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Good episode but doesnt excuse the poor season imo. Thankgoodness DT will be back in november to inject some greatness into the show again, even if it is but ephemeral.

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afterword by Amelia Williams: Hello, old friend. And here we are. You and me, on the last page. By the time you read these words, Rory and I will be long gone. So know that we lived well and were very happy. And above all else, know that we will love you always. Sometimes I do worry about you though. I think once we're gone you won't be coming back here for awhile. And you might be alone. Which you should never be. Don't be alone, Doctor. And do one more thing for me. There's a little girl waiting in a garden. She's going to wait a long while, so she's going to need a lot of hope. Go to her. Tell her a story. Tell her that if she's patient, the days are coming that she'll never forget. Tell her she'll go to see and fight pirates. She'll fall in love with a man who'll wait two thousand years to keep her safe. Tell her she'll give hope to the greatest painter who ever lived. And save a whale in outer space. Tell her, this is the story of Amelia Pond. And this is how it ends.

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Was that the original TARDIS that we saw in the flashback clip?

What ep was this from and what's the story of the blue London phonebox TARDIS?

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I am not up on Doctor Who knowledge but I think that is what they look like originally, they have a chameleon circuit which changes the appearance of the Tardis when it lands on a planet so it will fit in and people wont notice it, the chameleon circuit on The Doctors got stuck on the london phone box.

Really enjoyed that episode even if the

superimposed clara on top of old footage looked REALLY fake, I loved the payoff of this episode that its been building up to ever since Clara joined.

I can't wait to see what John Hurt did that was so heinous enough to strike it from memory.

I guess the "paintings" spoiler makes sense now, the Doctor is split along his own timeline hence why David Tennant is in it, I wonder if the paintings are a way of visualising the Doctors past and they can enter them like a portal to that time.

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So.. Did anyone catch his name? lol

I'm assuming the title alluded not to the Doctors actual name but to what he done 'in the name of the doctor'.

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Good episode but doesnt excuse the poor season imo. Thankgoodness DT will be back in november to inject some greatness into the show again, even if it is but ephemeral.

You're soooooo right there! Can't wait for DT to return. I've taken a liking to Smith as of late but he's no Tennant. Unfortunately he's being let down by crappy stories from Moffat

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What on earth was with that ending.

Sheer brilliance? :p It does make me laugh however reading my Facebook timeline and seeing people who aren't really Doctor Who fans genuinely angry we didn't hear his name. Despite the explanation that the name is not important, it's the name he chooses - and the importance of what that chosen name *means* - especially in regards to the other guy. (Add the fact that any name reveal would likely have been anti-climatic at best. It's a name, and once you hear it it's not likely to have any great effect or meaning)

Unfortunately he's being let down by crappy stories from Moffat

I've never usually had any issue with the episodes Moffat had written himself - it's usually the ones written by other people under his reign that were letting the side down for me. I did dislike River Song though. Still, it was better than the magical drivel RTD came up with. And we think we saw the extent of his writing abilities in the latest Torchwood series. Good grief :p

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I'll agree with you somewhat there, however his episodes since taking over as showrunner have definitely been worse than in the RTD era. I think he needs someone watching over him to do his best work

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Was that the original TARDIS that we saw in the flashback clip?

What ep was this from and what's the story of the blue London phonebox TARDIS?

One would assume though and it was not a real flashback clip it was pieced together.

The quick and dirty about the Blue Police box goes like this.

Every T.A.R.D.I.S. to include the Masters (his changed a lot but usually was represented as a Roman Column) and The Rani (hers was a pyramid)

they all have a chameleon circuit that allows them to change shape.

(long story short)

The circuit overloaded and has only been fixed one time that I can think of which it stuck as a Blue Police box.

The reason for the blue box goes back the black and white episode ( I read this in a Doctor Who book about the first 3 and the writers) is that it was common during the 1950's for them to be in junk yards. At least that model it explained which made perfect sense since they followed his granddaughter into a junk yard.

It has also been a pipe organ and furniture. but as one may guess it must like the Police box shape.

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Earlier this evening, the official Doctor Who website confirmed that Series 8 of the show has been commissioned by the BBC. Current showrunner Steven Moffat is on board, reaffirming what he told reporters last weekend. The BBC have not made any official casting announcements regarding Jenna-Louise Coleman and Matt Smith though both are definitely involved in the 2013 Doctor Who Christmas Special which starts shooting in "August or September".
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So we know that the TARDIS chose the doctor and that Clara told the doctor what tardis to steal does this make Clara the inteligence of the tardis?

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Sheer brilliance? :p It does make me laugh however reading my Facebook timeline and seeing people who aren't really Doctor Who fans genuinely angry we didn't hear his name. Despite the explanation that the name is not important, it's the name he chooses - and the importance of what that chosen name *means* - especially in regards to the other guy. (Add the fact that any name reveal would likely have been anti-climatic at best. It's a name, and once you hear it it's not likely to have any great effect or meaning)


I was talking more about the close up and text saying "Introducing John Hurt", they had just made it clear who he was so I don't see why they had to literally include the actors name into the episode.

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I think the little bit River dropped before she vanished is way more interesting than what the other doctor did. I just love it when River says "spoilers", lol. Anyways, I'm putting my money on something time war related OR another war on a big scale that he somehow got mixed into that turned out ugly.

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So we know that the TARDIS chose the doctor and that Clara told the doctor what tardis to steal does this make Clara the inteligence of the tardis?

that's what I personally thought. When River said what she said and with the part in the picture I said to myself the Tardis is still "alive", I bet she's the Tardis.

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