Father Shoots Daughter

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Except there isn't a problem because it is his property and he can do whatever the hell he pleases with it and it should in no way detract from the very important message he is trying to send to his daughter.


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The parents didn't discipline their kids when they are young.

And now this s*itstorm happened. Then people hail that guy as the greatest dad ever??

You've never had children apparently, or you'd know first-hand how crazy the teenage years can be.

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I skipped pages 2-10 but aren't hollow point bullets illegal?

Nations can't use them in war because of the Geneva Convention ban, but for police and self defense use they're standard equipment. The most advanced forms are those intended to deliver a hydrostatic shock - a 1,000 to 2,000 PSI shockwave that can cause damage far from the wound channel. My P250 carry piece has 11 of them in it right now.

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Now I have read almost all of this thread and I am seriously amazed that the talking point has been on the fathers discipline method and that there was something wrong with it and that he went way too far, are you people kidding me? did you even listen to the kind of things this kid said about her parents? you know the people that have sort of spent every day for the last 15 years ensuring she is alive, fed and has a roof over her head not to even friggin mention all the comforts and toys etc that she had growing up and she has the nerve to be THAT blatantly disrespectful and ungreatful to her parents in secret to all her friends who will undoubtedly tell their own parents and ruin their social image. I think what the kid tried to do was infinitely worse in comparison to what the fathers reaction was and that's not even up for debate.

I stopped at the bold point pretty much but I gave you another chance...

Why would they tell their own parents and "ruin their social image"? Again, adults parents are suppose to be (keywords: suppose to be) mature. Their social image is not something they should be worried about.

You see me I had an unusual upbringing unlike any of my peers I grew up very poor and living in a farm, the reminder of how much my parents loved me came in every night when there was a meal on the table, a warm place to sleep and all the tools and time in the world to pursue my education and as I became more educated about the realities of this world I began to understand the true extent of the love my parents had for me, the sacrifices they endured, all the hard work they had to put in and this is a really important point here my mother used to work every day and every day she walked like 40 mins to work and back, at the age of 43 and this always puzzled me because at this point we were living in London and it was 40p to ride the bus to work and I asked her why she walked when she could just get the ticket she simply said "that's 40p that I would rather spend on you"

Thats something nice you say to your children. Obviously, it was because your mother decided to do exercise (which is great on her part). It is stupid and ilogical to have to get up earlier in the morning and lose some time getting back home. I agree with her doing exercise without a doubt.

this really drove the point home to me but on top of that I found out recently that on the day my mother was told she had breast cancer she returned to work and did not stop until we insisted on it, so no I didn't need my parents to sit down and try and explain how they love me because the evidence was obviously clear and therefore I have a much greater respect and love for my parents then most people.

Your mother obviously did not want to get depressed sitting at home, feeling sorry for herself and doing absolutely nothing. Happens to alot of people (some I knew as well)

However from listening to some of you guys talking about whats abuse, holy **** man I should be some kind of serial killer because boy did I get an ass whoopin or twenty when I was a kid, but you know what? After every beating another friggin lesson was learned and apart from grumbling madly at the fact that I hadn't figured it all out as a child, I went on with my business loving my parents and recieving their love. Don't act like you have it all figured out because you don't. At all.

Here is the worst part of your post. Getting a "ass whoopin" or a beating or whatever you want to call it is NOT the way things are suppose to be done PERIOD. It was correct back then, it isnt correct now, and it will NEVER be correct. Your ideas and your parents are one of the reasons countries fight so much and are constantly at war: Fighting/violence is not the answer to almost any problem (self defensive comes in mind as one of the exceptions)

BTW here's that the guy had to say about it to Fox News.

And where is the girl's reply on this being true? We cant hear about it at all. Maybe he is just lying.

To me it looks like he learned about this as much as his daughter learned.

Doubt it.

Still stand to my opinion. If you want to punish your kid take away the computer. Gives it to charity if you want. Shooting at it with a 45 caliber is extremly immature.

It doesn't matter if i feel good about it or not. It's about acting like an adult.

Giving the computer to charity would have been something mature. Shooting at it no way.


I see all these people, pussified, touchy feely ooh it's over the edge.. you're hurting her frail sensibilities..crap.

one question to one of these people who think it was over the top... what should he have done? give me your best DR. Spock reach out to this poor, defenseless, hurt, emotionally depraved,frail, hopeless soul who's being mistreated. but don't forget to include the fact that she smeared her parents name all over the net.

I have repeatly said what he should have done: Boasting about this IT background, he should have blocked Facebook from the network and (after further thinking it) allowed her daughter's account to have a internet connection from certain hours. I don't say to take away the PC because now she cant do schoolwork.

