Ask not why, but why not. That seems to be the driving philosophy for hacker collective fail0verflow, who recently shared an image on Twitter showcasing the latest hybrid console from Nintendo running a Linux distro.
Well, now they've gone ahead and uploaded a proper video showcasing the results of their work exploiting the Nvidia Tegra chip inside the console. The hacked device not only features touchscreen support and a functioning web browser but also a demo application using some of the graphical prowess of the console to good effect.
Code execution is all the rage these days, but can your Switch do *this*? ;-) #switchnix pic.twitter.com/NMnBq61tOM
— fail0verflow (@fail0verflow) February 17, 2018
According to fail0verflow, the exploit in question is not a bootroom bug and, therefore, cannot be patched in currently released Switch devices and also does not require a modchip. They have, however, failed to release any instructions yet on how to reproduce their success.
It's unclear yet if they're simply trying to whet the appetites of that very specific cross-section of Nintendo and Linux enthusiasts this would appeal to or if the above video is as far as we'll ever come to a 'Swinux'.
Source: fail0verflow (Twitter) via The Verge
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