Aion Online

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Pretty good read.

One thing I agree on after playing EQ and FFXI for 3-4 years on both games is that having a penalty for dying SUCKS. Nothing worse than deleveling and can't wear half your gear anymore.

It's been officially stated that you can't delevel, I'm pretty sure. No sources so don't quote me on that but I'm pretty sure I remember reading that somewhere.

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CB #5 Announcement is an Audio Patch

We had a blast showing off Aion to the enormous crowds of people and potential robots at Comic-Con in San Diego last week. It was a crazy event that spanned five days - but we are now back in the office, getting ready to launch a brand new beta event that is sure to tickle your curiosity. Read on.

Closed Beta event #5 (CB5) is incoming, ladies and gentlemen, and it's coming with a respectable shipment of fixes, improvements and fine additions which we have worked hard to complete since the previous event. To give you an overview, please find below a pure list of things to expect for this coming weekend:

New Sound files have been added

NPCs should now have a greet and farewell voice

Cutscenes will now have voice

Race Prologues are now available when you create a new character for Elyos and Asmodian

Tutorial videos are now available in game via the help menu

Player voices are now available at character creation

System voices are now available

New NPC Dialogue/Quest text for Theobomos and Brusthonin

Various Localization fixes

Broken HTMLs have been fixed

Various grammatical errors have been fixed

Various Glossary term fixed

2 New servers added for each territory

Especially exciting for us is to introduce a first round of English audio, allowing you all to have a small taste of a more completely localized version of Aion. As we have announced before we are committed to releasing Aion with all its content adjusted and culturalized into top-notch English, including character voices and voice-overs. Keep in mind that these are currently implemented as a beta feature and that they will contain minor irregularities and bugs. Bear with us as we work to polish this and extend the volume of content even more in the foreseeable future. You will be able to log in to the game no later than on Friday noon PDT (8 PM BST, 9 PM CEST), marking the exciting dawn for two entirely new game servers for each territory. In order to promote newcomers to join these new servers, character creation will be disabled on all other servers during the beginning of the event.

Meanwhile, the much asked for beta forums will open for responsible posting again on Thursday 30th noon PDT (8 PM BST, 9 PM CEST). Don't miss it, as constructive feedback means a lot to us and allows us to make even more accurate improvements to the game before launch.

Let us thereupon extend a hopefully helpful recommendation as conclusion to this announcement. The audio-rich patch for CB5 is definitely a big one, and it's advisable for you to boot up your patcher as soon as possible in order to get the game ready for the weekend. Waiting until the last minute to download all the new content we're pushing out for this event could mean that you miss out on a good amount of enjoyable playtime!

That's all for now, see you in Atreia!

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No, I'm going to have to disagree spork. I have absolutely no lag. Not to mention, the population is still low. It won't get hard and heavy until this evening when more people are home from school/work.

I'm thinking they'll do a stress test when they start up the open beta because they'll have a MUCH larger population then.

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Just pre-ordered it on Steam and started playing the beta.

I am really enjoying this game, there are quite a few things that are only slight differences from other MMOs, but awesome. I find it easy but hard at the same time. Though I normally play MMOs for the first couple levels and never touch it again so I will have to see where this one goes. I did just hit level 10. If I make it to 30, I might keep playing once its out. Great game so far.

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I haven't had a chance to play this weekend yet and I won't until tomorrow :(

I was wondering, was there a character wipe? I was hearing both ways.

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No, there was not a character wipe.

I've actually been hesitant to play because I tend to want to start a new character or continue where I remember that I was at. So I remember exactly what was going on with the story.

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And I'm usually in the same boat, but for now I just want to see as much as I can before the weekend is up.

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Yea I was going headfirst into it, level 12 already. Then remembered on release of the game my char gets deleted. I hate that. So I slowed myself down and just started enjoying different aspects of the game.

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No, I'm going to have to disagree spork. I have absolutely no lag. Not to mention, the population is still low. It won't get hard and heavy until this evening when more people are home from school/work.

I'm thinking they'll do a stress test when they start up the open beta because they'll have a MUCH larger population then.

wrong sir it was on the forum this was an unannounced stress test the first 3 hours was BRUTAL ! but its since calmed down ( i started fresh since i got a CE key ) . the higher up lvls may not of had the lag spikes from hell lol but the lower lvls did. i had a 12 sec spike multiple times

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I am not sure exactly what you guys are talking about, what it in-tales.

But I started playing from Level 1 since the 31st, and I have had no lag at all. And I have been playing almost non-stop.

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Okay, I want to try this. So what do i need to do ? Do the preorder give me everything I need to play the game, or should I purchase something else ?

Thks ^^

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You can get it off of steam. Do it up!

I'm with you bman. I don't even know what lag looks like in Aion. The game has always run perfectly for me.

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Yea, the only issue so far is that Xfire and Steam can't seem to record hours, or work within game. But its beta, so oh well.

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Alright, about a month and a half until the game is release. I'm stoked. I haven't bothered really playing in the past 2 betas because every time I hop into a weekend beta, I feel like I have to spend 14 hours a day doing just that. When the game is actually released I'll get to chill and play a few hours a day.

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Second half of August. There is one more closed beta next weekend(14th-17th). And then it will start two weeks after that I think. But don't quote me on that because I don't think an official schedule for the open betas has been set yet.

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It seems to be a grind intensive, extremely slow going mmo.

It's not nearly as fast as I thought it'd be.

Well, are you a WoW player that is used to being spoon-fed experience at an accelerated rate? If so, pretty much any other level-based MMO will seem like a horrible grind to you.

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