E3 2015 Sony Press Conference Discussion

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WOW Really.....You keep on bringing up DLC. When it's about the Tournaments(COD Champs) being only held on ps4.


Majority of console FPS pro scene are xbox players. I'm sure pro players will make the move to ps4 if they have to.But i can also see why people are bitching and why tournament organizer like MLG are bitching about it.


Yeah... I'm pretty sure there will still be Xbox held Tournaments :laugh: You know, to run a tournament you simply make a choice to what platform you want to use. I'm sure there won't be Sony ninjas assassinating any tournament gatherings that dare make a choice to stay Xbox and wait a short amount of time for the DLC.


And yeah, I do keep bringing up DLC, as these posts wouldn't even exist in the first place if there was never any timed DLC. 


And that's me out, I don't even like COD, and funnily enough, all of this started with me defending MS. Now we've just entered a rabbit hole of arguing about the tears shed from professional gamers and tournament holders who seem to have the decision-making capabilities of a wet paper bag to somehow remain playing on their Xbox's. They must lose their ###### when the COD marketing team decide to switch from cool flavoured Doritos to tangy cheese with the COD XP boost packs. "BUT I DON'T LIKE CHEESE, I'M BEING FORCED TO EAT THEM!"

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WOW Really.....You keep on bringing up DLC. When it's about the Tournaments(COD Champs) being only held on ps4.


Majority of console FPS pro scene are xbox players. I'm sure pro players will make the move to ps4 if they have to.But i can also see why people are bitching and why tournament organizer like MLG are bitching about it.


What's wrong with switching? Why must it stick to one platform, regardless of who? The controller argument doesn't wash since DS4 is loved more than the X1 controller these days.

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Yeah... I'm pretty sure there will still be Xbox held Tournaments :laugh: You know, to run a tournament you simply make a choice to what platform you want to use. I'm sure there won't be Sony ninjas assassinating any tournament gatherings that dare make a choice to stay Xbox and wait a short amount of time for the DLC.


And yeah, I do keep bringing up DLC, as these posts wouldn't even exist in the first place if there was never any timed DLC. 

 Activision has the right stop any tournament from running their game ( I doubt they will do that). Any seeding tournament leading to COD champion, you best believe Activision going to make sure it's ran on their tournament rules.


Something similar happen to Capcom a month ago.  They force EVO2015(the biggest fighting game tournament) to run sf4 on ps4. The scene outcry on how broken the port of the game was. Capcom announce that it will be switching back to xbox 360. 

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Yoshida said that when the game was announced in 2009 for PS3, they thought they were making good progress.
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What's wrong with switching? Why must it stick to one platform, regardless of who? The controller argument doesn't wash since DS4 is loved more than the X1 controller these days.Says

For casual maybe.


Competitive fps grow around the xbox controller and pro players are use to and prefer the positioning of the analog sticks.

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For casual maybe.


Competitive fps grow around the xbox controller and pro players are use to and prefer the positioning of the analog sticks.


So only casual players are on PS3 and PS4? Wow. You should just stop now :no:

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I'll say this -- after getting right to first dibs on DLC from CoD, exclusive stuff from Assassin's Creed, and marketing for Star Wars Battlefront, I'm not shocked Sony doesn't have a AAA exclusive this fall.  It's jam packed, and they have something to at least draw console attention.


I'm not saying it's a good move, just saying I'm not shocked.


Some AAA games already scheduled for this fall (NA dates)


MGS5 - 9/1

Destiny DLC [The Taken King] - 9/15^

FIFA 2016 - 9/22

NBA 2K16 - 9/29

Nathan Drake Collection - 10/9

Rainbow Six: Seige - 10/13

Assassin's Creed Syndicate - 10/23^

Need For Speed - 11/3

BLOPS3 - 11/6*

Fallout 4 - 11/10

Star Wars: Battlefront - 11/17*

Just Cause - 12/1

Hitman - 12/8


That's packed, only one exclusive (and it's a remaster) but probably at least two bundles and lots of marketing dollars.  They're already competing against Halo 5, instead of using your own IP, push the three biggest non-exclusive shooters available.


^ denotes known exclusive DLC

* denotes known marketing deal

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So am I. Pro players are not "Xbox exclusive".

Of course not, Luffy won Evo with ps1 pad. I never said all do, but the majority of pro COD\console fps player prefer xbox controller. 

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What's wrong with switching? Why must it stick to one platform, regardless of who? The controller argument doesn't wash since DS4 is loved more than the X1 controller these days.


I'm not a CoD guy personally..


