[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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The BBC has axed behind-the-scenes show Doctor Who Confidential.

The series, which airs on BBC Three, originally launched in 2005 to tie in with Doctor Who's revival.

However, Confidential will not continue after the current sixth run due to BBC budget cuts, according to The Guardian.

BBC Three controller Zai Bennett is reportedly keen on focusing investment on original commissions in the future.

Bennett has recently axed a number of long-running BBC Three shows, including Ideal, Hotter Than My Daughter, Coming of Age and Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps.

In a statement, a BBC spokeswoman said: "Doctor Who Confidential has been a great show for BBC Three over the years, but our priority now is to build on original British commissions, unique to the channel."

The final episode of Doctor Who Confidential will air this Saturday on BBC Three, following the Doctor Who series finale 'The Wedding of River Song' on BBC One at 7.05pm.

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Yeah I love Confidential also. To bad BBC One can't keep it going, but I guess with cuts across the board, meh. Anyways, Silence will fall when the question is asked! OMG.

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After a long time I am finally caught up with Doctor Who, all I can say is Brilliant.

Can't wait for episode 13!!!!

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This better be a good episode tonight. I had high expectations for "A Good Man Goes to War", which was a let down.

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Well, that was erm... :|

Oh Steven Moffat, how you have fallen from the great that was Blink in to this! Never thought I'd need to say it, but I miss RTD.

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That was so poor - if it had been a Sarah Jane adventure in mid series then fine but not the finale of a series that has been split in two to build tension.

The final question - Dr Who? I almost don't want that answered by the current writers as they will take such a deep part of Dr Who and ruin it with their story telling.

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What a load of bull**** copout crap.

Complete load of convoluted mess, Moffat needs to go and sharpish.

Or you can like....stop watching it.

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I very much liked this :p Moffat didn't cop out like RTD liked to do with a stupid magical nonsense ending, there was logic too it that fell in line witth what we've seen in the series, and nothing amazingly ridiculous and outlandish. Nothing too overblown and grand, jsut a very nice and compact adventure, with great direction and some great visuals.

I take it we still have more to see from the Silence though, and unfortunately more River -.- (Though I didn't half mind her this episode)

Can't wait to see how they answer the question next series aswell - as great as it is to see the Doctor's random adventures, he's a 1,000 years old and has a lot of history behind him... including destroying his entire race. So I'm all for delving into his murky past and getting some more great insight into his character.

...though by the lookjs of Twitter a lot of people were confused watching that episode. I don't get it, there's nothing to be confused about is there? It's all nicely explained :p

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Or you can like....stop watching it.

I wouldnt be a 'fan' if i stopped watching the crap episodes, i have all of the 'nu' series on dvd and blurays.

I forgot if you arent riding Moffats **** then you arent allowed an opinion. I knew it was going to be some ridiculous Deus Ex Machina twist Moffat likes to do that. Hopefully he will get the message that his stories are crap and he will stop whining on twitter that people are abusing him and he will jog on.

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I knew it was going to be some ridiculous Deus Ex Machina twist Moffat likes to do that.

Come now, a Deus Ex Machina would be something stupid like everything in the world shouting "Doctor!", and then the Doctor magically evolving from a ridiculously stupidly thought out "Time Lord Elf" back into a nice healthy Time Lord Doctor :p This didn't come out of nowhere. We were given two plausible ways the Doctor could escape during the series including The Flesh, and this plot device is introduced quite a few episodes ago

By definition a Deus Ex Machina is the introduction of something new to quickly and conveniently solve a plot point, something RTD done many a time. Moffat on the other hand actually weaves in his plot devices throughout the entire series. Sure it's all a bit straight forward in the end, but it's certainly no Deus Ex Machina. It's all there quite plainly looking back with hindsight, and it's not something he's magically just invented for the last episode.

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1.(in ancient Greek and Roman drama) a god introduced into a play to resolve the entanglements of the plot.

2.any artificial or improbable device resolving the difficulties of a plot.

We were told that the DOCTOR would die not some shapeshifter that looks like the Doctor being controlled by little people.

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1.(in ancient Greek and Roman drama) a god introduced into a play to resolve the entanglements of the plot.

2.any artificial or improbable device resolving the difficulties of a plot.

We were told that the DOCTOR would die not some shapeshifter that looks like the Doctor being controlled by little people.

The Doctor lies? :p We were told that the Doctor would die by the characters in the show that he duped. Honestly, what the heck were you expecting, the Doctor to stay dead? Sounds like you would have been pretty annoyed whatever happened then. We all knew he was never going to die, and the fact that two extremely plausible ways of getting around it were introduced many episodes ago in the show makes it certainly not "artificial" as they're already part of the shows mythos, nor improbable, because, evidently, they were shown for a reason. Deux Ex Machina's tend to refer to something brand new introduced on the spot to solve a point, not something intentionally introduced a long while ago!

As a random aside, it also means that the Doctor physically probably was not actually the fixed point in time.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but when River shots dead the Doctor in episode 1 he starts to regenerate but fails cause she keeps firing. How could a robot regenerate ? Poor writing.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but when River shots dead the Doctor in episode 1 he starts to regenerate but fails cause she keeps firing. How could a robot regenerate ? Poor writing.

You think people from a timeline of timetravelling space cops that can miniaturize entire squadrons of themselves at will into midgit people that control perfect robot replicas of various historical figures don't have the technology or the know-how to put on a tiny light show? :p

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