Spiderman 3 (2007)

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You have to keep in mind that it's a movie and not everything is going to be based entirely on the comic. They'd have to switch some things up to make it more realistic. Raimi did this in the first one by changing how he became Spider-Man.

He originally becomes Spider-Man when a radioactive spider bit him. In the movie he made it a gentically altered spider to make it more believable and put it more in how something like that would happen in the present day. Say this actually happened to someone. There's no way a small spider would carry soo much radiation and transfer it in a bite. There was actually a show on the History Channel last night talking about all that called Spider-Man Tech. They were talking about if it would be possible for someone to actually exist with Spider-Mans abilities. Surprisingly all these diferent scientists were saying yes lol.

They said the only thing in the comics that would be impossible would be his spinnerettes. Which is why in the movie they also changed that around so it came from within his body. In the comics they can get away with that. In a movie, his webbing coming from these little air cartridge sized tubes wouldn't be believeable. He'd run out every 5 minutes.

If nobody caught that show in the History Channel you should look into when it airs again. It was a pretty good show and all these scientists they had on there talking about how it can be possible for a Spider-Man to actually exist was surprising lol

For everyone complaining about Venoms size in the movie. Go back to when Venom was first created. He wasn't that huge in the beginning. later in the comics Brock began to work out and the symbiote also makes him grow bigger the more angry he gets. People shouldn't have been expecting him to be that huge in his first appearance in the movies.

yes, I agree Raimi had to change stuff around. But how would he know that the Symbiote will just dye his suit black? Why can't it be an entire no-webbing black suit which all the Symbiote Spidey fans want to see? If he says it's realistic, how would Venom be in that case? Doesn't make sense does it now?

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Couple of questions:

1) What happened to the crane, was that granny lookin daughter of the chief spiritually connected to the ignition switch of the crane?

2) If you have a 21st century piece of equipment like a Demolecularizer, wouldn't you also have a 20th century piece of equipment called a camera to monitor the experiment? Or at least some better security than just a chainlink fence?

3) If your molecules loose cohesion and you no longer have active sinapsis, wouldn't one no longer have a life force?

4) Does forgiving people made of sand suddenly cause them to fly away and gain exponential mass and speed as they fade away inches into the background and off the screen?

5) Whats with all the violence against police officers?

6) Where have Spiderman's patented Spidey Senses gone to?

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1) What happened to the crane, was that granny lookin daughter of the chief spiritually connected to the ignition switch of the crane?

I'm not positive what you mean, but at one point with the crane was going up... we were like "how is it going up!?". lol because the crane was supposed to be falling.

2) If you have a 21st century piece of equipment like a Demolecularizer, wouldn't you also have a 20th century piece of equipment called a camera to monitor the experiment? Or at least some better security than just a chainlink fence?

Yeah, we pointed that out lol. It's just a simple fence with a huge machine, in the middle of New York City (at least I think in NYC)

Some other things I thought were funny...

There just happens to be a sand truck on the street just as the Sandman needed it (when the police start chasing him), lol.

The scene where the Sandman kills his uncle, he's wearing the same clothes even though it took place years earlier. lol, and at one point where they show him shooting the uncle he has a black jacket on, at another point and he doesn't.

At the parade, when Spiderman makes his entrance there's this woman that makes a hilarious reaction in the background, me and my friend noticed it.

I liked it but the ending seemed a little rushed. The Butler just decides to tell Harry that it wasn't Spiderman who killed his father. The emo scenes were hilarious.

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Couple of questions:

1) What happened to the crane, was that granny lookin daughter of the chief spiritually connected to the ignition switch of the crane?

2) If you have a 21st century piece of equipment like a Demolecularizer, wouldn't you also have a 20th century piece of equipment called a camera to monitor the experiment? Or at least some better security than just a chainlink fence?

3) If your molecules loose cohesion and you no longer have active sinapsis, wouldn't one no longer have a life force?

4) Does forgiving people made of sand suddenly cause them to fly away and gain exponential mass and speed as they fade away inches into the background and off the screen?

5) Whats with all the violence against police officers?

6) Where have Spiderman's patented Spidey Senses gone to?

all lot of good questions. But sometimes we just have to accept things as they are to enjoy movie. I had also wondered what happened to the crane after spiderman saved the girl. I'm sure the crane was still reeking havoc. LOL

Yeah it is kinda dissapointing to not have the spidey sense dramatized. His spidey sense always works, just not so dramatically so.

BTW, it was a good movie.

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I saw it yesterdsay (saturday afternoon) It was so great movie! they have closed caption for the deaf there. I mean they only have time limit for deaf people.


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I think part 2 was better. Too little Venom actions and emo parker lol.

I think the movie was way over hyped for what it was. Just like a sequels it's going down hill.

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terrible movie. that dancing scene was stupid, venom was lame and was peter parker wearing eyeliner during his emo faze? they should have made venom the main character in the NEXT film. wtf?

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I actually went to see it a second time (don't ask me why) and I almost walked out (something I've never done before). The novelty of Venom has worn out, the poor acting is a lot more obvious and the symbiote Peter is sickening. JJJ and Bruce Campbell were gold.

For comic book Spidey fans like myself, this film is hideous.

I hope someone can resurrect the series like Nolan has done with Batman. It really saddens me that Spider-Man has reached these lows.

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I thought it was a waste of time. I sat through 2 hours expecting a little more than

a simple apology from Sandman and killing Venom by making noise with some pipes


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I thought it was a waste of time. I sat through 2 hours expecting a little more than a simple apology from Sandman and killing Venom by making noise with some pipes.