I'm not sure if its the controller or not (though a lot of those guys do like the placement of the analog sticks when it comes to FPS'...


But I think the #1 complaint is the $$$ Microsoft throws at these CoD tournaments is now being threatened.

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I'm a bit late, but I thought I would throw in my 2 cents.


Overall, I loved the conference.  I never thought I would get three of some of my most wanted games in one conference:  The Last Guardian, FF7 Remake, and Shenmue 3.  Top that off with one of my favorite new IP to be announced so far, Horizon, and I was more than satisfied with Sony. They had great pacing, no cringe moments, no numbers talk, and non-gaming talk was kept short and to the point.  I was surprised at the lack of Vita talk though. 


I guess the only issue would be the serious lack of focus on 2015 exclusive games.  Everything I mentioned above is far away, with TLG hitting 2016 and who knows when FF7 or Shenmue show up.  Horizon is still a ways off as well.  So everything I'm pumped about is still to come unfortunately.  Plus, with both FF7 and Shenmue on other platforms, its not guaranteed that I get them on ps4.


This year's E3 has been the best one for a long time.  From Bethesda to Sony, each conference had games that excited me and got me hyped for gaming over the next year or two.

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lol... "not a lot of competitive players can afford a PS4.... they'll be ruined because of the PS4"




"if I have to switch over to the PS4 I might"... Way to stick to your guns!


Prepare to probably go viral kid, for the wrong reasons.

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COD doesn't interest me in the slightest but it moves consoles. It's a big loss for MS.


Pretty sure that, like a growing number of COD fans, MS sees the writing on the wall and is dumping the wasted resources on COD. Everyone already knows that they can play COD on Xbox. COD has turned to a new type of IP, really only carrying the COD name anymore. I too would have stopped with the marketing deals related to COD if I were MS.


Weirdly, I wasn't impressed with the visuals.  Dunno why.  Maybe it's because I expect so much from Naughty Dog and the PS3 games looked so good.


I am not bothered by the visual downgrade. It's Uncharted, so it is guaranteed to be fun.


Even though Sony had almost zero exclusives to show off, it's still better than what Microsoft showed off. 


I would have to disagree.



I so drooled over Horizon... then KillZone:ShadowFall flashed through my head and ruined it all...


Please Guerilla deliver on this one.


Horizon, albeit I thought it was a futuristic Tomb Raider, and Lara still echoing mouth driven orgasms, was the game of the show IMO.


The controller argument doesn't wash since DS4 is loved more than the X1 controller these days.


LOL, ah no.


Sony's show was indeed a bit of a disappointment. A multi-platform kickstarter game, a long desired remake that is going multi-platform, nothing else for 2015, another project spark/LBP type game from MM, and the long awaited gameplay reveal of the multi-platform No Man's Sky kinda fizzled.


Where Sony was most impressive was with Horizon, which looked like it is going to be fun as hell (anyone notice the weapons she was carrying?? where did she fit all those huge weapons....must have some over-sized orifices, lol). I really thought The Last Guardian turned out to be great. It may not be visually what we were expecting anymore, but it still looks great and it looks exactly like a game that I would want to sit down and play without any interruption. They also made us happy with DLNA support.


Maybe they will have some surprises for us at Gamescon for 2015 releases. Hopefully some GT7 CGI at least as well.

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Pretty sure that, like a growing number of COD fans, MS sees the writing on the wall and is dumping the wasted resources on COD. Everyone already knows that they can play COD on Xbox. COD has turned to a new type of IP, really only carrying the COD name anymore. I too would have stopped with the marketing deals related to COD if I were MS.



I am not bothered by the visual downgrade. It's Uncharted, so it is guaranteed to be fun.



I would have to disagree.



Horizon, albeit I thought it was a futuristic Tomb Raider, and Lara still echoing mouth driven orgasms, was the game of the show IMO.



LOL, ah no.


Sony's show was indeed a bit of a disappointment. A multi-platform kickstarter game, a long desired remake that is going multi-platform, nothing else for 2015, another project spark/LBP type game from MM, and the long awaited gameplay reveal of the multi-platform No Man's Sky kinda fizzled.


Where Sony was most impressive was with Horizon, which looked like it is going to be fun as hell (anyone notice the weapons she was carrying?? where did she fit all those huge weapons....must have some over-sized orifices, lol). I really thought The Last Guardian turned out to be great. It may not be visually what we were expecting anymore, but it still looks great and it looks exactly like a game that I would want to sit down and play without any interruption. They also made us happy with DLNA support.


Maybe they will have some surprises for us at Gamescon for 2015 releases. Hopefully some GT7 CGI at least as well.