BTW, if he read the post word by word, I did not see one mention of "her parents name". Hell, we know her parent's name because HE put it on the internet for all of us to see. If he didn't, her little immature school friends would be the only ones who know.

I repeat: I think both parties are at fault.

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Back in my day; my father would do similar things minus the firearms.

One time after my father asked me to cut the grass several times he marches into the living room, yanks the Nintendo controller out of my hand, grabs the console and throws it out the window towards the lawn. I don't remmeber his exact words but it was something along the lines of "Maybe now you'll go outside". Of course as a child I thought it was a stupid thing to do, but now I think that he did what he did to get his point across.

P.S.: His actions worked as I rarely ignored his request to have me cut the grass after that.

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You've never had children apparently, or you'd know first-hand how crazy the teenage years can be.

So from your post of wisdom, you had children, and the most importantly, know how to teach them?

Had children does not mean you know how to educate them.

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I stopped at the bold point pretty much but I gave you another chance...

Why would they tell their own parents and "ruin their social image"? Again, adults parents are suppose to be (keywords: suppose to be) mature. Their social image is not something they should be worried about.

Thats something nice you say to your children. Obviously, it was because your mother decided to do exercise (which is great on her part). It is stupid and ilogical to have to get up earlier in the morning and lose some time getting back home. I agree with her doing exercise without a doubt.

Your mother obviously did not want to get depressed sitting at home, feeling sorry for herself and doing absolutely nothing. Happens to alot of people (some I knew as well)

Here is the worst part of your post. Getting a "ass whoopin" or a beating or whatever you want to call it is NOT the way things are suppose to be done PERIOD. It was correct back then, it isnt correct now, and it will NEVER be correct. Your ideas and your parents are one of the reasons countries fight so much and are constantly at war: Fighting/violence is not the answer to almost any problem (self defensive comes in mind as one of the exceptions)

Holy **** I wish I was as certain about at least one thing in my life, tell me oh enlightened one, how have you come upon the truth of parenthood, show us some devine scripture that says "this is the way of raising your children and it shall be done no other way," I mean you are just being naive, this political correctness has gone mad, the kind of world you are thinking of does not exist yet and to raise your kids without some harsh lessons about the reality that does just means you are raising a generation of people who have no idea how to fend for themselves and would not survive for five god damned minutes outside the comfort of the city walls.

Also please don't make any assumptions about me or my family we share a love and respect you could not even understand and contrary to everything you are saying right now, I got beat as a kid and I am completely fine as an individual, I love my family and they love me back you are just ****ed that im not a brutal psychotic serial killer because I recieved a few rightful beatings as kid.

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So from your post of wisdom, you had children, and the most importantly, know how to teach them?

Had children does not mean you know how to educate them.

I suppose in his case, he should have hugged her and said it was alright? his laptop, his money, his choice. I think about this over and over and.. hot damn, I'm NOT buying a laptop so my kids can smear me around the social facebook site. -no. except, I'd use 12 gauge ammo

my advice to those who don't have kids.. shut up!! you have NO room to tell those who DO have kids, what is right and proper punishment

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The lessons is that if you act like a spoiled brat you get your stuff taken away from you. His method seems to have worked.. just talking to her didn't.

It worked in the sense that she can go back to making him coffee and digging gardens for him but it remains to be seen whether she'll have much contact with him when she is an adult. This is a person that I would want nothing to do with myself.

I don't even understand why he's being such a control freak about this. Kids vent with their friends and sometimes they might even exaggerate how bad they have it to get some sympathy or attention from their peers. This is normal. I'd be worried about a kid who didn't do this as it is a very natural part of being 15 years old.

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It worked in the sense that she can go back to making him coffee and digging gardens for him but it remains to be seen whether she'll have much contact with him when she is an adult. This is a person that I would want nothing to do with myself.

I don't even understand why he's being such a control freak about this. Kids vent with their friends and sometimes they might even exaggerate how bad they have it to get some sympathy or attention from their peers. This is normal. I'd be worried about a kid who didn't do this as it is a very natural part of being 15 years old.

It wasn't about the venting, it was about the total lack of respect she was showing to all the adults in her life. Especially after all the things they did for her.

Unless his daughter is a really petty person she'll get over it and be better off for the experience.

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It wasn't about the venting, it was about the total lack of respect she was showing to all the adults in her life. Especially after all the things they did for her.

Unless his daughter is a really petty person she'll get over it and be better off for the experience.

No, it isn't about venting, it's about control. This is a father who would even use a gun as a method to intimidate his daughter into doing what he wants.

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So from your post of wisdom, you had children, and the most importantly, know how to teach them?