In the comics Venom is also weakened by the sound of the bells

WHAT ELSE DO YOU ****ING PEOPLE WANT? Its a movie. I saw it on my PC and I'm going to go see it in theaters because if it looked good here, it'll look amazing.

If you think the movie sucked, then I wonder why they didn't hire you as the storywriter. :rolleyes:

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The hype killed this movie, just as it did with 300. I have to admit, though, that the effects were superb...absolutely brilliant. Other than that, it's just....eh...I was expecting something that wasn't humanly possible...something perfect. That's what the hype did.

All through the movie I was waiting for the climax...

Here's how I felt during the last 15 or so minutes of the movie:

*here it comes, this is what all the advertising and hype was for...* (5 minutes later) *any minute now* (10 minutes later *credits rolling* (2 minutes later) *I'm sure they're just teasing us, it's coming now* (5 minutes later( *Custodian: Sir, the viewing is over; wanna see it again, buy a ticket*)

Edited by _sphinx_
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I thought it was a great movie, maybe not the best of the series, but do remember it is also a kids movie, and what were used to in a movie is not always great for kids.

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I thought it was a waste of time. I sat through 2 hours expecting a little more than a simple apology from Sandman and killing Venom by making noise with some pipes.

In the comics Venom is also weakened by the sound of the bells

WHAT ELSE DO YOU ****ING PEOPLE WANT? Its a movie. I saw it on my PC and I'm going to go see it in theaters because if it looked good here, it'll look amazing.

If you think the movie sucked, then I wonder why they didn't hire you as the storywriter.

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I'm posting mild spoilers in my post, but not using tags...mostly because you should expect spoilers coming into a movie discussion thread.

The movie, while flawed, was plenty enjoyable. Raimi had a lot of ground to cover. He didn't want to leave anything open ended, as he's not really interested in doing any more Spider-Man movies.

- The Osborn story had to wrap up, so we needed Harry as the Goblin, and his eventual redemption

- Sandman makes the perfect Raimi villain, conflicted, powerful, opportunity for great FX shots

- The fans were clamoring for Venom, so he needed to be added (and it's pretty obvious that Venom was added into the story after it was begun)

Raimi had to develop both Flint Marko and Eddie Brock. Brock's development was handled well, and Marko's was OK, if a little light. He also needed to close out the story for Harry, Flint and Brock. He needed to incorporate the black suit and its effects on Parker. He needed another female for Parker to go to after the black suit started to change him, making Gwen Stacy a necessity.

Basically, he had to cram a lot of story into what amounted to about 140 minutes. While there were plot points that could have been fleshed out more, I don't think anyone was ready for a 180+ minute superhero flick.

Honestly, I think the fanboys only have themselves to blame, for insisting that Venom be included in the movie. Think about it. If the movie only had Harry and Marko, Marko's backstory could have been more fully developed, Harry could have gone through a more thorough period of hatred after the explosion before finding out on his own that his dad killed himself (instead of having his butler just walk in and tell him). Marko and Harry could have teamed up against Parker, before Harry eventually turns around to help Parker. The subplot involving Marko's daughter could have been resolved in some way. Adding Brock and Venom into the mix requires that these story elements be removed to make space. The only other solution was to have Raimi make a Spider-Man 4, but we already knew he was against that (yes, I know Sony wants to go ahead with 4,5 and 6).

the only thing that felt awkward was the high cheese-factor on the emo-Parker 'Staying Alive' scene. Yes, I do think the Jazz Club scene was fine as-is.

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Awesome post Jack, and pretty much sums up my views.

I have not seen the flim yet, just haven't had the time to go to the theaters yet but I certainly will sometime this week.

I do feel however with all of this backlash from the people here and on the net that Sam Raimi couldn't have done anything without someone complaining. Look you guys, Venom could have gotten his own movie, so could Harry Osborn and the whole "New Goblin" thing, and the same with Sandman, Lizard, Carnage (my god could you imagine a Carnage based Spidey movie!?) etc etc etc. To be blunt, 2 hours and 20 minutes is not enough time to tell everything to make every fan boy happy. I seriously doubt any of you would sit through a 3+ hour superhero movie as Jack said above me. If you take Spider-Man 3 for what it is, a Summer action flick with alot of fan service (though maybe not as much as some of you had hoped) then honestly, what more could you want from Mr. Raimi?

What if Spidey 4 was based around that old comic series where Mary Jane died and Spidey went into another universe to save her, and Carnage was involved, or maybe it was some other evil baddie I don't remember. What if Doc Oc returns in Spidey 4, or Venom (come on, do you really think Venom is gone? And I haven't even seen it yet!) or whatever Raimi cooks up.

And the dance number in the movie? Come ON guys, this is Sam Raimi, cult hero to millions with his campy Evil Dead movies, watch those (especially Army of Darkness) and then tell me a 2 or 3 minute long dance number is campy in a Spidey movie. Heh.

I for one STILL can't wait to see the movie, and I know I will enjoy it.

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I enjoyed it, wasn't expecting much after reading some comments here but I thought on the whole it was pretty good.

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I'll be honest I enjoyed a movie A LOT. Great laughs, mind blowing action sequences and cgi, even acting was fairly decent in my opinion. But as a spiderman fan I felt betrayed. This movie had so much potential and just didn't live up to it. It wasn't nearly as disappointing as some of the earlier sequels like X3, but it still felt very undeveloped plot-wise. My biggest problem with SM3 is giving Venom such small part. He is the arch-enemy of Spider-man and arguably the coolest comic book villain ever. He deserves 2 hours dedicated just to him. His big screen appearance can only be described as a "lame" attempt to lure in the fans.

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