Lineage OS is now supported on more handsets including the Samsung Galaxy S III and OnePlus One. The company looks well on its way to accomplish its goal of 80 supported devices.
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The Google Earth API will retire late next year due to a variety of reasons; the Google Geo Developers Blog has hinted at new projects in the future but released no details regarding them.
The reason why OpenGL was not ever officially supported by Microsoft was because of Direct3D. Direct3D is Microsoft's driver model whichis intended to make OpenGL unnecessary. However many games and applications use OpenGL even today....
LAS VEGAS -- Jan. 8, 2004 -- Today at the 2004 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Microsoft Corp. announced that support for Windows Media® on consumer electronics devices has grown 150 percent since the 2003...
The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) Thursday filed an Amicus Curiae, or "friend of the court," brief with the California Supreme Court on behalf of an out-of-state defendant in a DVD-copying software publication case....