Had children does not mean you know how to educate them.

And you do?

Crap. All I've seen here is two groups of people: one that understands this guy and his reasons (agreeing or not with his methods), and another pretending to know better (if not EVERYTHING) and saying "THAT IS NO WAY TO EDUCATE YOUR CHILD! HE SHOULD BE DOING THIS OR THAT". Get over it, he DID NOT beat her, he DID NOT shoot her, and he DID NOT point the gun at her, he shot an effing machine, an object, a thing that belogs to him and no one else. That IS NOT child abuse (contrary to the video of that judge beating the crap out of his screaming doughter repeatedly with a belt while his wife supports it). If anyone, and I mean ANYONE, pretended to tell me how to educate my children I'd beat the whole crap out of that person, no questions asked.

Understand this: you may or may not agree with this guy, you may have different points of view and you may have acted in a different way. That's fine. But you might try to analize the fact that this guy lives in a different context than you, the high horse riders, do. His situational, social, environmental, educational, cultural and family context is not the same as yours, so this could be one of the best lessons given to his offspring.

So stop pretending you know better how to educate his doughter.

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No, it isn't about venting, it's about control. This is a father who would even use a gun as a method to intimidate his daughter into doing what he wants.

So? Parents should be controlling their children to a certain degree, not letting them do whatever they want and get away with bloody murder. They (kids) need to learn that there is a higher authority than themselves and there are consequences for their actions. On the other hand they shouldn't be controlled to the point of being sheltered, but I don't think that's the case here.

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Didn't I read earlier in the thread about 'after this they both made up on facebook' or something?

If so, pretty sure the father's laptop should also be shot as a lesson to himself. Douchebag

Also, lol @ 'So stop pretending you know better how to educate his doughter.', doughter, n0ughter...

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So stop pretending you know better how to educate his doughter.

Since when saying you do not agree = pretending to know better ?

Stop reading between the lines.

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Except there isn't a problem because it is his property and he can do whatever the hell he pleases with it and it should in no way detract from the very important message he is trying to send to his daughter.

My house is my property. If i set my house on fire will you say it was a good move ?

Destroying a 1000$ piece of technolody because you are angry about your daughter while someone else could use it (and cannot afford it) is a dumb move period.


No cause i never said he did not have the right to do what he wanted with the laptop.

I said it was stupid to destroy it.

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Back in my day; my father would do similar things minus the firearms.

One time after my father asked me to cut the grass several times he marches into the living room, yanks the Nintendo controller out of my hand, grabs the console and throws it out the window towards the lawn. I don't remmeber his exact words but it was something along the lines of "Maybe now you'll go outside". Of course as a child I thought it was a stupid thing to do, but now I think that he did what he did to get his point across.

P.S.: His actions worked as I rarely ignored his request to have me cut the grass after that.

When i was young my dad took the NES away from me for one month because i was throwing the controller on the ground (was impossible to break those, the NES and both controllers are still working). I never did that again.

There's nothing special about a dad doing that. Take the same video and remove tha part about him destroying the laptop and 90% of people whould say meh !

My dad would have never ever used a firearm to destroy a laptop. He was EXTREMELY serious about firearm safery. He used firearms only when hunting and on practice target. I'm not anti firearms. My dad own 2 shotguns (pump action like in zombie movies, break action single barrel grandpa shotgun), a .22 calibre rifle, a .303 british calibre rifle, an unkown caliber rifle (he always says .410 but i don't think it even exists, might be a 404 jeffery but don't know riffle enough) as well as a crossbow.

In fact my dad would have never ever destroyed anything. My dad always said one must not waste and destroying a perfectly working laptop definately enter in his definition of wasting something and i totally agree with him.

Was dumb and immature imo to destroy it. That my point and my only point. I'm not saying i pretend to know better and i'm offended by that like a sissy.

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My house is my property. If i set my house on fire will you say it was a good move ?

How should I know? I won't say you're either an asshat or a hero until I have enough info on the matter.

Destroying a 1000$ piece of technolody because you are angry about your daughter while someone else could use it (and cannot afford it) is a dumb move period.

Well, if you start putting monetary value on a lesson about respect and actions have consecuences, then I guess you're right. Besides, donating/giving away/selling that laptop wasn't, isn't and will never be his obligation (and please, let's keep this out of morals).

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Lol good for him!

Kids these days don't get it.

Kids never ever did get it.

What do you think adults said about kids in the 50 and 60 when they were getting out late listening to rock'n roll music ? Back then rock'n roll music was the demon.

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Was dumb and immature imo to destroy it. That my point and my only point.

Now THAT is a much more balanced statement (now that we know a little more about your family background)

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