and operated by accident. The content of this page is the copyrighted property of THE MAD REVISIONIST. Any illegal copying or circulating of this page, in whole or in part, without the expressed permission of THE MAD REVISIONIST will be taken as a compliment. And no, we're not really offering $100,000. What are you, crazy?
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Next topic -- Gravity does not exist ... that would be a factor as to the reason the moon is in orbit-- as well as the tides.

Maybe we can't see gravity but the moon is definitely there. I've seen it all my life. :yes:

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