Sony is skipping Gamescom this year.


I guess they are choosing the have a BIG event at their Paris France conference.

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What's wrong with switching? Why must it stick to one platform, regardless of who? The controller argument doesn't wash since DS4 is loved more than the X1 controller these days.


i was only a fan of sony controllers and hated xbox and xbox 360.        i really enjoy xbox one controller, much much more so then ps4....  so there ;)


only complaint, it is a tiny bit small for my hands, but i got used to it.  otherwise the xbox one controller is the definite winner.  and now the have an official elite edition too :p

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Sony is skipping Gamescom this year.


I guess they are choosing the have a BIG event at their Paris France conference.

Ah, ok. Thank you kind sir. I was not aware of that. Or I was and I totally spaced it. Well, either way....then hopefully more at Paris!

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So Morpheus is DEAD ON ARRIVAL. 


Sony making dumb business idea's again. Especially with Morpheus, no wonder Sony bleeds billions every year. The smart move would've been teaming up with Oculus or Valve. Instead of wasting millions on designing Morpheus.


Coming out Q1 2016 and they haven't shown anything worth a damn. Weird Japanese centric games like that Namco Bandai dating sim is not going to cut it.

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So Morpheus is DEAD ON ARRIVAL.

Sony making dumb business idea's again. Especially with Morpheus, no wonder Sony bleeds billions every year. The smart move would've been teaming up with Oculus or Valve. Instead of wasting millions on designing Morpheus.

Coming out Q1 2016 and they haven't shown anything worth a damn. Weird Japanese centric games like that Namco Bandai dating sim is not going to cut it.

Because a PS4 can power an Oculus rift?

What don't people get? If you want VR on a console it has to be tailored to the console, not a PC. PCs vastly outperform the consoles.

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So Morpheus is DEAD ON ARRIVAL. 


Sony making dumb business idea's again. Especially with Morpheus, no wonder Sony bleeds billions every year. The smart move would've been teaming up with Oculus or Valve. Instead of wasting millions on designing Morpheus.


Coming out Q1 2016 and they haven't shown anything worth a damn. Weird Japanese centric games like that Namco Bandai dating sim is not going to cut it.

When they announce a release window?  All they need is a weird Japanese dating games with students dressed like Sailor Moon and :drool:

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Because a PS4 can power an Oculus rift?

What don't people get? If you want VR on a console it has to be tailored to the console, not a PC. PCs vastly outperform the consoles.

Maybe they could've worked with them to make a device less spec hungry? Instead of making their own device. Has Valve release anything regarding hardware requirements for their VR?



When they announce a release window?  All they need is a weird Japanese dating games with students dressed like Sailor Moon and :drool:

Yes at GDC , they said 2016 Q1.

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Maybe they could've worked with them to make a device less spec hungry? Instead of making their own device.

Don't you think Facebook want the lowest PC requirements possible? You're thinking a lot of Sony as well, a company not even involved in PC games development, if you think they can lower PC specs of Oculus, let alone best Valves engineering, than the efforts those two can themselves.

Think it's best you go to the Oculus homepage and look at the minimal required specs to save your bluff with that rebuttal.

It would be nice to see Morpheus opened up to the PC for sure, but in terms of experiencing VR on a console creating it was the only way console gamers would ever have a chance. PC VR headsets are simply too powerful for a console.

With Xbox owners getting HoloLens Sony fans want something new to try. Whats the alternative if they don't adopt VR? Giving PS fans nothing? As we've already clarified a PC gaming VR headset was never going to work on a console. For financial reasons it's clearly easier for Sony to jump on the tech adopted by others as well, rather than try and create and fund a different experience like MS are with HoloLens.

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Don't you think Facebook want the lowest PC requirements possible? You're thinking a lot of Sony as well, a company not even involved in PC games development, if you think they can lower PC specs of Oculus, let alone best Valves engineering, than the efforts those two can themselves.

Think it's best you go to the Oculus homepage and loOcok at the minimal required specs to save your bluff with that rebuttal.

It would be nice to see Morpheus opened up to the PC for sure, but in terms of experiencing VR on a console creating it was the only way console gamers would ever have a chance. PC VR headsets are simply too powerful for a console.

Oculus and Valve are going for the premium experience.So yes both devices will be spec hungry and cost a bit more. Like i said Sony could've worked with Oculus\Valve to bring a similar device to ps4 without having to do all the R&D on their own.  Heck even Razer making a VR kit, Sony could've came to them. But than again the CEO of Razer is a Xbox fanboy,

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